Hon Chemistry 3-28-23 Blocks of the Periodic Table & Noble Gas Notation

HON CHEMISTRY: Wow! You learned a lot today! Don’t we serve an awesome God?!? You probably knew the periodic table was really organized, but did you realize that it was THAT organized? Awesome!

Practice what you’ve learned!! You’ll get the hang of it and be as laid back as this “noble” fellow in no time! 😉

flickr photo by Rennett Stowe

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19 thoughts on “Hon Chemistry 3-28-23 Blocks of the Periodic Table & Noble Gas Notation

  1. My triumph of the week was being able to grasp onto concepts taught this week. I was able to quickly understand and correctly answer my homework throughout the week.

  2. My triumph for this week was taking good notes and understanding everything we have learned so far this week. I was able to apply the concepts to the homework assignments and complete them correctly!

  3. My triumph this week was despite many things going on, I have been able to stay on top of my chemistry homework and understand the concepts of chapter four.

  4. My triumph this week was despite many things going on, I have been able to stay on top of my chemistry homework and understand the concepts of chapter four. I did this by organizing my workload and being wise in my decision making.

  5. My triumph from the past week was learning all of the new lessons we were taught and being able to completely understand them. Then I was able to successfully apply my knowledge on the homework as good practice.

  6. My triumph this week has been looking ahead in the calendar and planning my work around the dates that I will be gone on the Home Missions trip and Explore Zone. Working ahead on the Lost project and fully grasping this weeks material has been key to helping me stay organized, stress-free, and happy. By using my time wisely during this week, I should be able to focus on what needs to be done on my Mission Trip rather than the work that awaits me when I get home.

  7. My triumph for this week is paying close attention during the notes. Often times I zone out and have to look back over what we learned in order to understand it. However, for this week, I have understood the majority of the material and felt confident in the homework.

  8. My triumph this week was being able to handle and work on all that I’ve had to do. I’ve been juggling piano lessons, homework, lifegaurd training, and other work. I’m just glad that I’ve been doing well so far on keeping up.

  9. My triumph this week has been my ability to understand new lessons. I have felt more confident when I have gotten to my homework, and it hasn’t been a struggle to relearn anything.

  10. My triumph for this week is understanding the material we learned in class. I took good notes, understood my homework, and paid attention during class.

  11. One triumph I had this week was doing all my homework. It may seem small now, but with consistency I’ll reach my goal of not missing any homework. Every week counts.

  12. My triumph this week is that I was able to stay on top of the chemistry project, despite having other classes to deal with during the week.

  13. My triumph this week was being able to comprehend and understand the lessons. I was able to do this because I took notes in class that I could look back on during homework.

  14. My triumph this week was knocking out the hw immediately when I got home. There was no procrastination. So proud.

  15. As I sit here in my storm shelter I ponder the many triumphs I had this week, while there were many outside of chemistry one related to chemistry was my ability to thoroughly do research on my project this week

  16. Triumph- My triumph this week was understanding the instructions to the Chemistry project and helpful information being revealed to me by God.

  17. My triumph this week is getting a better understanding of how i should pace the chemistry project. the example helped me understand how much work i will need to get done

  18. This week I triumphed in listening and using my time wisely. I finished most of my items on my project and wrote good notes

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