Physics 1-25-23 Stability & Rotational Equilibrium Problems Review

PHYSICS: Ohhhhhhhhh….so that’s how they can walk across that line! Wait – why do they keep moving their bodies?? Great opportunities for discussion and application!?!

Here’s the discussion from today on how stability relates to center of mass. At the beginning, a quick look at a couple of torque problems from the homework, Torque Worksheet 2.

Photo by Mauricio Santanna on Unsplash

Hon Chemistry 1-25-23 Limiting Reactant Review & Lab Heads Up

CHEMISTRY: Great job with the limiting reactant problem today! Remember a couple of things – for each problem, you know it’s a limiting reactant problem when they give you the amounts of two reactants, so you are going to have to work TWO different stoichiometry problems. At the end, the reactant that gives you the least amount of product is your limiting reactant. Label it! Also, that answer is the right amount of product. Box it!

And speaking of finding limiting reactants, lets do it for real in lab tomorrow. Will you be ready?

Photo by Calum Lewis on Unsplash

Chemistry 1-24-23 Balancing Chemical Equations Practice

CHEMISTRY: Okay, maybe balancing equations isn’t exactly like this, but…..

Great practice today! Do you feel better about balancing equations? Here’s a short review of some of the equations from today.

flickr photo by D. Sharon Pruitt, Pink Sherbet Photography

Hon Chemistry 1-24-23 Limiting Reactants

HON CHEMISTRY: So if you have 11 roller wheels, how many roller blade skates can you make? You know, really, limiting reactant is almost that simple. Well, the concept is anyway! You deal with limiting reactants in your life all the time. Now we’re just applying that same concept with chemical reactions! 🙂

flickr photo by muffytyrone

  • Chemistry 1-23-23 Describing Chemical Reactions

    CHEMISTRY: So you learned last semester how to determine if a chemical reaction has taken place. How would you go about describing a chemical reaction to someone? Here’s our discussion from today on writing balanced chemical equations!

    First step in writing equations? Make sure you can write chemical formulas! First step to that? Memorization!!

    So tell me again – how do you know if a chemical reaction has occurred? Here’s another hint – not necessarily a good idea to try to make your own blue flame thrower! Click here to watch the Periodic Videos Blue Flame Thrower Video

    Photo credit: Periodic Videos Blue Flame Thrower Video

    Chemistry 1-18-23 Chapter 7 Test Overview

    CHEMISTRY: God bless you as you study! Here’s our great overview of the test from today and a look at some chemical names and formulas and oxidation numbers. Did you find the Chapter 7 Stuff to Know sheet? Be sure and use it as a road map for your studying. I know it seems like a lot, but you can do it!

    First priority – make sure that you have memorized EVERYTHING. Then, practice!!! Go to the Physics Classroom as a guest, and make sure you can write and name chemical formulas. Practice, practice, practice!!! Then start practicing the different kinds of problems – do at least three of each one of them. And also try those on That’s always some good practice. And don’t forget about polymers!

    I’ll be praying for you! You can do it!!

    Photo by Artem Bryzgalov on Unsplash