Chemistry – Your LAST Web Post Comment!!

Can you believe it?!? This is your LAST web post comment!! This is where you put it and here are the three things I want you to talk about:

1) How did chemistry grow you? What did you learn about yourself?
2) What advice do you have for future chemistry students?
3) What could we have done different this year that would have helped you learn chemistry better?

Can’t wait to hear from you!! 🙂

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54 thoughts on “Chemistry – Your LAST Web Post Comment!!

  1. 1) Chemistry grew me by showing me that I couldn’t procrastinate on everything. I learned that I like to procrastinate on everything.
    2) Start working on things as soon as possible.
    3) Less trick questions in class and not having to guess what to write down for notes.

  2. 1. Chemistry helped me grown in a lot of ways. One of the first things it helped me realize was that I am a MAJOR procrastinator. Chemistry has helped me learn the effects of procrastinating until the last minute. Chemistry has also taught me to be more responsible. Because of chemistry, I check all of my teachers’ syllabuses every week. Chemistry has taught me to be creative and think outside of the box even when I think something is hard.

    2. For future chemistry students, I say do not think chemistry will be easy. It may come easy to some, but it does not for most. Chemistry will become hard at some point. If you let it, this class can really create a lot of stress too. Do not procrastinate because it will lead to more stress and problems. Last, do not let your chemistry grade define you. Although it may not feel the best not getting the grade you wanted, the world will not end because of one chemistry grade.

    3. One thing I could have done was make sure I got an ample amount of sleep. Because my sleep schedule was always off, it often lead to me getting sleepy at school. My being tired caused me to not pay attention in class. I also think applying myself more would have helped me learn chemistry better. Paying close attention and asking all the questions I had. Thinking deeper is also something I struggle with quite a bit. Last, I would say learning how to study properly for this class would have helped majorly.

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