Happy New Year 2019!!

Happy New Year!! Aren’t you glad that God gives us a chance to start all over again?

We are going to have an awesome 2nd semester!! I’m praying that God will use this semester to help get you ready for the incredibly wonderful things in has for you in the future!! And more than that, I pray that this year you’ll grow more than any other in your walk with our Lord Jesus. I pray that you’ll be determined to follow Him, no matter if you have to walk by yourself.

I can promise you – Jesus will never forsake you!

Happy New Year!!

“And they that know thy name will put their trust in thee: for thou, LORD, hast not forsaken them that seek thee.” Psalm 9:10

….”I have decided to follow Jesus. No turning back, no turning back. Though none go with me, I still will follow. No turning back, no turning back.” John Clark

buds in snow
flickr photo by to.wi

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79 thoughts on “Happy New Year 2019!!

  1. My goal for this semester is to finish both 9 weeks with a high A. I am going to stay on top of all my work and try my hardest to work ahead. I am going to try to understand the labs better and answer the questions more thoroughly. I will study for tests early to fully understand all the concepts and be able to apply all that I’ve learned.

  2. This semester in chemistry i will know the material inside and out so that way chemistry will become more of a habit than a struggle. I will study hard to obtain this knowledge. I will Try to be more happy when studying chemistry because the right mind set makes a massive difference.

  3. My main goal this semester is to make better academic choices. The first semester didn’t go very well due to my lack of good decisions. I will prioritize and focus where I need to at that given moment. “C’s get degrees”

  4. My goal this semester is to make better grades than I did last semester. I plan to be on top of all of my work and get it done ahead of time instead of procrastinating. I also would like to do way better on my lab reports than I did the last semester. My end goal is to finish this semester with a high B.

  5. My goal for the 2nd semester is to stay on top of things more and study more. i will watch the vodcasts more and try not to study last minute. i will stay on top of my ork as much as possible.

  6. I have several goals this semester. The first is to finish strong in chemistry, and I will do this by keeping up with my work, doing all of my assignments, and studying the right way for my tests. Studying the right way will be by making sure I understand everything and not just memorizing it. Secondly, I want to remain good with time management. I will do this by working diligently and not procrastinating. Lastly, I don’t want to stress as much as I usually do and focus on one thing at a time. I get overwhelmed and tend not to do as well as I would have otherwise. I will do this by working on things ahead of time and a little bit at a time as needed. With these goals in mind, I think I will be able to do well in my last semester of chemistry and in more advanced classes to come.

  7. My goal for this semester is to maintain a good grade throughout the entire semester. To achieve this, I am going to try my hardest to keep up with all the work. As well, I will try my best to work ahead to the best of my ability. I am going to fully prepare many days before a test instead of one or two nights before. I am going to plan my time more wisely according to how much homework I have for the week in every class. By sticking to my plan, I will be on a great path to do my best in Chemistry.

  8. This semester, I don’t want to simply “scrape by,” even though I’ve heard that colleges rarely consider the last semester grades for seniors. I want to finish high school strong and continue to sharpen my mind/study skills for college, my next academic step. However, while keeping this in mind, I don’t want to spend my last few months of high school in a constant state of anxiety—as someone said in class today, I want to be able to enjoy physics simply because I love discovering and learning new things about the world, so I need to find a balance between not stressing and still pushing myself. I believe that even though physics this semester will be challenging, the skills I learn in this class will be valuable in most aspects of my future academic and professional career. Yes, I will sometimes fail—this class taught me that haha! But I am learning that failure is a part of life, and instead of feeling defeated by my mistakes, I can learn from them about how to continually improve myself. Practice makes progress, and as long as I give myself ample time to prepare and practice efficiently, success will come more naturally! I’m looking forward to a great final year in NCS Physics!! 🙂

  9. While I have many goals for this semester, my main ones are to try to finish my work quicker and obtain a better understanding of the material. These two come hand in hand in that, if I have a better understanding of the material, then I should be able to finish my work quicker.

    • Also, I plan to do this by spending more time studying in smaller increments so it “sticks” more, and by setting myself a time limit to finish my homework by.

  10. My goal for this class for the rest of the year is to try harder to apply myself. To achieve this goal I am going to apply myself more when I study for tests, answer homework and lab questions, and in participating in class. I want to continue to learn to not only answer questions simply, but to answer them fully and more deeply.

  11. My goal is to manage my time better and not put assignments off like this web post. To meet this goal I will set reminders on my phone to remind me about my assignments.

  12. One goal for this upcoming semester in Chemistry is to continue to manage my time like I have been. Another goal of mine is to learn how to apply what I learn instead of just simply memorizing it. One way I can achieve this goal is by asking questions. I know I can come to you or anyone else in my 6th-period class to ask a question on something I don’t understand because I know they will help me. A third goal is to maintain an A average in this class, and doing my homework and studying in advance will help me achieve this goal!

  13. The first semester came and went in what seemed to be the blink of an eye and was accompanied by many ups and downs. These less desirable moments came about through the unkempt defense of a few undeveloped skills. To rectify these rough patches, I have set some goals in an attempt to build a strong foundation of essential abilities on which I will happily rest the fate of my chemistry grade.
    The first and possibly most important of these goals is improved time management, also known as one of the most crucial and desirable life skills. I will strive to improve my time management by setting reminders on my phone, writing down a weekly work schedule, and not letting myself partake in a hobby until my desired workload is completed. In addition to these paths of action, I will take advantage of my relationships with fellow classmates to create a support system in which we hold each other accountable. If time management is mastered, the other goals I have set will become exponentially more attainable.
    The second goal I have provided myself with is improved and more consistent test study. After every single test, I get the feeling that I could have done better even though I know I did my absolute best. Fortunately, this sinking feeling leads to consistent motivation levels by humbling me and leading to the realization that I need to study just as hard or harder the next time. As a result, I have formulated what I believe to be the most efficient study plan for me personally. This plan mainly consists of reviewing notes upon returning home after school, starting to study at least three days in advance, and getting at least seven hours of sleep every night.
    My final goal for this semester is to try and get more enjoyment out of everyday life. Life, school especially, can sometimes draw us into the trap of believing that everything we do is for mere future extrinsic rewards and that as long as we wage the storm now, everything will be better later. However, at every interval in our life, this same idea will yet again be shared with us in an attempt to motivate us to work hard. The only time that this belief is finally extinguished is after you are retired and you rely on your earnings from all the previous years to last you the rest of your life. Even though this idea is widespread and rarely refuted, it does not have to control our lives. Therefore, to counteract this philosophy in my life, I am going to attempt to view every event and responsibility as a challenge that I will try to complete to the best of my ability. Just like a sport, ordinary tasks such as doing the dishes can be viewed as a competition, even if they are not against other people. This interpretation of responsibility leads to higher levels of enjoyment due to the constant appearance of challenges that occupy your attention.
    Life is filled with many blessings, but it is also filled with what appear to be burdens and undesired responsibilities. However, when the time is taken to make improvements to the crucial skills that will make school and life itself more fluid and enjoyable, the burdens can be viewed as challenges that are specific to you and that can only be overcome by you. The most prominent challenge in my life right now is school; therefore, if I try my best to overcome this challenge by completely absorbing myself in studying, I can be happy and succeed in school.

  14. My goal this semester is to actively pay attention in class and to the lessons and to at least attempt to memorize anything we need to. Also to study for test. I am going to do this by taking notes on the lessons, that way I can study them for the test.

  15. My main goal this semester is to keep up with the work and to not forget to turn my labs into turn it in. I am happy with my grades from last semester but a goal of mine is to make an A in your class. To make an A I will need to prepare better for test and apply my knowledge rather than just thinking that I know the information.

  16. My goal for this next semester is to pass and not be such a procrastinator on everything and learn to manage my time better. I’m going to start studying for the test a lot more time in advance and apply myself to better techniques of studying and figure out what works for me. I’m also going to spend more time on my lab write ups and making sure I have everything that’s required on them like graphs and pictures.

  17. Last semester was tough for me, not gonna lie. This semester I want to work harder on homework and not just do it to get it done. Another goal i have is to start studying more in advance. I really struggle with procrastination and i want to fix that. I can’t memorize things quickly so I can’t just cram it all in. This semester I will start to study more in advance and manage my time better.

  18. A goal of mine this semester is to stay on top of work more. Last semester I procrastinated a lot and put things off. Another goal of mine is to get a star on the wall. My last test was really close so I think if I study hard and a lot I can do it.

  19. My goal for this semester is to maintain a high A in the next two nine weeks. I plan to achieve this goal by studying for tests in advance instead of the night before, working ahead on homework, and asking for help when I need it.

  20. A Poff C2

    This semester i plan on changing study habits, instead of studying the night before I will study the day we learn stuff so the next day in class if i have questions i can ask, learn it, and then move on. I would also like to improve on not forgetting to turn my labs in on every site rather than just the google drive and not getting the grade for that. I would LOVE to see the grade the first nine weeks for the next semester and I believe i can do it and do it well.

  21. This past semester I struggled with time management skills, and as the last semester proceeded I began to develop those skills, but I still lacked the concept of being consistent with them. My goal for this semester and for the rest of my life is to be consistent with managing my time to do a tack and/ or an activity. I have learned that when I have a plan that sets up my day and gives me a set schedule it keeps me on track with studying I’ve made A’s and B’s on my test and quizzes. Another goal that I have set for myself is to not wait to the last minute or a couple of days before to study for a test.
    I plan to execute and succeed at these goals for the rest of the 2019 school year.

  22. This semester my goal is to study harder. id like to take better notes and aim for a high C at least. I know it is going to be hard but I am prepared to do what it takes.I am going to do everything 100% and not half.

  23. This semester, my goal is to stay on top of things. Last semester, I felt as if I was lazy and didn’t understand the material. To achieve my goal, I and going to study harder and take better notes to gee myself a better opportunity to succeed.

  24. This semester in chemistry my goal is to finish strong. While I struggled in the beginning of the first semester, I eventually learned that I had to put much more effort into my work than I usually have to. I maintained high grades last semester, and I hope to have the same grades this semester, even as the material becomes more difficult. To accomplish this, I am definitely going to work to improve my study habits and begin studying several days before the tests. I am also going to write down all of my homework to avoid forgetting any assignments. In addition to this, I’m going to ask my classmates for help if I ever struggle to understand something. Through last semester I learned that we are all one big team going through the same struggles, so I can always go to them for help if I need it. Using the small new habits and tricks, I hope I can finish the year strong and prevent myself from getting burnt out and exhausted as the semester comes to a close.

  25. My goal this semester is to get an A in chemistry. my plan to achieve my goal is take better notes and review the lesson of each class every night.

  26. I still can’t believe that I am now in my final semester in high school and my last semester at Northpoint! But whether or not I believe it, it’s here, and I know I need to finish strong! This semester, my goal is to persevere, finish (and do my absolute best in doing so), and be as calm as the Hulk 🙂 This year especially the stress has been very high due to college and career decisions… I pray that this semester I will have peace about next year and the years to come. So, my goal is to also just hand over everything to Jesus and just obey, whatever that may be. So yeah… FINISH Strong, SURVIVE, NO Stress, TRUST, and OBEY. And how will achieve this?? Take it day by day. Keep doing my best. Never compromise. Have fun. Take a breath. Spend time with family. Pray. Relax. Work hard. Eat food. Love on my puppy dogs. And, of course, watch Marvel movies and play ping pong. After all this, it’ll be a piece of cake (and maybe it’ll be a piece that I can eat too) 🙂

  27. My goal for this semester is to make a high C or B in the class. I think I can achieve it if I turn in all my labs and study longer for the tests. I’ll also be more proactive in class and ask questions.

  28. This last semester before we leave I hope I don’t give up. I learned last semester that this class requires more time and effort than all of my other classes have. I want to finish out the year strong without starting to slack on my work within the last couple weeks of class. I also hope to carry over this determination that I got from this class when I go off to college next. I learned that if I slack off in high school, it can be bad; however, if I did the same thing in then it would be even worse.

  29. this semester my goal is to be on top of my homework and labs. also to study harder and sooner so i can finish the class with an A!!

  30. My goal for this semester is to improve both my homework patterns and my study habits. Most of the time, I would procrastinate on my homework assignments and do them the night before you were to check them. This led to poor accuracy on my part, as I had forgotten how to work them rather than solidifying my abilities early on. I would wait to study for tests until the night before, if I even studied at all, as I would have little time throughout the week. In order to improve on these problems this semester, I need to work on my time management and assign times for homework and studying more efficiently.

  31. My goal for this semester is to stay on top of my work and take more detailed notes. In the first semester I did not pay as much attention in class as i should have and i failed to retain all the information i needed to succeed. I will change that in the second semester and aim to have a higher grade in august.

  32. MY goal this semester is to manage my time in the classroom and outside of school. What i learned is that managing my time helps but also having a study partner can help bring up my grades as well.

  33. My goal this 2nd semester is to focuse on the smaller things (i.e. Web post and Homework). I’m already starting it off right with getting my web post out before 7:00 on Saturday but I hope to get it done on Monday and don’t wait till the of for homework and use the syllabus to my advantage to get my homework done ahead of time.

  34. I honestly can’t believe we have one semester left of high school! With that in mind, I really want to finish strong. My goal this semester is to study a little more in advance. I improved on this towards the end of last semester, but I definitely want to make this a strong habit. I’m going to split up the chapter into a few different sections (so probably like concepts, then math problems, which will be split into easy and difficult ones) and spread it out over a few days, giving myself the day before the test to purely just review over everything one last time. I want to feel more confidence and ease going into tests, especially because next year I will have tests over much more material!

  35. My goal this semester is to do a lot better with my time management. I will have better time management skills on our upcoming tests. I also will spread out my studying for tests over more days, so I don’t feel as overwhelmed studying for them. This semester I am going to do my best to make a great grade and apply what I learn in Chemistry.

  36. For the 2nd semester, my goal is to stop making little mistakes that get so many points taken off labs and tests. To accomplish this I am going to pay more attention to small details and instructions.

  37. My goal this semester is to do better on test. I will do this by studying more carefully and thoroughly. My other goal is do better on lab reports. I will do this by looking over last lab reports and seeing my mistakes.

  38. My goal for the semester is to make an A each nine weeks. I did that last semester , but I kind of just got by with that. I am actually going to do my homework not just to do it but actually do it so that I can be prepared for the test and the quizzes. I also am going to prepare for test better. I am going to start studying earlier and make it a priority to study hard for test and quizzes.

  39. My goal for this semester is to focus more on labs. How I’m gonna fix it is, I’m gonna listen to my lab partner more and focus on the lab sheets.

  40. My goal for this semester is to complete all the homework and do the lab reports. I’m going to complete this by checking the syllabus daily and setting reminders for myself.

  41. My goal is to pass all of my classes (especially chemistry) with an A or B. I will try to meet this goal by keeping up with homework and trying different methods and times to atudy. Hopefully I will accomplish this goal and pass.

  42. my goal this semester is time management i would spend way too much time on one assignment for a class that didn’t need that much time spent on it. i am going to make a schedule for a set time for when i’m going to do this homework from this time to this time.

  43. This year I have many goals that, if in God’s plan for my life and with His help, I intend to do my best to achieve. My first goal is to grow in my relationship with God and have a more Christ-like persona. I want to show Jesus through all of my actions, reactions, and in every relationship. One way I Plan to acheive this goal is by reading my Jesus Calling for Kids book each day (I find that most of the time the daily devotional is very applicble to my life). Another one of my many goals is to improve my strategizing and time managements skills. Whether its working on school work or attempting to arrive at church on time, it will more than likely take me much longer than I antipated and I will probably late to church and have to sit in the lobby. One way I plan to improve my time management and strategizing skills is by giving myself certain amounts of time to complete each assignment and have scheduled timed breaks to ensure that I don’t fall into an Instagram hole for 15 minutes. I hope and pray this year will be better than last year and that I can do everything to the best of my ability no matter the circumstances.

  44. My goal this semester in chemistry is to work faster and learn to study much earlier then I am right now. I want to continue to take advantage of my homework to study instead of just writing something down to get credit. I also hope to not stress myself out as much. I need to be more open-minded and realize that one bad grade is not the end of the world.

  45. My goal for this semester is to do better on tests and keep my average up. I know how I need to study now and that it requires more time. I need to work on my time management in order to have enough time to study and get an A on a test.

  46. This semester I want to study better and actually understand what is going on. Last semester I did not study as much as I needed on the last few tests and I made a few decisions which caused my grade to not be as good as I wanted it to be. This semester I will try to make decisions that will better my grade and learn a way to study which will helped to remember what I need to know for the tests.

  47. I failed quite a few times the first semester in honors chemistry. I do think I underestimated the difficulty of moving to an honors class and the studying habits I have had to adapt to and take on. There were times I wanted to give up, but you wouldn’t let me and you never gave up on me. I learned not to see every F on a test as a failure, because I grew from each mistake and even got a 90 on my exam. There are some things I learned I could do better on to further my understanding in the class and increase my grades on future tests. I will turn in every web post on time, complete every homework assignment, study thoroughly and correctly for every test for a longer period of time, take better notes, and most importantly talk to my teacher first when I do not understand a concept or simply just need help. My goals this semester are to finish strong, end with an A, and lastly, to actually feel like I have learned something important that I will carry with me for the rest of my life. All of these things can be accomplished if I stick with my new strategies.

  48. My goal for the rest of the year is to study more effectively and earlier. I also want to get better at staying calm and to keep the bigger picture in mind. I tend to stress myself out over tests and other big assignments and all it does is hurt my performance. I plan to begin studying earlier for tests and ask questions when I don’t understand a concept. I also hope to finish with a grade that I am proud of and know I gave my best effort.

  49. My goal this semester is to become more mindful of my time. I often let assignments wait until the last minute, so I need to start on these earlier, even if I can only work on it a little each day. I also want to become more organized. I hate organizing, so I often have a hard time keeping track of all my papers. I plan on cleaning out all of my stuff and putting it in order. I hopefully will keep it up for more than a few days this time.

  50. I still can’t believe it’s my last semester of highschool, but with that being said I want to give it 100%. Last semester I didn’t practice the math problems nearly enough as I should. I would do the homework’s and look over the problems but that was about it for practice. So this semester I’m going to practice problems a few days in advance. With the conceptual problems I usually do really well with but just to make sure I’m going to also look over our side resources.

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