Chemistry – Your LAST Web Post Comment!!

Can you believe it?!? This is your LAST web post comment!! This is where you put it and here are the three things I want you to talk about:

1) How did chemistry grow you? What did you learn about yourself?
2) What advice do you have for future chemistry students?
3) What could we have done different this year that would have helped you learn chemistry better?

Can’t wait to hear from you!! 🙂

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59 thoughts on “Chemistry – Your LAST Web Post Comment!!

  1. 1. Chemistry grew me by making me more organized and taught me to listen more. I learned what type a learner I am by trying different ways the whole year and found out my learning type through the middle of the year.
    2. My advice for younger students is to study on time and not wait to the last minute and stay organized.
    3. I could have studied more ahead of time and took more notes and payed attention more in class and not use my phone as much.

  2. 1. Chemistry grew me mentally because there were many nights doing homework, lab reports, and the project that I wanted to quit and give up but I stuck through and completed them because I knew it was for the greater good. Also I learned that I can accomplish hard things.

    2. My advice to future chemistry students is to stay focused in class and to never get behind on assignments. Also I would tell them that chemistry can be accomplished.

    3. This year I could have payed more attention in class, took better notes, and studied more. Also I could have started on my lab reports earlier.

  3. 1) Chemistry pushed me beyond my limits at points, but it showed me that I am capable of doing hard things. At the beginning of the year, I had a hard time “fishing for myself” and now I try to figure things out for myself first. I also see improvement in how i feel before tests, while I still might make a low grade, I feel more confident in my skills and I don’t feel nauseous before tests anymore. I learned that if I apply myself and work hard, I can do great things.
    2) To any future chemistry student: Please, please, please do your webposts! Please do your science in the news! Go to every help session you can! And lastly, enjoy it and do not be afraid to be pushed beyond your limits. The labs are fun and the tests are hard, but you can do it.
    3) As a class, I think we were a perfect blend of silliness and learning and got a lot accomplished. Personally, I could have studied more of the application side of the content and i also could have not procrastinated as much as I did.

  4. 1. Chemistry taught me how to work my hardest to achieve things. Lab reports, projects, physics classrooms, and other assignments tested my will to succeed in chemistry. It also taught me how to be more time efficient, since I had to plan out what days I was going to work on the project.

    2. My advice to future chemistry students is to pay attention in class, and get homework done as soon as possible. If you procrastinate doing chemistry homework until late at night, you will lose sleep because of it. It would really help to make sure that you manage your time wisely.

    3. I could have managed my time more efficiently this year. I was up many nights doing lab reports that I could have done earlier in the day. Another thing that I could have done was set alarms reminding me of web posts. I missed a couple of web posts this year that should have been easy 100s.

  5. 1) Chemistry grew me in that I learned good time management and I learned to think critically and know the reason for learning things instead of just memorizing for the test. I really enjoyed truly understanding concepts and being able to apply them in the lab because it made the class more stimulating and less “you must know this, this, and this, etc.” I learned that I do better in classes where I see visual models of things and do hands on activities such as labs because it makes things so much clearer than just reading a textbook.
    2) My advice to future chemistry students is– do NOT underestimate yourself. I thought I would never be able to succeed in this class because of what past students have told me, but I did more than I thought I ever could. Yes, it was very, very challenging at times, but I learned so much and also had fun! Also, do all extra credit and remember web posts! It’s a nice grade boost (sometimes much needed 🙂 ). Lastly, do not try to do it alone. Pray for guidance and peace whenever you are anxious and God will carry you through. You got this!
    3) I think this year I would’ve done better if we had done a bit more hands on learning. Although we did so many labs throughout the year, I find I understand concepts much better when I make things or models to visualize the concept more clearly. Maybe in-class mini projects like making models of molecules or something? I just get distracted easily when I’m sitting down for too long taking notes and I think this could be a good idea 🙂

  6. 1) Throughout this class, I’ve learned the importance of partners. We did so many labs this year and where I failed, my partner would succeed and vice versa. I learned how to communicate to others what I was trying to do and how to listen and take advice.
    2) To study!! My biggest mistakes were when I put studying off and waited until the night before. Understanding concepts takes time! So even if it’s working a few extra problems or watching a video on the lesson, study throughout the week, not just the night before!
    3) Chemistry is an all around tough subject. I thought it was done very well! Personally, I learn from printed worksheets and written answers so I loved how almost all of the homework was book work and worksheets. However the physics classrooms didn’t ever seem to help, they usually confused me more. Other than that the material was presented very well.

  7. 1. Chemistry taught me to use my time wisely. I learned that taking good notes and reading over them really helps me on taking test and doing my homework.

    2. My advice for future students is to use your time wisely and take good notes. Do extra credit because it helps a lot.

    3. I wish that i took better notes and to ask more questions. I wish I looked for different ways to study for test to help me more.

  8. 1) Chemistry taught me to use my time wisely and working ahead will do you good. I learned that it is ok to ask for help. When I would try and fail I was scared to ask for help but as the year went on I realized failure is ok and getting help is ok .

    2) My advice for future students is start memorizing the periodic table now! Listen in class and take good notes and if you get confused ask for help don’t be afraid to ask a question during class I’m guilty of not doing this and I wish I would have. Go to the help sessions they really do help.

    3) What would have helped me learn in chemistry probably is going slower. It takes me a few times to understand something new and learning something every day confuses me. I wish we would learn something on day them relearn it and practice it the next day. The physics class room was confusing because it didn’t tell you your mistakes. I like to miss it and see why I misses something than just guess why I missed it.

  9. 1. Chemistry grew me and pushed me in ways I never saw coming. It showed me that even the impossible in my eyes can be possible with God. I was constantly doubting my ability to even make it to the end of Chemistry but here I am. I learned that I am capable of way more than I give myself credit for.

    2. My advice to future chemistry students would be to take a deep breath and relax. Although chemistry is one of the hardest classes you’ll literally ever take, it’ll all work out in the end. Do your work, turn it in on time, DONT FORGET YOUR WEB POSTS, seriously they can save your grade.

    3. Something that would make chemistry better for next year would be more labs or hands on activities. I’m very much a hands on learner and I just think it would’ve helped with some concepts.

  10. 1. Chemistry helped me learn how to study better and taught me to work ahead on big projects.
    2. I think future students should not give up on chemistry, take good notes, and study day earlier than the day before the test
    3. I don’t think you could have changed anything that would have helped me more this year, maybe if we practiced multiple-choice questions before the test it would help many people on test day.

  11. 1) Chemistry grew me because I learned how to balance classes better. It gave me the push I needed to learn how to study in the most beneficial way.

    2) To future chemistry students: Always do your web post and your homework. The zeros will affect your grade more than anything. Also don’t be stressed if you accidentally forgot a homework or a web post. It just one bad grade and learn from your mistakes

    3) Something I think we could have done better is being more inclusive because usually it’s the same 2-3 students answering the questions and the more quiet students that don’t want to speak over people feel like they don’t get the opportunity to speak.

  12. 1) This year chemistry helped me to push myself. I memorized and learned so much more that I ever thought I could. It helped me to think through things better and apply what I have learned. I learned that if I give myself enough time to study and prepare for things I can succeed.

    2) Some advice I would give to future students is to plan ahead and don’t procrastinate anything, and to come very prepared for labs. Also, not to get too stressed or overwhelmed over everything.

    3) I think as a class we could have learned better by being more vocal and not staying silent when going over problems or concepts. For me personally, I think I could have learned better if we had taken more quizzes before the test to review and make sure we know exactly how to do it.

  13. 1.) In chemistry I learned how anything is possible when I ask for God to he and that I can accomplish all things through Jesus Christ. I learned how to focus for several hours on to study or understand something for Quiz or Test.

    2.) Stay committed set a remainder to do the web post or homework and If you do not understand something in the class always ask Ms Skinner for help on the remind app or ask someone in your class.

    3.) Ask more questions to Ms. Skinner in class and put in more hours into the assessment that were incomplete, write detailed observations, and study for test a week before the test.

  14. 1)Chemistry grew me in my study habits. I was always studying the night before but now I study multiple nights ahead. I learned that even when times seem so difficult and stressful with Chemistry, I can get it done.

    2) my advice is to study multiple nights ahead and to not procrastinate, especially not on the project.

    3) I think that we could have given part of class time to study for these test so that as we study we can ask questions that we don’t know the answer to.

  15. 1.) this year grew my tolerance for stressful situations. I learned that as long as I pray and trust that God has everything under control I can achieve great things and go beyond what I believed were my limits.

    2.) advice I would give to the future students is to do their best and stick with God every step of the way. He can do spectacular and unexpected things for you and all you simply have to do is ask for help. Use this class to build your relationship with God. I would also remind them to enjoy the class and have fun. The class is stressful, yes, but there are so many fun aspects that you could miss out on if your solely focused on getting everything perfect.

    3. Something that would have helped me a lot this year would be a pre lesson activity to introduce us to whatever we were learning. I know we did the snapping ions activity and that helped me so much. I like activities that apply our knowledge and expand our enderstanding.

  16. 1. This year, chemistry has grown me as a student due to all of the different skills I have learned and all of the hard work and tears I have put into it which eventually lead me to learn that I can do anything if I put my mind to it and have faith in myself.
    2. Some advice that I would definitely give to future chemistry students is to let God take control, stay on top of everything, do EXACTLY what you are supposed to do, and don’t forget to do anything.
    3. One thing that I think we could have done different this year to help me learn chemistry better is to have more time to do more independent work and study along with doing more labs and activities that will truly help us understand the concept we are learning.

  17. 1. Chemistry taught me and made me an overall well-rounded person. I now know a lot more about chemistry than I did at the start of the year, and would feel confident in a college-level class. I learned a lot about how I handle stress, and how to work to my strengths.

    2. I would tell all future chem students not to worry too much, and that grades are merely grades, they don’t define you. go enjoy life, don’t sit around thinking about chemistry all day.

    3. I feel that review days would have helped me overall retain the information for a lot of a longer period of time, and I feel we didn’t have very many in-depth review days, tests felt very rushed and a lot of the time I felt unprepared to go into studying for them.

  18. 1. Chemistry grew me by showing me new ways to study and to understand how to manage my time better in college. I learned that I was a slacker at getting up and doing work but this class pushed me to become a hard worker.

    2. My advice to future chemistry students is to never put anything aside in this class and to make sure and get done with the project earlier. Also make sure to find every trick to memorizing things.

    3. I wish we could have at least done a few more labs and learned more easier ways on some things, but overall everything we did was taught well.

  19. 1. chemistry showed me that you cant wait till last minute to do anything cause it wont be 100% and it will probably be really bad and i should use my time wisely when i have it.
    2. Do not wait till very last minute to start your chemistry project and every grade counts. Even if it seems easy still study
    3. i feel like what would have helped me would have a betetr mind set and not freaking out on how hard other people say chemistry is cause that made me give up way to easy and made me think i couldnt do it

  20. 1.Chemistry grew me in many ways including time management and organization. I learned that I don’t need to wait until the last minute to do things.
    2.My advice to future chemistry students is that don’t let this class sike you out, don’t be defeated before you even try it out. This class teaches you many life lessons. DONT TAKE ZEROS
    3.I think during class being vocal is more important than you know, if you answer a question out loud then you are more likely to get it right on the test.

  21. 1. Chemistry pushed me beyond what I thought I was capable of doing. It was challenging at times, but it taught me how to apply knowledge and effectively study.
    2. Advice I give to future chemistry students is to not procrastinate. Procrastination is the one thing that caused me to struggle a little this year. Do not only study for the tests the night before. It will be too much information to obtain in one night. Also, pay attention in class and engage with Ms Skinner.
    3. Being more vocal in class could help better. I find that if the students engage with the teacher, the student will obtain more knowledge quickly.

  22. 1. Chemistry grew me this year by teaching me different ways to study, making me pay attention more in class, and helping me stay more organized.
    2. My advice for future Chemistry students is to work problems out with you in class and do every webpost for the extra points.
    3. Lastly, we could have done review games the day before tests to help study like kahoot, quizlet, etc.

  23. 1.) Chemistry taught me and grew me to learn how to manage my time and to be efficient within that. I also learned many valuable learning tools that have benefited me throughout this year.

    2.) My advice to the future students would be to manage your time. Don’t not procrastinate because it is just going to make things bad. When some things are assigned early start on them and do chunks of it so you’re not overwhelmed the night before. Talk in class when going along problems.

    3.) I could have managed my time better this was a big thing I could’ve done better. I should’ve also participated more in class while working through problems.

  24. 1) This year has taught me to use my time wisely and carefully. It is hard to find time to do chemistry when you are busy. So, I would wake up early to finish my homework or I would have to stay up late to work on chemistry too.
    2) My advice for future students is if you do not understand something to watch the vid cast over it really helps. Also, do not procrastinate on studying for a chemistry test because you cannot study all in one night.
    3) One thing I wish that could have been different would be that we could take a pre test quiz that would have similar questions to the test. So, that way I would know what i’m struggling with the most.

  25. 1. Chemistry helped me grow this year by teaching me responsibility. It helped me see how much more I could do in my classes.but I did mess up occasionally forgetting.
    2.I would tell younger students to check the syllabus and keep up with notes and don’t forget anything that’s taught. And also the chemistry project isn’t bad if you work ahead
    3. If I was to change something it would be to make the class a bit more interactive with activities, demonstrating, Kahoots, and labs.

  26. 1.) Chemistry helped me to understand how crucial it is to do things prior to the due date. I learned that there is a way to find the electrons location.
    2.) My advice for my future chemistry students is: chemistry isn’t that hard, it’s only hard if you don’t pay attention, ask questions, and/or prioritize your time your definitely gonna have a hard time.
    3.) I feel like the spare time I had I could’ve been playing games related to the topics I was iffy on or rewatching podcasts

  27. 1. Chemistry challenged me in many ways mentally and physically. I learned how to study correctly and how to manage my time the right way. This will help me in the long run, especially in college.
    2. My advice to the future chemistry students is to always try your best and to make time for chemistry. You have to apply yourself and constantly pay attention.
    3. I feel like kahoots, or interactive games would of helped!

  28. 1. A way that chemistry grew me was it made me have better study habits. I learned that I would always wait till the last minute to do homework or study for a test, but I wasn’t able to do that in chemistry cause if I did I wouldn’t make a good grade or be prepared for anything.

    2. My advice for future chemistry students is don’t wait to do anything last minute. Try to stay on top of all you’re work and you’ll be good. Also ask a lot of questions so you can better understand that material and so that you’ll be prepared for any test or quizzes.

    3. Something that I think would have made learning chemistry better for me is finding more interactive ways to learn the material. Like Kahoot or just an interactive game that really gets you involved and helps you learn the material

  29. 1. Chemistry helped me think deeper. It taught me how to observe the world around me and apply my knowledge to almost everything. I found the best way for me to study. I learned how to succeed in stressful situations. I also found ways to not care about my grades as much as I have in the past and still try even when I don’t fully understand (or just don’t want to try).
    2. Set multiple alarms for web post and do not put it off. And no matter how well they did in the past science classes, they either need to prepare to study and try super hard, or be ready to not get the grades they want to get.
    3. I learn a lot of things through repetition and writing things down. I think that if we had review days in class where we worked problems and answered questions that have to do with application or terms on the whiteboards more often, I would’ve retained the information a lot better.

  30. 1. Chemistry taught me that time management is so important. Whether it was staying up late doing lab report or studying for a test, I learned how important it is to not wait until the last minute.

    2. My advice is do all your homework and don’t forget your webposts. Also, DO YOUR EXTRA CREDIT. All of those things are super helpful in boosting your grade. If you stay on top of them and pay attention in class, you’ll have a good chance at making at least a decent grade.

    3. More interactive activities like kahoots or writing on white boards. Those are a good way to practice and get your answers checked.

  31. I grew responsibility while in chemistry this year, being prepared taught me that. I learned that I can do well in a stressful and difficult class know as chemistry. I would advise future students to take clean, neat notes. I think we could have pre lab quizzes for the entire year so I’m more prepared for them sneaky ol labs every time.

  32. 1. Chemistry grew me in that I learned how to better manage my time and workload. I also learned how to study more efficiently.

    2. My advice to new chemistry students would be to stay on top of your work. Homework assignments and webposts can really make a difference in your grade (especially if it’s a zero). Also, pay attention to the questions other people are asking even if you think you know the answer.

    3. I get a better grasp on the material in other classes when we play games like kahoot, so I would’ve liked to try that in chemistry to see if it would have helped.

  33. 1.) Chemistry grew me in many ways. I learned better time management when preparing for tests or trying to turn in assignments like the project. I also learned how to better prepare myself for tests. I learned not to wait until the last minute to prepare for something. I also learned that one bad grade isn’t going to define your year.

    2.) I would tell future chemistry students that the project isn’t really as hard as everyone says. Make sure to start on it early and then you won’t be so worried about it when it comes to the week before it’s due or even the night before it’s due. Also make sure to do your web posts and extra credit because it helps a lot. And make sure to study in a way that truly helps you. Everyone learns differently.

    3.) I think we could have done a little more application of some of the objectives that we learned. Overall I think the material was taught very well. For me personally I think I could have better planned my time. I spent a lot of long nights doing chemistry homework that should have only taken a little while but I procrastinated and put off doing it till the last minute. I also should have started better study habits sooner. I only studied other peoples quizlets and then I found that creating my own really helped me to learn and remember the material. Overall I think it was a successful year.

  34. 1. Chemistry grew me mentally I’ve had a lot of hard nights thinking I wouldn’t pass chemistry. It helped me a lot though I learned that I don’t do well studying the night before that I need to study in advance.
    2. Some advice I would give is that the chemistry project isn’t that hard just plan ahead and start early so you don’t get overwhelmed.
    3. Don’t procrastinate I think if I hadn’t procrastinated so much I would’ve done a lot better.

  35. 1. Chemistry taught me to use my time wisely. I learned that taking good notes can really affect your test scores.

    2. My advice for future students is to wisely manage time and listen in class.

    3. I wish that I was more prepared for the test earlier in the year so I could have better averages.

  36. 1.) Chemistry grew me this year in many different ways, but I think the biggest thing that I took from chemistry this year would be to put all of my effort in, not procrastinate, and to not feel defeated when things don’t work out like you wanted, but to work hard and try again.
    Something really important that In learned about myself that I know I will take with me, is the ways that I study best, and how amazing it feels to get things done Early and to not procrastinate them.

    2.) The biggest piece of advice I have for future chemistry students is to Not Procrastinate!! And to start of the chemistry project the Day you get it, because if you do a little everyday, its really not that bad. Also to not wish the year away, because it will fly by before you even know it, and you will miss the chaotic labs.

    3.) Lastly, I honestly would not change anything about the way that chemistry was taught to me, but if I Had to, I would say just to show more videos or picture slides because I am a visual learner, but Mrs. Skinner did that very well!

    I love y’all! And Thank you for Everything you’ve done!!!

  37. 1. Chemistry taught me how to study deeper thinking and really know why things happen not just to memorize information. I learned that by pushing myself to study better in different ways, I could help me really understand the material.

    2. I think you can really enjoy this class. It’s very challenging at times and you won’t always get the grade you want, but grades aren’t what defines you God does. Don’t try to do it alone.

    3. I think more interactive activities would have help is learn while having fun like the snapping ions activity and create a table.

  38. 1 Chemistry grew me in many ways like it made me more responsible and it also taught me how to study. I learned that it I work hard and set my mind to a task that I can do anything.
    2 Don’t miss class a lot and also be apprehensive about assignments and finish them on time. Also DONT FORGET YOUR WEBPOST SET A REMINDER.
    3 Wr could have done more white board reviews because that helped me a lot and more interactive activities.

  39. 1) This class helped me grow to take more precautions. Early on, I found that I wouldn’t be able to simply listen for what assignments were coming up and magically remember to prepare. I had to make sure I kept the syllabus on hand somehow so I could make sure I knew what was coming up. I definitely learned that I need to force myself to do extra stuff when I want to rest (i.e. web posts, extra credit) since not doing that stuff would hold me back in the long run.

    2) I’d recommend to future students that they should assume everything in the notes is important for the test. Not all of it will show up every test, but looking over everything definitely helps when studying. Also, they should try to relate problems to the concepts they’re based off of to help them understand what to look for.

    3) I probably could’ve learned more with more note days. It seemed like there was more time spent engraving specific equations and facts into my brain than overall learning. Taking time to fully understand a lesson isn’t bad per se, but I would’ve liked to do a little bit more learning.

  40. 1. First and foremost, chemistry grew me intellectually. I obviously learned tons of things, such as how to balance chemical equations, types of bonds, and even more subtle things, like how to effectively work with a lab partner. I felt like it also grew my character. I’ve had to work harder in this class than in any other class I’ve other had, which has undoubtedly grown my perseverance and diligence. I also learned so much about myself. I think I realized just how frustratingly curious I can be at times. I would want to quickly learn certain things that didn’t have a simple explanation, such as electron behavior. I would be annoyed with myself when I didn’t understand concepts. However annoying this trait was during chemistry, I also believe it to be a really good thing. My curiosity and drive for answers led me to work harder and put in more hours until it finally clicked with me.

    2. Start working on the chemistry project as soon as possible. Even if it doesn’t make any sense, you just have to do it. Also, do your best work, as this class is designed only to give you back as much as you put in. Don’t EVER forget a web post. They’re such an easy 100. I don’t care what you have to do, find a way to remember to do your web post every Friday. Finally, for the separation of a mixture lab, DO NOT ADD TOO MUCH WATER. You will thank me later.

    3. I’m not really sure. I thought the class as a whole was very well designed. I think one thing I would’ve liked to do more of was the “design your own lab” challenges. Even though those lab grades were traditionally lower for me, I really enjoyed the knowledge and planning experience I gained from them. Also, I just wish we could’ve gone more in-depth. And, I know that we didn’t have enough time to cover even a fraction of chemistry, but I still have so many unanswered questions. But, then again, that’s probably a Chemistry II-type thing.

  41. 1. Chemistry grew me by teaching me to start studying ahead, not the day of the test. I leaned to stay organized and always checking the syllabus daily.
    2. Don’t wait to the last minute to studying. Take advantage of the help sessions when offered.
    3. For me, if we went at a slower pace that would have helped. Working more examples in class and more test with less material on each test.

  42. 1) I learned that when you put in the hard work it will pay off but if you are lazy and unprepared it will effect you negatively.
    2) study and take notes you new students, and you will be well versed and very prudent.
    3) I was not well versed or prudent due to my lack of attention in class as a result I was very imprudent but was still able to excel in some areas. I probably could’ve done more homework and studied more.

  43. 1. Chemistry made me realize that I could do do so much more than I thought I could. Also it made me think that life isn’t all about memorization but it’s about applying your knowledge and Beeing able to do it.
    2. Study hard, do your hw, and also just have fun cause the more you have fun the easier it is to learn.
    3. I probably could have done more of the hw. I could have studied harder and taken more time to do application stuff.

  44. 1. Chemistry helped to show me that I need to set aside more time to focus on getting work done. I was not prepared for the large amount of work in chemistry at first, but I was able to realize my need to adapt and only occasionally slipped up afterwards. I learned that I should always put my best effort into a class because what sounds difficult and pointless at first can become very interesting to learn about.

    2. My advice to future chemistry students would be to always study and prepare ahead of time in order to avoid long nights of doing work and to pay attention in class

    3. I think something that could’ve been done to help me learn better would be to set aside a bit more time for review before test. Other than that I feel like I learned well the way things were.

  45. 1. Chemistry made me grow in different ways. It began to change my mindset about school and how important it is in your everyday life. It taught me how to study and also apply myself in everything I do. These attributes helped me grow in other areas of life in example sports. It changed my mindset and also work ethic showing you need to prepare the right way to get better results.

    2. Don’t go into chemistry just trying to pass. You’ll learn down the road it’s not about passing. It’s about applying yourself and growing as a person. The grades will come by doing your assignments.

    3. Most of my struggle was on my behalf by procrastinating and not using my time wisely. Things that help me are review games for prizes like candy or things like that to get me competitive and wanting to learn.

  46. 1. Chemistry taught me that I can try my very best at something and still fail, and that’s okay. This help my mindset in other classes as well. As long as I know I tried my best the grade doesn’t matter because there isn’t anything I could have done differently.

    2. My advice for future chemistry students would be to always try your best. Don’t have a mindset that your going to get a bad grade anyways so there no point in trying if you try your best and your best is a 65 imagine if you didn’t try.

    3. My main struggle was my mindset. I didn’t do to hot on the first couple test so as every test came a went I was trying less and less. There were a couple concepts that I never could grasp. This really discouraged me and after Christmas k just kinda gave up. With many pep talk for Mrs. Skinner I little by little gave more effort. Looking back wish I would haven’t had given up so easily but I learned a lot about myself this year.

  47. 1. Chemistry grew me in me growing in my study habits, and showed that achieving anything takes hard work. I can apply these lessons of hard work throughout my daily life, wether that is in sports, or anything else.

    2. My advice for future students would be: don’t stress too hard over any specific assignments. Don’t let the class consume your life, but work hard, and don’t get discouraged.

    3. Something that could have helped me more is by really understanding why everything in a certain chapter is occurring. Being in honors, our tests really are applying the basics of what we learned, and really understanding the material better would have really helped me better on tests.

  48. 1) Chemistry prepared me for the hardness of my future. Like how I cannot just fly by like i have i’m previous years without studying the right way. I learned that I am a veryyy hard procrastinator and i still need to work on that
    2) I would tell future chemistry students to make a balance between how u are applying your self to each and every subject. Don’t make chemistry your only priority.
    3) Make the test more split up/ have more test that are shorter. The quiz we just had was like a perfect test size. Studying is much easier that way. But you are an awesome communicator!!

  49. 1. Chemistry taught me a different way of learning, one that was more personal compared to my past educational experiences. This allowed me to find the best study method for myself, which has made it much easier to prepare for tests and exams for all of my classes, not just chemistry.
    2. To future chemistry students — participate in class. There is no better way to study or learn than to practice, so take advantage of the time spent in class. Respond to Ms. Skinner and be vocal.
    3. I could have definitely participated more. I learned the advantages of it during the last few months, but my shyness kept me from fully participating at first. This hindered my learning experience.

  50. 1. I grew by not being able to fly through this like other classes. If I didn’t focus on my assignments, I wouldn’t pass. This year was a learning experience on how hard it can be to keep my grade up.
    2. Do your work, pay attention in class, and don’t do your project the night before! It’s a pain, trust me.
    3. I think the learning experience was fine. I dont see anything to change about it.

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