Chemistry 10-15-20 Technology 101 & Lab Reports

CHEMISTRY: Awesome job today reviewing Tech 101 stuff and beginning to write your first digital lab reports. Be sure and follow very carefully the directions in the Lab Manuscript Form handout. It’s under the lab tab. Everything in that handout is an important guideline for writing your lab report.

For an overview of your workflow as you write up labs, be sure and check out the Lab Report Turn In Info sheet under the Lab tab.

Here’s our look at it from today!

Photo by Lukas Blazek on Unsplash

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36 thoughts on “Chemistry 10-15-20 Technology 101 & Lab Reports

  1. My goal is to get and better grade than I did last semester in Chemistry. I will do so by studying harder and doing all my work.

  2. My goal is to make up what I missed on Tuesday so that I can get back on the normal School work schedule. And I will do this by Finishing my Lab and my lab report this week and finish all of my make up work today

  3. My goal is to complete this 9 weeks with a 96 or higher. To achieve this I am going to take both extra credit opportunities as well as make hand written study guides for each test.

  4. My goal is to get an A in chemistry this 9 weeks. I will try to achieve this by studying more and completing all my homework

  5. My goal is to get a good grade on the lab report. I will achieve this by following the instructions on the lab report sheet.

  6. My goal is to get an A in chemistry this nine weeks. I will do this by studying more and doing all extra credit opportunities.

  7. My goal is to comprehend the information we are learning better and study harder. I am going to prioritize my time better and focus a lot more.

  8. My goal is to get better grades this 9 weeks. This can be done by studying a few days before the test and doing the homework.

  9. My goal is to make a good grade on the elements quiz and to make that goal I will study a little everyday and be prepared.

  10. My goal is to complete this nine weeks with an A+ like I did last week. I will accomplish this goal by studying lots for all the tests and making good grades.

  11. My goal this nine weeks is to get better grades. I can do this by doing my homework and studying harder for the test

  12. My goal this nine weeks is to do better on my tests. I can do this by studying a couple nights before the test to be prepared.

  13. My goal this nine weeks is to finish this nine weeks with an A. I will do this by studying throughly for every test.

  14. This week I rate myself a 4/5. It has been a really nice, relaxing week. Monday was off because of fall break, and Wednesday was off because of PSAT testing so I got to go on a college visit. I feel that though I was not in school for very long, it was still a very productive week. Sometimes taking a break is needed to keep from burning out, so taking a good break can make you get more done! I’m not super happy that we could not get the rocket closer to the nets, but I’m still glad we got decently close. Being able to shoot a rocket to only 6.5 meters off of target when the target was 74 meters away still gives a sense of accomplishment. The only reason that this week isn’t a 5/5 is because I think we could have gotten the rocket closer if we just had more time to collect better times.

  15. My goal this week is to work ahead and understand lessons better. To do this, I will look over vocabulary before we take notes and read through the chemistry text book.

  16. My goal is to have the same motivation I did last quarter and go study just as hard if not harder. I will do this by keeping my syllabus printed and checking everyday along with always checking the website.

  17. My goal is to make sure I get my work finished in time and study hard this nine weeks. I need to get my grade up that is my main goal.

  18. This week I would rate myself a 3/5. I got a lot done over fall break, and I am proud of myself for that, but I lost steam once we came back to school. I have had plenty of time to work, but I did not use it wisely to work ahead. I struggled a lot with getting frustrated during our rocket lab when our group was not able to get less than 10% error. We made sure to work hard to do the lab correctly, so it was upsetting that our rocket would not land in the goal. I hope that in this upcoming week I will be able to understand our new concepts and do well on any assignments we have.

  19. My goal is to pull my grade up to a B and find more time to study and do homework so I don’t fall behind. I also want to get better at going back and watching the videos to help me understand and learn better

  20. My goal is to make sure I fully understand the material we are taught so that I can apply it. I will achieve this by taking extra time to study and practice.

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