Chemistry 2-5-15 Help Session

CHEMISTRY: Need some extra review of electron configurations? Here’s the help session from Thursday morning. The very beginning has a lot of static, but the sound get better after a little bit.

We didn’t have time to look at wave problems again this morning, so we decided to have another help session next Tuesday morning, February 10, at 7:15ish A.M.

Chemistry 2-5-15 Help Session from Tammy Skinner on Vimeo.

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40 thoughts on “Chemistry 2-5-15 Help Session

  1. The most confident I have felt in chemistry class was doing noble-gas and electronic configurations. I rate myself 5 outa 5 this week because of that.

  2. Help session Tuesday on the day of the test… right? this is a reminder for Ms. Skinner. I feel confident and rate myself a 5 0f 5 stars on all the configurations that we have learned.

  3. The help session helped me with the electron configuration alot and I feel like I have it down. I need to work on the noble gas notation and the wave length problems. I rate myself 3.5-5 this week.

  4. I rate my self a 4.5 out of 5 this week. I really understood the electron configuration. The only thing I had a problem with was the noble gases, but I’m going to keep working on them.

  5. Thank you so much for the extra help sessison I was really sick this moring. I feel that I need to work on orbital notation more. I still struggle with the arrows that is why I rate myself a 4 out 5

  6. I rate myself a 4 out of 5 this week. I did good on everything except for a few of the longer noble gas notation problems and I am going to practice until I get better at them.

  7. I’ve really enjoyed this week of chemistry, and I feel like I am beginning to understand more and more of what’s going on. I am excited for the Triboluminescence lab today. Also, going over the problems on our homework and working on the white boards has helped me to see what I am doing wrong on each problem.

  8. I’ve really enjoyed this week of chemistry, and I feel like I am beginning to understand more and more of what’s going on. I am excited for the Triboluminescence lab today. Also, going over the problems on our homework and working on the white boards has helped me to see what I am doing wrong on each problem.

  9. This week in chemistry, I would rate myself a 4/5 because I finally understood the Aufbau’s chart and how to use it. Also, I really enjoyed the Triboluminenesence lab we did today.

  10. I really enjoyed learning how to correctly write all of the notations we had to learn this week. It has helped me benefit throughout this chapter and has prepared me for the test

  11. I really enjoyed the triboluminescence lab. I really liked this week, but the new math is really difficult to do.

  12. I learnt today that in the dark when you hit 2 cubes of sugar together they make a spark. I give myself a 4 out of 5 because I know a lot about this chapter except the wavelength calculations.

  13. This week I would rate myself a 4 out 5. Electron configuration was clear to me and the lab that we did was very fun.

  14. This week I would rate myself a 4 out 5. Electron configuration was clear to me and the lab that we did was very fun.


  15. I triumphed this week over the electron configuration notation. I was having a hard time at first, but the help session helped a bunch.

  16. I would rate myself a 4 out of 5 for the week. I understand everything. I have trouble with orbital notation problems. I will practice them until i understand perfectly.

  17. The triboluminescence lab was like something that I have never done before. I never really thought about how there can be light produced from just pulling tape off a roll. I wonder what other things do that as well.

  18. I rate myself a 4 out of 5 for this week because I felt pretty confident on the homework and I did good on the the lab today, and didn’t need any help.

  19. I enjoyed the lab today as it helped me to understand how electrons jump between energy levels to produce light. While I wasn’t able to make the help session, I appreciate you recording it so I could watch it this evening. I feel confident that I’ll do good on the test!

  20. I rate myself a 4 out of 5 because I think I’m getting the notations down. The lab we did this week also was fun on how we got to see things in a whole new way with the lights off.

  21. The triboluminescence lab was probably one of my favorites. I learned how the light being produced from each object was from the atoms in the air. Also thanks for uploading this from the help session.

  22. I would rate myself a 4 out of 5 this. Each week I’m learning more and practicing problems really is helping me prepare for the test.

  23. This week I learned a lot about orbital notation and electron configuration. I did not know that there were many different ways to find a certain element on the periodic table using the certain notations. I still have some troubles with the wavelength problems and the calculations though. I give myself a 4 out of 5 for this week.

  24. I can’t wait for the help session Tuesday. This week I give my self a 3/5 because some of the problems have been kind of difficult for me. But I have learned this week that if you don’t read the instructions then you will mess up 100% of the time with that being said the periodic table tripped me up just a little bit.

  25. This week I learned about orbital notation and electron configuration and how to properly work them. I also realky enjoyed the triboluminescence lab!

  26. This week I would rate myself a 5 out of 5. Electron configurations and orbital notation was fairly easy for me, although I did get a little confused with the d block. Other wise though, I’m pretty happy with myseld this week.

  27. I Feel like I have learned a lot this week dealing with the electron configuration problems and the orbital notation. I still need some practice with locating the elements on the periodic table. I think I am prepared for the test. I give my self a 3 out of 5 for the week

  28. I loved doing the triboluminesence lab today! I did not know that different colors of light could be produced by just ordinary objects. I learned that light production is affected by friction, speed, and pressure. I tested each little experiment by either ripping the tape or crinching the candy very quickly, rubbing the sugar cubes slowly, or rubbing the sugar cubes very hard. I also learned that it is not the atoms in the object that is producing the light, but the atoms in the air. I thought that was very interesting! This lab helped me get a better look at the material that we have been covering so far lately.

  29. I had trouble at first when you taught us electron configuration and orbital notation and when you went over it again and worked problems with us, I understood it completely. I am ready for the test next week. I would rate myself a 4 out of 5 stars this week.

  30. I like the lab we did today and how we learned that the air around the tape is what lit up and not te tape that lit up

  31. the help session Thursday Morning helped a lot. I think I’m getting the hang of electron configuration! I would rate myself a 4 out of 5 this week.

  32. This week I would rate myself a 3.5 out of 5. I liked the fact that I was able to understand most of the problems but some of them kept giving me trouble.

  33. I only give my self about two out of five stars because I didn’t pay attention in the beginning of the week and that threw me off. But I am going to watch the vod casts and go over some problems again. The lab today was pretty cool. It amazes me all the scientific and magic -like stuff that goes on around around us everyday and we don’t realize it.

  34. I really enjoyed the challenge of the new notations we learned this week. I’m looking forward to learning all the new stuff God has planned for us and ready to see how awesome he is!

  35. I feel very confident on our upcoming work on the reverse element scavenger hunt because I feel that I have done very well with recognizing and understanding uses of the elements in everyday use.

  36. I rate myself 3 out of 5 going into this next test. I had trouble figuring out how to find a color. I feel more confident with the new notations that we learned.

  37. hello Ms. Skinner,
    I has been probably my most successful week in chemistry ever! But seriously I think some things these elements can do are pretty interesting like lithium curing depression.

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