Chemistry 3-10-21 Chapter 9 Test Overview

CHEMISTRY: I still say stoichiometry is a lot like baking – sometimes you just have to get in there and get your hands dirty! Here is our overview of the test today. The majority of the test is basic reaction stoichiomety, and then limiting reactants and percent yield. Be sure and give that the most of your study time!

Also, review writing and balancing chemical reactions. Most of the stoichiometry problems will require that you begin by doing just that! There will be just one extra jumbo large problem. and Practice, practice, practice!! Don’t forget about the Interactive Review Games with the online textbook. I’ll be praying for you! And I believe in you – you can do this!!

Photo by Gaelle Marcel on Unsplash

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41 thoughts on “Chemistry 3-10-21 Chapter 9 Test Overview

  1. this term I would rate my self a 7/10. there were definitely things I could have done and improved. some things might include my grade on the last test could have been better and not guessing on the questions I didn’t know

  2. I would rate myself 3/5 because I didn’t do as well as I wanted to. I would prepare myself more for the next test in the next quarter. I will also use my notes to help me answer the questions on labs.

  3. I rate myself a 2/5 stars this semester because I did not as well on the tests and labs as I wanted. I will prepare for the test more next quarter by studying differently and critically thinking more on the lab questions.

  4. I rate myself 4/5 this semester. I am learning how to study best for chemistry. I wouldn’t give myself a 5/5 because I still struggle with time management. I am working on making a schedule for myself.

  5. I would rate myself a 3/5. I didn’t do well on my lab reports. I plan on doing much better in the next term and asking Ms Skinner for help. I also plan on trying different ways to study to improve my test grades.

  6. I rate myself a 2/5 due to my lack of performance on test and a few labs. I will do continue to find a better way to study for test until I get it. I do believe I did okay on the last test, but we will see. I will pay more attention to details on lab write ups and finish the last nine weeks out strong.

  7. I would rate myself a 4/5 because my test scores were not quite where I wanted them to be but they were still decent. I am going to better prepare for the tests next nine weeks to work towards that 5/5.

  8. I would rate myself a 3/5 this nine weeks. I didn’t do as well as I wanted to on tests and certain labs. I think I could have done better if I had focused a little more. Next nine weeks, I will work on staying on top of assignments and focusing on getting work done ahead of time and preparing myself.

  9. I would rate myself a 7/10 this term. I did a lot better than the past two terms and studied better and was more prepared. I didnt miss any of my homework and I kept up with everything. I felt like I understood the material better and was more active in class.

  10. I would rate myself a 4/5 this term. I exceeded my expectations that I gave myself by having a higher test averages and better study methods. Another thing is I did not miss any homeworks or webpost this term so that is a great grade booster. But their is still room for improvement as I made silly mistakes on test and quizzes this 9 weeks.

  11. This week I rate myself 3/5, I didn’t do as good on the test as I wanted but i’m starting to understand more.

  12. I would rate myself 3/5 this term because I think I did pretty good with getting my work done and turned in. Next term I will work on studying earlier and being more prepared.

  13. I would rate myself a 4/5 this term. I feel like i did a great job on homework and turning in assignments and quizzes. I also understood the material this term. Next term I need to work on doing better in the Chapter tests.

  14. This week I rate myself a 4/5. I didn’t do as well on the test as I would have liked, but the lab today was a blast! I really enjoyed learning about Pascal, Archimedes, and Bernoulli and the laws of fluids. Can’t wait to see what we do next! Enjoy your spring break Ms. Skinner and Mrs. Jackie!

  15. this 9 weeks i would rate myself a 2.5/5 stars. i did all of my work, but i didn’t do as well on labs and tests as i wanted to.

  16. I would rate myself a 8/10 this term because I surprised myself and did better that I’ve done the best I have done this year on tests and I’m going to try to go into the next quarter with the same energy

  17. This semester started out fine because I had good grades, but then that all took a turn when I failed my test and made a 44. Things were looking rough and my grades weren’t looking that fantastic. But then, that all changed when we started stoicheometry. My grades were looking better than they were ever before. I ended this 9 weeks with an 81 test grade and I feel great about myself. I rate this 9 weeks a 3/5.

  18. This nine weeks I would rate myself 3/5. I still haven’t found out a good way to study for the tests. I am doing good on my homework and labs though. Next quarter I will devote all my time to finding a good way to study.

  19. I rate the 3 term a 1/5 at the beginning of the nine weeks I had a terrible start with quizzes and not studying with test. As the nine weeks went on baseball started to ramp up and the more it ramped up the more I fell behind but end the end I pulled out a C so hopefully the next nine weeks is better

  20. I would rate myself a 3/5 this term. I think I struggled with chemistry the most of all three terms so far. I lost focus and motivation about halfway through, so I had to work harder to catch back up. I made a pretty good grade on the last chem test, so I believe I ended on a high note.

  21. i rate myself a 3/5 this quarter. while i did improve this quarter with my focus, i still didn’t do as good as i know i can. next quarter i will work even harder to remember everything and will hopefully get at least one star on a test too.

  22. I would rate myself a 7/10 this week. I didn’t do as good on my test as I thought I would since I didn’t prepare properly. Next time I will prepare properly so I can make my aimed for grade.

  23. this term id rate myself a 7/10 because i did good on most of the tests and i figured out what i was doing wrong on my lab reports however i didnt figure out soon enough so one of my lab reports were not as good and i forgot about turning one into turn it in but it was uphill from there

  24. For this semester, I would rate myself a 3.5/5. Overall, I felt I did good on test preparation, grasping concepts, and listening in class. However, I need to work on procrastination and getting my work done on time because I missed a lot of homework and daily grades because I forgot to do work or didn’t have time.

  25. I’d give myself a 3/5 rating for this quarter because of my mediocre performance. Toward the end I started to pull my grade up and now things are better. I plan to do even better next quarter by studying even earlier, double checking my homework, and taking better notes in class.

  26. I would rate myself a 5/5. I did great this term, other than the last test, and I understood everything. I will try to continue this trend by listening in class and answering questions.

  27. This term i would rate myself a 3/5. I give myself this because i found a good way to study. I started the nine weeks off strong with good test and quiz grades but then began slacking off and not devoting as much time as i needed to study. Next term i will try my best to stay focused and on top of things.

  28. This term I would rate myself a 4/5 because I could’ve done better, but towards the end, I tried my hardest snd finished strong. Next term I will keep the end insight and give 100% the whole time.

  29. I would rate myself a 2/5 for this semester. i had more trouble with studying and making good grades on my test and on working equations. next semester i will prepare myself better and practice more.

  30. This term I rate myself a 6/10. I feel like I could have done a whole lot better. In the 4th nine weeks I plan to study harder and get a better overall grade.

  31. This term I would rate myself a 3/5. I did really good with all the chapters and test, but I kept making careless mistakes that’s could’ve made my grade higher.

  32. I would rate myself a 4/5 because I did well on my test. I will continue do study hard for test and complete my homework and do well on the last term.

  33. This semester I would rate myself a 2/5 I keep falling behind in lessons and understanding the work and my test grades have not been good. I will find new ways to study and learn the lessons quicker for next quarter and hopefully pull my grade up.

  34. This week I rate myself 4/5. I did well on my test and have a good understanding of the chapter. I will strive to bring my grade up to an A by studying harder an doing all of my webposts.

  35. This term I would rate myself a 3/5. I took good notes, understood the content, and did all my homework. However, I ended with a lower grade than I expected.

  36. I rate myself a 2/5 this week because I didn’t fully understand the lesson. To fix this I will take better notes and answer questions in class.

  37. I rate myself a 3/5. I wish I would’ve done better on my test because I did really well on homework and worksheets. To fix this I’m going to do more practice without relying on notes and examples and work it on my own.

  38. I would rate myself a 5/10 I tried a lot more and understood more and got more of the multiple choice questions right. I still struggle with written problems. Next term I will practice more and do more on my own

  39. I would rate myself a 7/10 because I did really good on the test but still could have spent more time preparing for it

  40. For this term I would rate myself 2/5 because I didn’t do well on the tests. I will fix this problem by studying for the test progressively over a longer period of time instead of craming the night before. I will also work on my time management next quarter.

  41. My goal for the fourth term and how I plan to meet it:

    My goal for the fourth term in trying to get a B in the class. I plan to study a little bit every night after school, come to Ms. Skinner’s help sessions, and call my cousin, an AP Chemistry teacher, to have her help explain the difficult concepts more in depth if needed.

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