Chemistry 11-18-14 Percent Composition

CHEMISTRY: Great job today… although, it was kind of weird watching you chew gum in class!

Lab reports are due Friday midnight – submitted as PDF 2X. Double check your calculations, sig figs, etc. Remember you are finding the percent of SUGAR in gum, so that means the mass of what goes on top? Show all your data in a data table – everything you measured and everything you calculated, and be sure to include formulas and calculations. And don’t forget the pictures and the conclusion!

BTW – I think you’ll find that percent composition problems are really easy to catch on to. Make sure, though, you can write chemical formulas (I won’t give them to you!) and that you’ve memorized the formulas for acids and those chemical names for common substances so that you’ll have something to find the percent composition of!

CHEMISTRY 11-18-14 Percent Composition from Tammy Skinner on Vimeo.

flickr photo by Τϊζζ¥

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9 thoughts on “Chemistry 11-18-14 Percent Composition

  1. I learned though the percent composition lab how to calculate the percent mass of sugar in one piece of gum and not the percent mass of gum.

  2. I have learned that there is a formula called the Emprical formula. It’s nickname is the simplest formula. The smallest whole number ratio of elements. Doing the gum lab I learned the Percent Composition is mass of element divided by mass of compound times hundred.

  3. I enjoyed the gum lab this week because it helped me to learn how to do percent composition better. I was a little confused before we did the lab, but now I understand it!

  4. This week has been a struggle for me learning about moles, percent composition, and empirical formulas. I am tring to figure out ways to keep all of the new information along with the old information straight. I am overcoming this by attending review sessions, doing practice problems, and watching vodcasts.

  5. I give myself 4 stars for knowing how to solve for percent composition and making the formulas for them. I say this because I have been getting them correct on the homework and some classmates have asked me for help.

  6. The gum lab we did this week really helped understand how to do percent composition and helped me understand what percent composition really means.

  7. At first learning all this new information and combining it with old information was very confusing for me but as you have helped us in class and I have practiced I am starting to understand it better.

  8. This gum lab helped me really understand percent composition and that has helped me better understand what we are learning now.

  9. The gum lab really helped me because we took an everyday item instead of just random numbers to find percent composition.

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