Chemistry 1-11-23 Molecular Formulas

CHEMISTRY: Hey guys! Awesome job with empirical formulas, and now you’ve conquered writing molecular formulas! Here’s the lecture from Wednesday. It’s just like writing empirical formulas but with a twist at the end!

HW UPDATE: All the rest of the homework that was for Tuesday is now due Friday. The homework that is on the syllabus for Thursday (the five extra problems) is changed for now and will be due next week.

Have you started preparing for the test? It will be over ALL of chapter – plus the small bit from chapter 3. Be sure and checked out the Stuff to Know sheet for all of chapter 7 under the Test Info tab!

flickr photo by Sebastian Mary

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35 thoughts on “Chemistry 1-11-23 Molecular Formulas

  1. So far this week, I have triumphed in learning empirical formulas. I was able to pick the concept of them up quickly which helped me when working with molecular formulas. I am proud of myself as I usually struggle with the math aspect of chemistry.

  2. This week I did well in catching up with my work, because I missed a whole week. I able to get this done by being productive and forcing myself to finish all the work. I did very well in the problem we did in chemistry this week. I was able to do well because I am really good at math and stuff.

  3. This week my triumph has been coming to class prepared. I have achieved this by looking at the syllabus at the beginning of the week and everyday before school. This has really helped me know what’s going on so that I can understand what we are learning better.

  4. This week I triumphed in picking up the concept of the problems quickly. After doing them just a few times I mostly understood how they were meant to be worked.

  5. This week I triumphed by using the time I have in study hall to study for my upcoming test. By doing this, I’ve memorized the Polyatomic ions, compounds and more that I forgot over the Christmas break which is a start for me to do great on the test.

  6. This week, I did well with keeping up with the notes. This helped me to understand the homework because I wrote down step-by-step examples that I could look back at. I did well with that this week because I made sure to stay focused during the lessons and write down as much as I could.

  7. I have triumphed this week by learning the new lessons quickly. I have done well on my homework and practice problems over empirical formulas and molecular formulas. I payed attention in class and took notes to use while doing my homework.

  8. I triumphed this week in being prepared for class and taking all of my notes. I tend to be very disorganized and unprepared. I have walked into class knowing what what we’re doing, homework done, and notes ready.

  9. I have done well this week in being prepared for class and taking all of my notes. I tend to be very disorganized and unprepared. I have walked into class knowing what what we’re doing, homework done, and notes ready.

  10. I triumphed this week by starting my lab earlier and not waiting until the last minute. I was able to use some of the extra time I had to go ahead and set the lab up, along with measuring the salt and sugar. I’d also prepared my making sure that I knew where the supplies I needed for the balance were. Since then I’ve learned that I have a question since starting it, but I have plenty of time to ask her since I started earlier.

  11. This week in chemistry my triumph was understanding how to do this weeks lesson. It sometimes takes me a minute to understand the lessons, but for some reason I understood this one pretty well. I was surprised how fast I got this lesson and even though I sometimes mess up, I still caught on somewhat faster than usual.

  12. I triumphed this week with learning empirical and molecular formulas. I was able to understand the concepts and do the homework successfully. Also I’m remembering to do my Webpost.

  13. This week I have triumphed. I was struggling with understanding the difficult calculations on the homework, however, with some practice from homework I was able to overcome those difficulties. Another way I have triumphed this week is by remembering to read the syllabus. I plan to continue triumphing by reading the syllabus and improving my study habits.

  14. This week I have triumphed in staying on top of my work and not procrastinating. I have been understanding the lessons better and have been practicing them in my free time off to keep them in my brain so I’m not overwhelmed studying for the test.

  15. This week I triumphed by keeping up, even though I have been absent. I looked at the syllabus and did not let myself fall behind or lost the next day. This makes me feel well prepared and keeps me on track with everyone else.

  16. This week I triumphed in learning the new material and apllying it to the problems on the homework and in class. I hope I can keep this up for the rest of the semester.

  17. Something I triumphed in this week was learning how to do percent completion problems. I struggled at first and didn’t really know what I was doing, but I got better by continually working practice problems and eventually got better at the problems.

  18. What I was able to triumphed this week was doing molecular formula after getting good at empirical formulas. I overcame this by getting good at doing emperors formulas so it could come easier to me doing molecular formulas when I know I have the right emperors formula.

  19. This week , I have triumphed in learning empirical formulas. I got the concept of them pretty easy and actually feel confident with my answers unlike other math things in chemistry.

  20. This week my triumph has been staying on top of my work. I have been doing good at keeping up with webposts and homework assignments. Another triumph I have had this week is remembering most of the formulas for our upcoming test

  21. This week I triumphed in completing the percent composition, empirical, and molecular formula problems without too much difficulty. In addition, I also triumphed in listening and staying focus throughout the lectures.

  22. I triumphed this week in learning the new lessons quickly. I was able to pay attention in class and understand how to work empirical and molecular formulas.

  23. This week I triumphed in molecular formulas. The reason being, is because when we first went over it, all of the work was confusing to remember and with adding from the already long amount of work with percent composition and empirical formulas, I wasn’t sure if I was going to do it all correctly. But, after working on it in the homework and in class, I feel confident in them for the test and to use in class.

    • This week my triumph was managing my time in all of my classes. this week was incredibly stressful with a lot of work and getting home late at night. despite this i still managed a pretty decent grade in my quiz

  24. This week I triumphed in working hard on my homework and trying my best to learn how to do empirical formulas by asking questions and paying attention in class. I stayed up late learning how to do it and even though I’m not 100 percent capable of doing it yet, I will be if I keep working hard each and every single day.

  25. This week I triumphed in doing my homework. I did every homework assignment. This really helped me understand better how to do the problems and catch on quicker.

  26. This week I did well at piling my grade back up. The first week back I forgot to do my web post. I have brought up almost fifty points in the past week.

  27. This week I triumphed in learning Empirical Formulas. This has not k my helped me in Empirical Formula Problems but also Molecular Formulas. I have also triumphed in doing my webpost this week.

  28. My triumph for this week would be getting all of my homework done and remembering to do my webpost. I have been getting better about remembering to do my work on time.

  29. This week I triumphed in my learning. I’ve learned how to find percent composition, empirical formulas, and molecular formulas. Usually this would be a daunting task, but I was able to complete it by listening in class, and applying what I’d learned throughout the week.

  30. My question is what were the steps to finding Avogadro’s number to use in conversions? You are to divide the charge on a mole of electrons by the charge on a single electron.

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