Physics 1-25-23 Stability & Rotational Equilibrium Problems Review

PHYSICS: Ohhhhhhhhh….so that’s how they can walk across that line! Wait – why do they keep moving their bodies?? Great opportunities for discussion and application!?!

Here’s the discussion from today on how stability relates to center of mass. At the beginning, a quick look at a couple of torque problems from the homework, Torque Worksheet 2.

Photo by Mauricio Santanna on Unsplash

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33 thoughts on “Physics 1-25-23 Stability & Rotational Equilibrium Problems Review

  1. This week i struggled with doing my homework. i got it done, but i definitely procrastinated until my 3rd period study hall. I will try to focus more next week.

  2. This week i struggled with doing my homework. i got it done, but i definitely procrastinated until my 3rd period study hall. I will try to focus more next week.

  3. I rate myself a 4/5 for this week I have been on top of my assignments even when I did not fully understand the concepts until later in the week but I still was able to complete the bookwork and worksheet for the homework.

  4. This week I struggled with the more complicated torque problems. I was able to draw the problem correctly and I was able to get them started, but I struggled with determining what distance went with each force. Next week I will do my best to review more problems so that I can further understand how to do these problems.

  5. My struggle this week was the homework problems and torque as a whole because I grasp some of the concepts/problems (scaffolding), but as they become more complicated, I struggle. To remedy this, I plan to review my notes, rewatch the vodcasts to see problems worked, and rework problems I found hard until I get the right answer

  6. This week I would rate myself a ⅘. I got the lab done in time and within the percent error; however, Torque I gave me some difficulties. I would have to go back, look at why I got the problems wrong, and rework them.

  7. This week I raise myself a 4/5. I was able to get everything done on time. The torque problems are very hard, but I understand most of them. We also did well on the lab this week and finished not too late.

  8. This week I rate myself 1/5. Honestly, I just had a bad week this week. I hope that next week will be better, but thats up to Jesus. See ya later alligator.

  9. So far I would rate myself a 4.5/5. There is always room for improvement, but I have done all assignments and am learning the material well. It is still early in the semester so I hope I can continue this.

  10. This week I struggled with staying on top of homework and studying. The beginning of the week was fairly easy, but that was because I put off some things I could have done. As a result, the end of my week become a bit stressful with the 3 tests and the amount of homework I had. Next week, I will try to do more homework earlier in the week.

  11. This week I rate myself a 4/5. I did well in finishing my homework earlier in the day and felt like I could understand mostly what was going on. I deduct a point because I had to redo my lab because I wasn’t in percent error. I only deducted one point because when we redid the lab (1.5 hrs later) we got less then 1% error!

  12. I honestly had no idea how to physic this past week and that is definitely not good. Is the senioritis hitting hard? Perchance. Honestly, though, I maintained an extreme level of focus in the classroom and on the homework which is an extreme positive; the concepts are unfortunately just not clicking. Fortunately, I have a lot of time until the test to work on conceptual understanding and improving on the problems, which I must definitely do in order to not struggle with this material in the future.

  13. I would rate myself 3 out of 5 stars for this week. This week has been a rough, and my mental state has not been the greatest, but I managed to understand the lessons and homework pretty well. The lab we did had a few hiccups in the beginning but it felt good to be able to figure it our in the end with very small error. I hope that whether it be senioritis or stress, that I will be more motivated in the coming weeks and continue to do my best and understand the lessons to the best of my ability.

  14. This week has been one of the hardest weeks of senior year. A major struggle of mine was the torque homework. While I am decent at drawing the scenarios, I am struggling to grasp the conceptual aspects of them, and doing the homework late at night did not ease my thought process any. I hope to improve my understanding by rewatching lectures and reworking problems throughout this weekend and next week. I am super drained, but I must step up my game to finish out senior year strong.

  15. This week I struggled with time management. I had a lot going on, and I struggled to balance school work with outside work. Next week, I plan to set aside extra time after school to make sure I am completely caught up.

  16. My triumph this week was the lab. Hannah and I completed the lab quickly and with a low percent error. I attribute this to Hannah being a good lab a partner and to my reading the lab beforehand. Reading the labs beforehand is definitely something I recommend to everyone, including my future self.

  17. This week i have struggled with remembering to complete assignments. I have found it difficult to not get distracted by things at home. I have started a schedule of checking my syllabuses so I remember to complete assignments.

  18. Despite it being a short week, I would rate myself a 4/5 this week because I was able to quickly grasp the concept of tangential speed and angular velocity in order to do most of the homework problems without any difficulty. However, torque still presents an issue for me, which I hope the help session on Monday will mend my ability to do said problems.

  19. This week I struggled getting extra stuff like scholarships done like I has planned to do even with the extra days at home I still have not completed everything I had hoped to get done.

  20. This week I would rate myself 3/5 star. I was glad to get a star on the test and got the concept of circular motion. However, it being a short week, I found myself not being as productive as I should be. Next week I will not put off assignments that need to be done.

  21. I would rate myself a 2/5 stars for this week. I have not been very productive this week, especially when it comes to doing scholarships. Though I had so much free time, I did not use it well. However, I did get the chance to catch up with some friends I hadn’t talked to in a while. I plan on doing some work today and tomorrow to make up for the lost time.

  22. This week I would rate myself a 3/5. I was generally productive, but I did not spend time practicing torque problems as I had intended to. I have been a little confused with some of the concepts, so I need to devote more time to practicing.

  23. My struggle this week was remembering to complete assignments and not waiting last minute. I will start doing better with making lists of all the things I have to do for my classes.

  24. This week I struggled to be productive. This is because I was enjoying the ice haha. Next week I will try and be more focused.

  25. This week I struggled to stay on task due to my schedule changes and weather. Hopefully I won’t be so cold next week and can focus

  26. This week I think I could have been a lot more productive and studied more for the test but I relaxed a lot so I would give myself a 3/5. I did get my homework done first thing which is why I gave myself a 3.

  27. For obvious reasons, i don’t think I struggled in chemistry this week. However, I could have used this break as an opportunity to study or to make sure I’m well prepared for upcoming assignments.

  28. I would rate myself 4/5 stars this week. I was able to take advantage of the snow days to review torque, and I now have a better understanding of it. However, I could have been a little more productive with my free time.

  29. This week was exciting because of the weather. Unfortunately, I did not really get ahead on any school work like I had planned on. So there’s that. I’ll want to spend some time over the weekend to be able to still stay somewhat on track in order to not stress out later on, but we’ll see how that goes.

  30. My struggle this week was going to bed on time. I like to stay up late at night and sleep into the late morning or even afternoon. In future breaks, I will try to keep a consistent sleep schedule by going to bed at the same time every night.

  31. This week I rate myself a 4/5. Because of all the time off school this week, I got to work ahead on my King of the Hill car and was able to also make new improvements to it. I hesitated to give myself a 5/5 stars because I spent lots of this time unsure of what to do next rather than have a concrete course of action in mind.

  32. Even not being in school I would consider this week a triumph! It’s was a much needed time for some rest and relaxation and a time of little stress. It was good to spend time with family and friends and focus on an interview I had at the end of the week. I was able to brainstorm the King of the Hill project some more and work on getting that together. This coming week i hope to stay in top of the work and have good time management as we get back into the groove of school and business that comes with it.

  33. I rate this week a 5/5. I definitely enjoyed the one day school week. It has given me plenty of time to work on scholarships and my car for king of the hill.

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