Chemistry 2-8-21 Decomposition Reactions

CHEMISTRY: Great job with synthesis and decomposition reactions! Now can you use them? And how are you doing on memorizing them? Best way to learn them – practice!! Below are the lessons from Friday and today on synthesis and decomposition reactions.

HOMEWORK UPDATE: The page numbers for the homework are wrong. Always book homework will be the chapter review at the end of the chapter that we’re currently working on. We are on chapter 8, and I believe the homework starts on page 284. I think. Maybe. Check it out.

Synthesis Reactions Lecture & Discussion

Decomposition Reactions Lecture & Discussion

Photo by Andrey Svistunov on Unsplash

Physics 2-8-21 Rotational Dynamics, Pt. 1

PHYSICS – Wow! Could you do this? Here’s the lecture on rotational inertia, angular velocity, and angular momentum – rotational dynamics! We’ll pick up the conservation of angular momentum tomorrow. Fun times!

By the way – I wonder how all this applies to other rotating things…like maybe the Earth? Hmmmmm……

Photo Credit: frozenhaddock via Compfight cc