CHEMISTRY: Great job with evaporating today, and great job in lab this week! Wow – you’ve learned a lot!! God bless you as you finish up studying for tomorrow’s test! Be sure and check out the Lab Safety Stuff to Know sheet on the Test Info tab.
Here’s the review that we went over in class. In addition to the lab safety packets and the lab safety video, this is some VERY IMPORTANT information to study
- All the lab apparatus at your lab station and in the slide show – be able to identify it all and know what all the apparatus is used for.
- Know the parts of the Bunsen burner and how to light one.
- Know the parts of the balance and be able to measure mass with a balance AND volume with a graduated cylinder.
- I’ll ask you about safety control equipment and where it’s found in the lab.
- I’ll also have the safety symbols and the information they represent on the test
- Make sure you can both set up or draw and label diagrams for filtering and evaporating
HUGE HINT: Go back and view the earlier posts/slide shows on Lab Apparatus, Lab Tour, Lighting a Bunsen burner, Measuring Mass and Volume, etc. All of these are VERY helpful for the test!!
God bless you as you study! It’s a ton of information, but you can do it!! I’ll be praying for you!!
As the week went on I did better with time management during the labs because me and partner did different things during set up and read the lad before hand
My triumph this week was doing well on my Lab Apparatus Quiz. I accomplished this by paying attention in class and during labs with my materials and studying hard.
My triumph was get an A on the the lab apparatus quiz. I did this by studying and listening in class.
T- I did well studying for the Lab Apparatus by testing myself on a sheet of paper of the tools in the labs and knowing each tool’s use and name. Also, I made good use of my time in class by fitting two labs in one day by knowing what I needed by checking the Lab packet before class.
My triumph this week was converting over to Northpoint from Desoto Central. I have been helped by the teachers here, and have made many new friends in the 3 days that I have been here.
My triumph this week is doing well with the labs. Lighting the bunsen burner and finding my equipment was better than I expected. I picked up on things quickly and used them in the lab.
My triumph this week was making a 100 on my Lab Apparatus Quiz. I accomplished this by studying hard for the quiz in my free time.
What I did well this week was my lab apparatus quiz. This is because i studied for it and i applied my knowledge when i took the quiz.
I feel very confident on my chemistry test, and think I did great on my labs. This is because I studied hard and practiced repeatedly.
My triumph this week was understanding the lab and getting my my worksheet done. this was my triumph because if I can get these done I will be successful in my studies for chemistry
my triumph this week was doing well on the labs. i did this because i read the labs beforehand and followed every step.
My triumph this week was the lab. We struggled at first in the lab with weighing and understanding it. But we worked through it and got the hard parts done. The next two days we answered the questions and did the labs with ease and completed the amount of work needed by the end of the period.
My triumph this week was the filtering lab. My partner and I struggled on the first ones but we got filtration right on the first try. I also got a 100 on my lab apparatus quiz.
My triumph this week was doing good on my apparatus quiz. I did so by studying hard.
My triumph this week was making a good grade on my lab apparatus quiz. I made sure to study and made a good grade. And now my overall grade is better.
My triumph for this week was doing well on the lab. I read and highlighted the procedures before so that when it came time for the lab I understood what I was doing. I also studied over and learned the lab equipment not just for the quiz but for the lab as well. It really helped to know what things were and where they were placed.
My triumph this week was learning to be quick with labs. I have always struggled with time management and being under pressure.
I did really good on the labs. My partner and I worked really well together and had fast results.
My triumph this week was doing well on my vdub quiz. i accomplish and did this by studying hard and studying days before hand.
My triumph this week was working efficiently in labs. I have worked towards this goal by managing my time throughout class.
My triumph this week was well on my lab equipment quiz. I accomplished this by studying and putting my effort into it.
My triumph this week is doing the labs. The labs I understood very well and also got done with them early.
My triumph this week was doing well in the labs. I did this by doing them efficiently and carefully, and acknowledging the limit on time.
My triumph this week was doing very well with the labs and completing them very quickly. I did this by reading the lab instructions before I came to class so that I could understand it better and be prepared.
My triumph this week was doing well on my labs and the equipments quiz. I did this by following the instructions and studying really hard.
This week I did well in trying to find ways to make up the work I had missed. I did this by asking Mrs. Skinner when I would be able to make up my work.
My triumph this week was taking enough time to study for the lab safety test and ultimately doing well on it. I had been very scared about failing so. I took more time than usual to get ready.
(Again, I know it’s late and won’t be counted, I’m just posting this for the sake of doing it)
My triumph this week was doing the evaporation experiment. I didn’t first think it was going to be easy. After I realized what I was doing, it was easy.
My triumph this week is being able to make up my assignments after being absent and staying on top of everything.