Chemistry 10-15-20 Technology 101 & Lab Reports

CHEMISTRY: Awesome job today reviewing Tech 101 stuff and beginning to write your first digital lab reports. Be sure and follow very carefully the directions in the Lab Manuscript Form handout. It’s under the lab tab. Everything in that handout is an important guideline for writing your lab report.

For an overview of your workflow as you write up labs, be sure and check out the Lab Report Turn In Info sheet under the Lab tab.

Here’s our look at it from today!

Photo by Lukas Blazek on Unsplash

Hon Chemistry 10-15-20 Classification of Matter

HON CHEMISTRY: Happy Thursday! Great job today on asking questions to classify matter! How are you doing on the examples of homogeneous and heterogeneous matter? Here’s a question to think about again, can you tell me three different types of homogeneous matter?

And no, this isn’t part of a moonshine still, but it is copper and I thought it looked kind of cool! Speaking of….why do you think they use copper coil in stills??

flickr photo by cobalt123