Physics 10-15-15 Forces & Newton’s Law of Inertia

PHYSICS: So what’s your theory about the cause of motion? And remind me again why didn’t that pen go flying across the room instead of dropping into the bottle? No audio today, so this is a lesson from last year that combines today’s lecture and tomorrow – you get the preview for free! 🙂

I love Newton’s first law – the law of inertia! Where else do you see it in action in your world?

Let’s play with this concept on Monday. Can you use what you know about mass and inertia to find the mass of an unknown object? I know you can! 🙂

PHYSICS 10-22-14 Forces & Newton’s Law of Inertia from Tammy Skinner on Vimeo.

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12 thoughts on “Physics 10-15-15 Forces & Newton’s Law of Inertia

  1. This week has been really enjoyable. I enjoyed learning about the engineering way of thinking seeing that, that is the field I am wanting to major in. I also enjoyed previewing the upcoming chapter of forces.

  2. I am so excited to learn more about dynamics! I have never really thought conceptually about how force changes motion and how forces are vector quantities because it matters in what direction the force is applied. I cannot wait to apply this knowledge!

  3. Rate: I would rate myself a 3 because, well, I’ve barely been here this week. But when I was, we did an awesome design challenge! We could always make improvements to our design, but I was happy that we had the best display of confetti!

  4. Struggle: This week I struggled with the engineering design process and thinking through how to make a quality confetti launcher with the tools given. I learned to use everything given and make best of given resources. I look forward to getting better at this process.

  5. Struggle: This week’s biggest struggle was the critical thinking lab. It is a lot harder than one might think to make a confetti launcher with very little resources in very little time. However, I feel with more practice I will become better in the critical thinking process.

  6. I found this week to be rather enjoyable. The design challenge helped me get a better idea of how to design a machine to overcome a problem. And the video we watch today I found helpful as well because it put everything we have talked about into simplistic terms and demonstrations.

  7. The design challenge this week was extremely difficult for me. I struggle to think under pressure. Hopefully as we continue to do more I will become better and think faster. I know now there is always room for improvement on a design. I can’t wait for the next challenge!

  8. The inertia video we watched in class today explained Newton’s firth law really well. Could you please post the link to it when you get a chance? I think it will come in very handy when reviewing for this test later.

  9. I still can’t believe the wooden board cracked instead of raising the newspaper in today’s video! That was a really interesting application of newton’s first law. From the video I also learned that inertia and mass are very closely related. No wonder the 18-wheelers take so long to accelerate when the light turns green!

  10. I am very excited to learn and experiment with these new concepts of physics. I liked working on the critical thinking lab even though we were not completely successful. I feel very pressured when we have a short time constraint, but I still learned to not think so complex on some experiments.

  11. This week has been so much fun! I loved learning about the engineering design process and cannot wait to learn about the applications of inertia!

  12. I also thought it was really interesting to learn about the applications of physics in everyday life with inertia from that video. I really enjoyed how he taught on our level with all of his demonstrations!

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