Physics 8-29-14 Velocity Problems

PHYSICS – Here are the velocity problems from Friday, #11 and then some new problems. You did a great job on these! Do you see what I mean about learning to think through them?

Stay strong on those next five problems! Make sure to do more than just show the math – be sure that I can also follow your logic in the formulas. Ditto with units, etc. Don’t give up on the tortoise and the hare. A couple of hints: remember the distance the tortoise travels is the same as the distance the hare travels plus the extra 20 cm he was ahead. Also, the time the hare raced is equal to the time of the tortoise minus those two minutes he rested.

We’ll work through them in class if you need some help, but make sure you have already worked them yourself – even if you think your work is wrong!

Now go have fun! And have a great weekend!! 🙂

PHYSICS 8-29-14 Velocity Problems from Tammy Skinner on Vimeo.

flickr photo by darkmatter