Physics 10-4-16 Chapter 3 Test Overview & Problems Practice

PHYSICS: I love, love, love walking in on you help each other! Warms my heart!!

Here’s the vodcast from class – test overview and some of the relative motion problems from the homework, and a very quick look at #37, how far above the mountain is the missile. Below that is the vodcast from the help session – #62, the rocket problem.

God bless you as you study! Help session tomorrow, Wednesday, 7:20ish A.M.

Physics 10-3-16 Relative Motion Problems and Chapter 3 Overview from Tammy Skinner on Vimeo. image by louis magnotti

Physics 10-4-16 Projectile Motion Help Session from Tammy Skinner on Vimeo. image by SpaceX

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4 thoughts on “Physics 10-4-16 Chapter 3 Test Overview & Problems Practice

  1. This week I give myself a 4/5 stars. I think I worked well on the rocket lab and got it done on the first day. I also think I did well on the design challenge. I quickly came up with a simple confetti poper. When there were more restrictions, my group struggled a little more. It was difficult to create a concept that worked but overall we worked well. When we had an idea we tested it, see what needed to be changed, then tested it again. Through this it reenforced how to conduct a proper experiment.

  2. I would rate myself a 4 out of 5 for this week. I did not originally figure out the best idea for finding the initial velocity of the rocket. You ended up helping me with that. Nor did I come up with a very efficient way of finding the distance needed to shoot the rocket; however, I did come up with a better way before we began the lab. That was a plus! Our lab went fairly well once we started getting the rocket in the air, and we ended up getting around 7.7 % error I believe. This was really good for us! As for the engineering challenge, I was a little disappointed in the final performance of our product because it worked well in testing; although, it was still a very nifty device and yes, it did at least sort of work. Thank you for a relatively calmer and fun week! Can’t wait to learn about forces!

  3. This week, I learned a very important lesson. I learned that instructions and how they are delivered are very important. Jonathan and I had 2 very different sets of instructions. I think the we both learned that we need to give instructions to others in a way anyone can understand. I also saw how to truly apply the concept of projectile motion in the rocket experiment. This also taught me about all the factors that go into real life projectile motion calculations.

  4. I would rate myself a 2 out of 5 for this week. My group did well on the rocket lab, and we got really close on the first shot. In the other two activities we didn’t do as well. For the confetti launcher ours launched the cup instead of releasing the confetti. For the critical thinking me and my suffered from miscommunication on how we would write the symbols. This miscommunication ended up with both of us not doing the right things.

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