Physics 11-5-12 Friction & Normal Force

PHYSICS: So why don’t things that are moving just keep moving? Here’s the intro lecture on friction. Remember a few key things. Net forces produce acceleration. You can find Ff a couple of different ways – it’ll be part of a net force equation and can be found from the coefficient of friction equation. If and ONLY if your object is moving at a constant velocity, Ff will equal Fa. Fn is only sometimes equal to Fw. If your object is pulled at any angle (or pushed), Fn will be a part of Fnet in the vertical direction. Whew!

Have a great time at the polls tomorrow! Be safe!!

flickr photo by kbaird

Chemistry 11-5-12 Moles, Mass, Atoms & Avogadro

CHEMISTRY: So… how big a bucket do you think we’d need to hold a mole of frogs? 🙂 Nope, not the furry brown creature that burrows underground, it’s a whole different thing! Here’s the lecture from Monday on moles, mass, and Avogadro’s number. I still say he has a cool name…

flickr photo by Thomas Hawk