Hon Chemistry 2-17-21 Structure of the Atom

HON CHEMISTRY: Happy snow week! Here’s the lesson for Wednesday! As you watch and take notes, follow the connections the scientists made as they discovered the structure of the atom. Do you think there could be anything smaller than protons, neutrons, and electrons? Hmmmmm……

Make sure you know the name of the scientists, the name of their experiments, be able to draw a diagram of their experiment, and describe how they interpreted the experimental results that led to their discoveries.

Here are some extra video clips to go with the lesson for today. They’ll help you review the different experiment that the guys like Thompson and Rutherford did. Click here for the video on the Cathode Ray Tube Experiment that Thompson did, and also for a little history on The Discovery of the Electron. Here’s the other one on The Discovery of the Nucleus.

By the way – do you think you could do what they did – figure out what something’s made of without seeing it?

flickr photo by Here’s Kate

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13 thoughts on “Hon Chemistry 2-17-21 Structure of the Atom

  1. A group of honeybee biologist began to notice how one of their honeybee hives was covered in brown spots. They did some further investigated and realized that the honeybees had been collecting animal dung and covering their home in it. When the scientists looked into it more they realized the bees were doing this to guard themselves against the large hornets who had been attacking them. After further observation the scientists learned that the honeybees efforts proved very successful. The scientists were not able to conclude what specifically about the dung deterred the hornets but they were bale to conclude that honeybees are some of the most resourceful insects to exist.

  2. Scientists on the ISS took pictures of a blue jet lightning bolt and discovered how they form and how they get their blue color. The lighting forms at a source the scientists called a blue bang and its color comes from nitrogen

  3. Scientists have discovered that naked mole-rats have different dialects within each colony to be able to differentiate between friend or foe. This defense mechanism within naked mole-rats have given them numerous advantages at survival.

  4. This week I rate myself a 4 out of 5. I feel I did pretty good this week. The snow day is what brought it up to a 4. The day off really helped me catch a breather and get recentered on what I needed to get done. I feel pretty good about the material that we learned, I just need to rework the circular motion worksheets and the torque worksheets and I will be ready for the test.

  5. A group of researchers found out a way to make a sprayable medicinal gel that will help with treating frostbite more early and effectively. Though, some complications happened, figuring out how make a certain drug travel through a cell easier, the team were able to create the gel, and they tested it on lab rats to astonishing results.

  6. Scientist have been able to put tiny devices in people’s brains that can be used to see what they are thinking and can also control other things like prosthetic limb just be thinking about it. People are worried that this can also be used to read the minds of the people which takes away privacy.

  7. Over the past decade, researchers have been tracking temperatures of the seafloor using sensors and thermometers, some in the Atlantic Ocean and in the Argentine Basin off of Uruguay. In the Atlantic, studies have shown a 0.02 degrees Celsius increase and other somewhat extreme rises in the Argentine Basin. Scientist are still not 100% sure what the cause of this is, whether it be human or nature variation, but one thing for sure is that with depths that deep, the ocean must have generated a large amount of heat to have even the smallest temperature increase.

  8. Lately, scientists have developed a new polymer that could give rise to new solar technology that is more flexible and smaller. They have created this in hopes of solar clothing that could charge handheld devices. This polymer gives smaller solar technology a much greater efficiency and allows it to be flexible and breathable while still generating a substantial amount of power for its size.

  9. My science in the news was about Alzheimer’s. They are doing imaging and blood test to detect it before memory loss and other symptoms occur.

  10. Researchers at the University of Oxford are currently designing a catalyst that can be used to help convert carbon dioxide and hydrogen gas in the air to a usable jet fuel for airplanes. While other catalysts operate in the same way, they require expensive and rarer resources, but this new one uses less expensive materials such as iron.

  11. Sea stars have experienced mass casualty as of late, and scientists were not sure what had caused it. After some investigation and many tests, they concluded that a type of bacteria called copiotrophs were surrounding the starfish and taking all of the oxygen from that area. Starfish breathe through skin gills, so when the bacteria took all the oxygen from the water, the sea stars could no longer breathe and died. Although scientists are not sure how to combat this problem, they believe this new discovery will aid them in stopping the bacteria from killing more sea stars.

  12. Do you think there are smaller things than protons and neutrons that we can’t see yet.
    I think so because we couldn’t see atoms at one point but as technology advances I think we’ll be able to see them later in time

  13. Has scientists observed everything from they can from popular experiments now that they know more about atoms or is there more to learn from the fundamental experiments including Thomson’s cathode-ray tubes and Rutherford’s gold foil experiment? No, probably not considering that it has been 124 years since the cathode ray and 110 since the gold foil experiment and both of the scientists and their associates spent countless hours on trying to find something monumental. Modern scientists also probably would have found something new by now as well since it is widely studied.

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