Hon Chemistry 9-21-21 Lighting a Bunsen Burner

CHEMISTRY – Great job lighting Bunsen burners today! By the way, did you happen to see a green flame when you put the copper wire in the flame? The electrons in the copper atoms were being excited and they gave off a green flame. Cool!!

Here’s something you will find useful in the future…everything you wanted to know about a Bunsen burner and how to light it. Be sure and view the slide show BEFORE you take turn in your lab sheets and take the test.

Tomorrow we’ll continue with Parts 4 – 6. Be sure and read ahead before you come to class! Also, make double dog sure you are keeping up with the observations in each part and answering ALL of the questions at the end of the lab on pg. 17 – 18. There are a TON of them! Check your syllabus for due dates!

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10 thoughts on “Hon Chemistry 9-21-21 Lighting a Bunsen Burner

  1. Struggle- I struggled with lighting the bunsen burner and getting the bunsen burner to the right type of flame. I overcame this struggle by asking Mrs. Skinner a lot of questions and using a different sparker.

  2. Struggle: I struggled at the beginning of the week with working quickly on the labs. I am trying to get better about time management in the lab by reading my directions thoroughly, working efficiently, and not writing my observations down too neatly.

    • Struggle- I struggled this week with keeping up with my assignments. I will fix that by keeping reminders on my phone to remind me of the homework that I have that night

  3. Struggle: I struggled with time management during the lab yesterday because I tried to write thorough answers to the questions instead of making quick observations. I overcame this struggle by focusing on finishing the lab today and writing only observations needed to complete the experiment.

  4. Struggle- I keep struggling with remembering that during labs, observations can be quick notes. I always try to take my time but it’s more important to do the lab correctly with scribble notes/observations then to waste time on writing it down.

  5. Struggle: This week I struggled with time management while lighting the Bunsen burner. I overcame this by reading the lab instructions carefully and not writing observations down too neatly. I learned it’s more important to get the lab experiment done first and get the questions written thoroughly later.

  6. Struggle- I struggled with lighting the bunsen burner and getting the bunsen burner to the right type of flame. I overcame this struggle by asking Mrs. Skinner a lot of questions and using a different sparker.

  7. Struggle- When we first started labs I struggled with managing time well. My partner and I split up some of the work which helped us cut time down. I will also read lab instructions very carefully in preparation for the lab in class.

  8. Struggle: this week I struggled a little bit with lighting the Bunsen burner during the lab. I overcame it by practicing consistently, and taking my time, because when I get in a rush, I start messing up.

  9. S: This week was probably the toughest I had yet. One thing I particularly struggled with was following the lab directions exactly and paying attention to the small, seemingly insignificant details. This was apparent whenever I dumped the sand/salt mixture back into the container when we actually needed it (sorry Madison). If I would’ve read the lab better, I would’ve known that. In order to fix this, I’m going to start highlighting lab instructions more thoroughly and know exactly what I’ll do before I do it.

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