Chemistry 12-5-23 Chapter 7 Parts 1 & 2 Test Overview

CHEMISTRY: Rain today, so we switched lab and test overview. God bless you as you study! Here’s our great overview of the test and practice from today. Also, did you find the Chapter 7, Pt 1 & 2 Stuff to Know sheet? Use it as a road map for your studying, but make sure you watch the vodcast to know how I will ask questions on the test. I know it seems like a lot, but you can do it!

Don’t forget the Ch 7 Parts 1 & 2 Online Review on Canvas. It has some great practice for the test!!

First priority – make sure that you have memorized EVERYTHING. Then, practice!!! Go to and make sure you can write and name chemical formulas. Practice, practice, practice!!! Then start practicing the different kinds of problems – do at least three of each one of them. And also try those on That’s always some good practice.

HELP SESSION Wednesday morning, 7:30ish – come if you’d some extra practice. I’ll be praying for you! You can do it!!

Photo by David Ballew on Unsplash

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67 thoughts on “Chemistry 12-5-23 Chapter 7 Parts 1 & 2 Test Overview

  1. i would rate myself a 4 out of 5 because i feel like i have gotten better at preparing for tests and spacing out my time and using it wisely

    • I would rate myself for this semester a 3 out of 5 because I feel like I got more locked in during class but I’m still not doing more than enough to maintain a high grade. Im just doing just enough to get by because I’m mentally tired which isn’t good.

  2. I would give myself a 4/5 for the entire semester. I believe that I did pretty decent first quarter, but second quarter I struggled more. However, I picked up by the end so that constitutes at least a 4 in my book.

  3. I would rate myself a 4/5 for this semester. I did not start out how i wanted too but finished better than i expected and have gotten better and studying

  4. I would rate myself a 4/5 because I have prepared correctly for tests and quizzes along with delivering to my expectations.

  5. I would rate myself a 4/5 because I have been taking good notes and I prepared myself for tests and quizzes, However, I need to change my ways of studying because I am not getting the results that I want.

  6. I would rate this semester 3/5, even though I don’t exactly grasp a lot of the aspects of chemistry, I still like the subject and this semester.

  7. I would rate my self 3 out of 5 stars. I felt like a started off good but I kind of started to wind down. I was accumulating 0s for homework grades along with some not so great quiz and test grades. My goal for next semester is to have absolutely no 0s for homework grades and to prepare myself much better for assignments.

  8. I rate myself 3 ½ stars this semester. This is because while I have a decent average in the class, I was very reactive in completing assignments and doing work instead of proactive. I am not getting the test scores I’ve wanted this year, so I am going to study in a different way similar to how I am studying for the exam

  9. This semester, I would rate myself at 3 star. I did good at keeping up with homework, but i did not do good on the tests and quizzes. At the end of the year though I learned to study better. I hope to better next semester.

  10. i would probably give myself 3 stars. I knew a lot of material & i learned really well, but i cheated myself out of an A because i was too nervous & made too many carless mistakes. I hope for next semester that I can calm down on my anxiety & nervousness & get the A’s i know i can get .

  11. I would rate myself a 3/5 on the semester. I could have done a lot better on test and quizzes. I didn’t put enough effort in. I am going to put more effort into my studying and get the outcome I wanted.

  12. I rate this semester a 2.5/5. I have learned how to properly study for the test and i have learned how to practice and apply what i need to know. I think the first semester shows me what i need to do differently in the second semester.

  13. I rate myself a 2/5 for this semester. I could have done a lot better on the test if I studied correctly, I am going to fix that next semester. For this semester I did a pretty good job at keeping up with my homework

  14. I rate myself a 1/5 for this semester. I could have done a lot better on the test if I studied correctly. I’m going to study hard next semester.

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