Chemistry 10-16-15 Mixture Separation Lab

CHEMISTRY: Pretty intense couple of days this week, huh? You know, I’m really proud of you! It’s one thing to be able to follow a set of directions, but it’s a whole other thing to be able to come up with the directions on your own! That’s a difficult thing to learn how to do, and you are doing a great job developing that skill.

Any questions about writing the lab report for Saturday? Be sure to save it as a PDF to your Google Drive shared folder. It might be a good idea to review the Digital Lab Report manuscript form and/or labs in Evernote that I have graded.

Be careful that you give me pertinent details on your procedure. Don’t be too general, give details. Also, if your plans changed, tell me that too. And then, after you write your own conclusion, don’t forget to include all Analysis & Conclusion questions after your own Conclusion – No Extension questions.

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39 thoughts on “Chemistry 10-16-15 Mixture Separation Lab

  1. I would rate myself a 2 out of 5 starts this week because my lab partner and I did not work together as a team on the lab we did today. I think we should try harder to work together and help each other out. I have a question about the lab write up. Ms. Skinner you said if the plans changed in the lab procedure to let you know in the write up. So like if we only got 3 substances separated from the mixture then would we need to say only put 3 substances in the reaction plate or would we just say we were suppose to have 4 substances but we were not able to separate the last one?

    • I rate myself a 3 out of 5 on the lab this week. I think I made isome things a lot harder than it needed to be and since I made it harder it took longer. I think we could have done it an easier way than what we did

  2. This week I learned how to do a virtual lab and I struggled with the separating mixture lab we did today. I struggled because I didn’t work with my partner well to get the most out of our time but we finished it. I rated myself a 3 out of 5 this week because I need to learn to work better with my lab partner. Looking forward to next week!!!

  3. I feel like I did very well this week. I finished my first virtual lab and was pleasantly surprised on how simple it was. The separation lab was a little stressful. Although my partner and I did not get done, it was still a fun lab because we got to implement most of the skills we have learned this year in chemistry.

  4. This week my partner and I struggled with the seperation lab. Whenever we poured our mixture into the beaker we did not notice the beaker was a little wet and it all clumped together. We overcame it tbough and we did pretty well on it today!

  5. I struggled this week to complete the Seperating Substances on time. Javan andI did not manage time well during the lab and we almost did not get done with the evaporation process because it took a long time and we did not plan ahead to give ourselves enough time for the evaporation process to be complete. I would rate myself 1 out of 5 stars on this lab.

  6. I would rate myself a 5 out of 10 this week. I struggled with the mixture separation lab, when it came to time and how to separate each substance. The vLAB did help, it put the notes we have been taking in class into a visual form. It also was a helping hand in the mixture of separation lab it helped me understand how elements can be separated from a mixture.

  7. I rate myself 4 out of 5 this week for working well with my partner. I struggled on the first day on the lab but after that I enjoyed doing the vlab and understood it well. The evaporation process took a while in the lab but thankfully the first thing that we started on the second day was evaporation.

  8. This week in chemistry I struggled with the labs. It took a to figure out what to do on separating substances lab. We figured it out and finished everything but there might have been some error.

  9. I feel that my lab partner and I would have done better on our lab if we had more time. We completed the lab but, we were stressed out about whether we would finish in time.

  10. this week I would rate myself 4 out of 5 because I feel like I did very well on the labs. On our separating mixtures lab part 1 I feel like we could have worked faster but the second day we completed the lab with plenty of time left! I felt great!!!

  11. I’d say that it was very interesting week. That I learned so much from the virtual lab and the two day lab this week. Time was my enemy and I didn’t know what to do. But all I can is learn from it.

  12. This week I struggled with what I was suppose to be doing. I wasn’t sure exactly what order I was suppose to do the separation lab. I rate myself a 5.

  13. This week in chemistry I learned how to use a substances physical properties to separate it when in a mixture. I also enjoyed the virtual lab and hope we can do more soon. Even though it was short this week went well and I give myself five out of five stars.

  14. This week was easy and hard at the same time. It called for alot of thinking and applying what you know. The lab for this week was confusing at first but once you have your plan and know how to separate each substances one by one, it got a lot easier and smoother. I rate myself a 4 out of 5 this week.

  15. This week I would rate myself 4 out of 5 stars. The mixture separation lab was not easy, but my lab partner and I managed to finish. The virtual lab was very simple and I liked writing it up like that. I will definitely have to work on team work.

  16. This week I really struggled with the separating mixture lab. We had a major problem with time management but did better with the process as a whole today. The lab really tested all the skills we have learned so far. I would rate myself 2/5 this week because of such great difficulty with the lab.

  17. This week, I struggled with time management. I would rate myself a 3 out of 5 because I managed to get a lot done on my own, but it still was not enough to recover the time I lost. However, the virtual lab was simple and enjoyable.

  18. This week I would rate myself 3 out of 5 stars. The virtual lab was very educational and simple, which I enjoyed. The Seperating Mixture lab was a little rough at first, but my partner and I managed to get 3/4 substances due to the fact we didn’t start evaporating earlier and didn’t get our last substance.

  19. This week I fee like I did pretty good. I understand how to name the compounds and about the different ways to do it. I would rate myself a 4/5 because I understood most of it but I still make several careless errors.

  20. This week I struggled with the mixture separation lab. It was difficult for me to come up with my own instructions for the lab. I believe I did really well in budgeting my time though. This week I rate myself a three out of five.

  21. This week, I would rate myself a 3 of 5. My lab partner and I did have trouble in the beginning with separating the poppy seeds from the sand but in the end, we figured out how to separate them successfully. I also think we did well with managing our time correctly on the second day. Overall, I feel we did well on this lab and will make a good grade. Next week, I plan to do better and learn more material.

  22. I rate myself a 4 this week. during the separation lab we made a careless mistake but we were able to recover well and finish our lab with all 4 substances.

  23. This week I would rate myself a 4/5 because my lab partner and I were able to evaporate the salt easily and we finished the lab with plenty of time.

  24. I had a great week in chemistry I finally got those graphs together and turned in . In the lab I rate my self a 5 out of 5 because me and my lab partner executed together and got things done . I am prepared for next week and ready to learn.

  25. This week I give myself a 3/5. I felt that I had a good plan for the separation of substances lab however my group still worked very slow. We should’ve worked more on multitasking and time management. I’m proud that we got done successfully separating all 4 substances. I also feel like I did well in my virtual lab creating three two step processes.

  26. This has been a stressful week in chemistry. The labs have been difficult, but they have tested my skills. Over time, I was able to make the right combinations on the virtual lab. My partners and I all shared different tasks, and we managed time well.

  27. I learned how to separate a mixture with a plan we made. I struggled helping my partner, and just standing by while she does most of the work, rating myself a 2/5. However, the virtual lab was simple, and a breeze to get done.

  28. The labs we did this week were pretty interesting. I particularly liked the online one (probably because it was easier) but the one in class was pretty fun too! I do think I could’ve been wiser with my time and gotten finished with the lab quicker, so I’m going to rate myself a 3/5 based on that and the fact that I feel pretty confident about the online lab.

  29. This week, I struggled with separating the sand in the separating mixtures lab. By the time I figured out how to do it, there was not enough time to finish drying the sand. This lab has made me better at keeping track of my time and knowing when i need to start cleaning up. I think this will help me with labs in the future.

  30. This week in chemistry in the mixture seperation i would rate my self about a 7. Seperating the salt was the hardest part. Thank you have a blessed day

  31. I would rate myself a 3 out of 5 stars because although we worked in a timely manner, I feel like I gave up some of the quality of the work. I plan on improving this making sure I have a plan before I come into class so that it’s a lot smoother and less stressful.

  32. This week my main struggle was trying to decide how to separate the parts in the lab. I need to go back and relearn some of our previous lessons, for example, how to evaporate salt water.

  33. This week I would probably rate myself a 3/5 because I forgot to print off my lab sheet and read it. But I learned to plan better and work better with my lab partner better.

  34. This week I struggled with planning during our lab this week. But by the second day of lab, I knew how to organize and plan out what to do in order to get done in time. I think im getting better at time during the labs. I rate myself a 4/5 this week

  35. I would rate myself 2 out of 5 stars this week because me and my lab partner had to start over on our lab. We got all of our pure substances the second time but did not work together as a team the first time.

  36. I would rate myself a 2 out of 5 this week because I missed a lab day and didn’t understand how to do it when I came back. That was very stressful. I’m gonna try to never miss a lab day again.

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