7 thoughts on “Physics 9-22-16 Graphical Vector Addition Practice

  1. I would rate myself 4 out of 5 stars for this week. I would lower the score for the frustration and many tries I had to experience while doing the vector addition; however, I feel like the labs went pretty well. If we can just remember that we must do extra trials next time instead of being told, I think it will go even smoother. I also enjoyed getting to experience vector addition first hand with the ball being thrown from the back of the van. I cannot wait to learn how to do vector addition in a new way!

  2. I would rate myself a 3 out of 5 for this week. The Velocity vs. Braking Distance Lab was extremely fun to do, even though it was pretty intimidating at times! I feel like I was able to brake at a somewhat constant acceleration, but it was definitely harder than I thought it would be. Then, learning the graphical way of finding the resultant vector really confused me at first, and I did not do very well on those types of problems in the homework. However, after working through all of them again tonight, I am definitely starting to understand everything so much better. I will continue to practice these kinds of problems and really work on measuring everything accurately in order to get as close to the correct answer as possible.

  3. I give myself a 4 out of 5 this week. I think our class as a whole did well doing the car lab considering it was the first time we had done anything like it. In the homework (1-13) I did surprisingly well the first night I did it. I only had to fix 3 of the problems. I think I’m doing pretty good at finding the angles and what direction the result ants are going. As of now it takes me a while to think through it, but with practice I will get better.

  4. I’d give myself a 5 out of 5 for this week because even though everything wasn’t perfect I did a good job. I got most of the vector problems correct on the first time which was a big improvement over last week. I also thought I did good on the velocity vs. braking distance lab because I did not get hit by a car, and I had to do a lot running around which is hard to do in a school uniform. Last I got a head start on the labs instead of procrastinating instead of waiting until the day they are due.

  5. This week I’d have to give myself a 4 out of five. I think that I performed very well during the Breaking Distance vs. Velocity Lab. As the screamer & photographer (when Jonathen threw the ball), I think I did a pretty bang up job. In regards to the vector problems, I did extremely well today with the algebraic/trigonometric problems. They immediately clicked for me and o have confidence that I can accurately do them in tonight’s homework. With the graphical ones, I didn’t do as well, but I believe that practice this weekend will resolve that problem for me. Overall, I think this was a jam packed week that went very well for me.

  6. This week, I rate myself a 4.5/5. I felt like I really understood vectors and the ways we learned to add and subtract them. The reason for not being a 5/5 is the two blunders I had this week. First when we didn’t add multiple runs to our braking distance lab, and second when I completely forgot to do science in the news. Although I had a few mistakes, I feel I was extremely successful this week learning the material.

  7. This week I was reminded the correct way to make graphs and learned how to title and draw them correctly. I feel like I struggled with the graphs in the beginning because I was trying to do it by myself and not asking others for hints to help me. I enjoyed doing the dancing raisins lab and thinking of every observation I could while coming up with a hypothesis and conclusion.

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