Chemistry 10-18-19 Classification of Matter

CHEMISTRY: Here’s a mixture that looks like it might be worth investigating – bacon caramel popcorn! I mean, I like bacon and I like caramel popcorn, but bacon caramel popcorn? Hmmmm….

So now that you know about mixtures, could you figure out how to separate one? Keep these notes handy!

flickr photo by joyosity

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19 thoughts on “Chemistry 10-18-19 Classification of Matter

  1. I really struggle with keeping my notes neat and orderly when I’m in class. I write really fast so I can keep up with the topic while also trying to listen to the teacher. Next time, I’m going to make time for myself to reorganize my notes so that I can easily read them.

  2. I really did good this week of understanding the lesson that was taught during class. Everything during this week was good to me until I got to the lab. It was very unforgiving to me because I should of prepared my table and some Qualitative and Quantitive answers before the lab started ,so I could have the advantage during it and after todays notes I will use these useful notes to prepare me for Monday’s Lab so it will not be and feel like the next one that is to come. Also, to think of the ways I’m going to be able to separate the mixture.

  3. I would rate myself 4/5 for this week because it was a short week and I understood the candle lab we did this week.

  4. This week, I applied what I learned about qualitative and quantitative data in the observing a candle lab. Also, I applied the information from the class lectures and our notes in the homework and understood it.

  5. This week, my triumph was doing well on the lab yesterday and the activity we did today. My lab partner and I came up with a good plan on the lab and finished and did well. Also, today when we did the block activity the person who had mine was able to make it back to my dot.

  6. This week in Chemistry, I had many triumphs. I paid attention in class and was able to do well and have fun in the lab and also have fun with the activity we did today. My lab partner and I came up with our plan the night before the lab and were completely prepared when we actually did it and we were able to succeed easily.

  7. This week i struggled with getting back on track after a long break. I always have trouble with getting back into the groove of school. I will improve next week since I’ve gotten back in school.

  8. This week was hard because I have missed a lot. I did watch the class videos this week. Maybe that will help me stay on track. And I remembered to do this post.

  9. This week I did really well at note taking as well as obtaining the notes that I was unable to take on Wednesday. I also did good at following instructions during the LAB on Thursday. I can improve on the way that I study my elements, because the better I study the better I do on quizzes and tests.

  10. This week in chemistry I had triumphed. On Thursday, I did extremely well in the lab. I pushed myself for the short week and I did extremely well! Next week I will try to give the same effort I put in this week and I should do great if not better than this week.

  11. This week I triumphed in taking good notes, studying and memorizing my elements, and doing labs. I am determined to keep my grades (and expectations!) high. Now that I know how this class runs I’m going to try to the best of my ability to be a good student, and not a slacker. I would like to have many more triumphs and good days in chemistry class, doing everything right and on time.

  12. I triumphed in not forgetting my web post, doing my homework and the lab this week. I feel like I did very well on the lab and hopefully can do the same on the next one.

  13. This week in chemistry, I triumphed in many ways like paying attention in class, taking lots of notes, and watching the clock during the lab to make sure my partner and I didn’t run out of time.

  14. I triumphed this week because I began taking better notes and keeping my notes better organized as well as understanding qualitative and quantitative properties much better.

  15. i struggled this week with preparation for the lab. i did not draw up a well thought plan and that really hurt me. in the end, i finished the lab, but it was really stressful. if i had prepared for it, it would have been easier.

  16. Yeah I did pretty garbage this week, still waiting til last minute, also pretty sure that I have no clue what we’ve been talking about during her lectures because I am so disconnected during those lectures. Lab was easy- I think- then again I’ve thought other things have been pretty easy and then I completely fail it. Judgement could be better, I guess, considering I choose to not listen or study. I’ll work on that.

  17. A new device has been created that produces energy through the night sky. This device is a thermoelectric generator that harnessed the temperature difference between the earth and outer space. The cooler side forces the sky and is attached to an aluminum plate that is sealed beneath and transparent cover surrounded with insulation to keep out heat. This device could power small light bulbs, low-resource areas, and it could possibly charge phones in the future. Someday this device could help use less of the sun’s energy and conserve it.

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