CHEMISTRY: Have you missed any of the discussion from the intro to each block in the Element Scavenger Hunt? This vodcast is for you!
Test Monday(!) and I’m going to let you use your Scavenger Hunt on the LAST ten minutes of the test (!) – so I thought I’d post TWO VERY IMPORTANT vodcasts to help you study for this part of the test. First is the beginning again – a history of the periodic table and the general notes on each block – some of this you may have seen before. Second vodcast is a final run through of slides – clarifying some information and filling in gaps you might have.
Amazing! Before you started the cLAB, did you every dream there was that much interesting and important stuff to know about the s, p, d, and f block elements?!
As you are studying, make sure you go back and practice figuring out the period, block, group, and type of element from the electron configuration. And don’t forget the topics I asked you to research for yourself that you will find on the Chapter 5 Stuff to Know Sheet on Edline!!
To make your research even more interesting(!), there are some really interesting videos with tons of useful information at this site:
Some great videos to watch from the s-block for the test are potassium, magnesium, and calcium.
Some great videos to watch for the p-Block are carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, fluorine, and chlorine.
Some great videos to watch from the d block are: copper and mercury. And there are other interesting ones you might like to watch just for fun!
Some great videos to watch from the f block are: neodymium, thorium, and uranium. Go pop some popcorn and have some movie time!
Chemistry: History of Periodic Table – Intro to Blocks from Tammy Skinner on Vimeo.
flickr photo by Wolfram Burner
Hon Chemistry 2-3-15 Conclusion of cLAB: Element Reverse Scavenger Hunt from Tammy Skinner on Vimeo.