Hon Chemistry Ch 6 Test Overview 4-2-20

HON CHEMISTRY: Great overview of chapter 6 today! Here’s our Zoom meeting – not 100% the same, but still SOOOOO good to see you and talk with you!!

If you haven’t already, first start by getting organized. If you haven’t made one already, make a chart, a really big chart of “What I need to memorize,” “What I need to know how to do,” and “What I need to be able to apply/discuss.” Then practice the things you have have the list!! Practice is especially important on the “problem” like objectives such as Lewis structures, drawing ionic bonding, etc. I would also encourage you to make lists of possible discussion questions and then practice answering them for the test. If there are things you are unsure about, go back and watch parts of old vodcasts.

God bless you as you study! I’ll be praying for you!!

Photo by Ryoji Iwata on Unsplash