Physics 10-1-13 Test on Chapter 3, 2-D Motion

PHYSICS: So you ready for that test tomorrow? Below – first the overview we did in class with a few of the worksheet problems, then below that the help session from this morning.

Don’t forget what you should do to start – Draw a picture, write what you know, resolve the resultant velocity into vertical and horizontal if you need to, and find formulas that fit (because it will hardly ever be solved with just one) and go for it!!

If you are talking angular projectiles, the resultant velocity is actually made up of two things – horizontal velocity and vertical velocity. The horizontal velocity never changes, the vertical velocity has a different direction going up and coming down, but it has the same speed at equal levels. If you’re talking horizontal projectiles, the resultant velocity is the same as the horizontal velocity of the gun – or whatever, because that’s the only kind of initial velocity it has!

Relative motion is even easier – just use the Pythagorean theorem and tangent, and use horizontal to find horizontal and vertical to find vertical. Good bless you! I’ll be praying for you!!

October01 1257 p5 2013 from Tammy Skinner on Vimeo.

flickr photo by f-l-e-x


October01 0804 p5 Help Session 2013 from Tammy Skinner on Vimeo.