Physics 9-8-16 Acceleration, Pt. 2

PHYSICS: Watch out for bunnies on ski slopes!! Here’s the last of the acceleration formulas. Good job with the derivations! You’re doing really well with them – stay with it! Carefully examine what you know with the formulas you have that might fit. And if they don’t, examine what you do know that could lead you to what you need to know. You know? 🙂

Tonight’s problems may be a little challenging, but you can do it!! Do you need some extra practice rearranging the formulas, or just working the problems? Help session?

Physics 9-8-16 Acceleration, Pt. 2 from Tammy Skinner on Vimeo.

flickr photo by DaPuglet

Chemistry 9-8-16 Homework Conversion Factor Problems, etc.

CHEMISTRY: Here is our discussion from today of some of the conversion factor problems from last night’s homework.

IMPORTANT: Do you need to redo these? If you found yourself today writing all over what you had written last night, then YES you do! Remember you want to get great at working these yourself, not just get great at watching me work them!

Evernote UPDATE: Be sure and sign up for an Evernote account using the email you gave me, or let me know if you changed your email. I’ll be sending you an email with an invitation to your Evernote Lab Folder, so watch for it!

Chemistry 9-8-16 Homework Conversion Factor Problems, etc. from Tammy Skinner on Vimeo.

flickr photo by Enokson

Hon Chemistry 9-8-16 Help Session

HON CHEMISTRY: Hey guys, here the vodcast from the honors chemistry help session Thursday morning. Conversation factor problems and maybe a density one or two?

CAUTION: The first ten minutes or so are a bit scratchy – I think the mic kept getting caught on my shirt!

Hon Chemistry 9-8-16 Help Session from Tammy Skinner on Vimeo.

flickr photo by bored-now