Hon Chemistry 1-9-24 Single Replacement Reactions & the Activity Series

HON CHEMISTRY: Moving right along with the 17 types of chemical reactions, here are the single replacement reactions – and you also got a head start on the activity series!

This makes 15 reactions so far, and we’ll do the rest tomorrow. Careful though, memorize, but don’t just memorize them. Make sure you can apply them as well. When you start to work any equation, first determine what type of reaction it is, then figure out what rule applies and follow it to determine the products. I believe in you! You can do it!!

flickr photo by bobtravis

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3 thoughts on “Hon Chemistry 1-9-24 Single Replacement Reactions & the Activity Series

  1. This week I did well with studying. I started studying monday night. I’ve already memorized a lot of the rules. I’m confident I will get a good grade on this test.

  2. This week I have done well in class at paying attention during notes and remembering everything after Christmas break. I have done well in studying and remembering the things I need to know days before the test. I have also done well on doing and understanding the homework we have had.

  3. This week I triumphed in learning the 17 chemical equations. I thought I would never get it in a week but I did! I even got a 100!

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