29 thoughts on “Lost… Project Help Session & Discussion for 4-15-20

  1. I would rate my self a 5/5 due to the long hours and diligent effort I have put into this project. I learned new things about materials and how to google things to get the result you want. I struggled with arranging the works cited in order of used instead of alphabetically because I had to scroll though a lot of pages. But all in all, I feel like i have done my absolute best.

  2. 3/5 I learned that I do not need to procrastinate and that I should become more organized. I plan on doing this by using my time wisely and start using a planner

  3. I would give my overall work on this project a 3/5. I think I have done the project itself pretty well (4.5/5), but I really struggled in the process of bringing it all together (2/5). I told myself at the beginning that I’d work a little bit at a time, all along the way… However, stuff came up and my laziness got in the way too often. So, I was still left with waayy too much work this weekend.
    I hate so much that I didn’t change my efforts until now, but I reealllyy want to learn from this mistake and make much better habits for the future – senior year, college, and beyond.

    • ALSO, I learned about a lot of survival skills that are pretty cool 🙂 and that I can’t always trust myself to get something done, so I need to set up better accountability.

  4. This week I rate myself a 4/5. The beginning of the week started off kind of slow with working on my project and other school work. But after Monday, everything started to flow very well. I am very proud of what I did for my project, I managed my time very well.

  5. I rate myself a 2/5, because I could have definitely done better on managing my time with the project. I will need to start pushing myself to really do what will be best for me in the end rather than at the time. I did leave myself way too much work to do this weekend, but I worked very diligently to get it done with the best of what I could make it. I have learned to plan big assignments out ahead of time and read the instructions carefully.

  6. I rate myself a 2/5 on the project. I don’t think I did well on it. The success was getting it done, the challenge was finding the time and putting the work into it. I have learned that hard projects take hard work.

  7. I would rate myself 3/5. This is because I got the project finished although I started far too late as I usually do. I am going to work to stop overestimating my ability to get work done.

  8. I would rate myself a 3/5 because even though, I got my project finished I slacked off which made me had to wake up earlier than intended.

  9. I would rate myself a 3/5 because I waited till the last 3-4 days to start the project. Even though I pushed through, it was really tough and not worth it at all.

  10. I would rate myself a 3/5 because I feel like I did very well considering I didn’t give myself the time I needed to do this project. I learned that I shouldn’t procrastinate anymore but I also learned that I can do anything I set my mind to and that God always has me in his hands. Even though I procrastinated I am proud of the work that I put into this project and that I was able to finish it in time while still paying close attention to detail and doing my best.

  11. I would rate myself a 4/5 for the project. I knew it would be hard, and I did cut it close, but I put in the hard work and put together what I think is a great storyline and some amazing chemistry. This was the hardest thing ive ever done, and I’m glad about how I handled it and what the product of my long spent hours was.

  12. I would rate myself a 3/5. I felt like I worked hard on the project, but could’ve managed my time a little better to some more efficient work.

  13. I rate myself a 3/5 for this week. I feel like I worked hard in my project and got the work done but I did wait to long to really start the work so I had to stress the last few days.

  14. I rate myself a 3/5. I felt like I put good effort into my project and tried my hardest but I also second guessed myself a lot.

  15. I would rate myself 4/5 ecause I did I put a lot of effor into the project and I feel accomplished about completing it.

  16. This week I would rate myself a 3/5 stars for finishing my project, but I should’ve managed my time better.

  17. I would rate myself a 3 out of 5 stars because I finished my project but I did not manage my time well as I should have.

  18. I would rate myself a 2/5 for this project because I procrastinated so much. I do feel like a did a good job, but I know that I could have done so much better.

  19. I would rate myself a 3/5 on the project. I feel like I did a good job on the project but I did not leave enough time at the end to review and refine in my project.

  20. Overall I rate myself a 3/5 on the project. I felt like I put good effort into it but I felt like I also missed a few things that I could have done before I turned mine in. I Wish I would have started earlier so I wasn’t so rushed towards the end.

  21. I rate myself a 3/5 for the project. I put a lot of effort into it but I should’ve done a better job of reviewing my information by not waiting so late to do it.

  22. I would rate my project a 4/5. I really enjoyed it. My success was found in the story I created to go along with the journal. My only challenges was there was so much information, so it got a little confusing. I learned that I can accomplish anything as long as I fully commit to it.

  23. I would rate myself a 3/5 on the project. I worked really hard and I think I deserve a good grade. It was very challenging and I feel like I could have added more.

  24. The project taught me not too wait to the last minute to work on something. Also, it taught me that I can do all thing through the Lord.

  25. This project taught me not to procrastinate and to us my time wisely. God helped me by providing me time and energy into the project

  26. I’ve had many triumphs this week in chemistry so far. I’m proud that I understand the stuff that we are learning and I’m also keeping up with my work

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