1,342 thoughts on “Class Info

  1. Struggle- I’ve struggled with time management but I’ve drastically improved at it. I’m learning to put the time God gave me to use for His glory; and give it all to Him.

  2. This week I did good with making up work from missing so much school from being sick. I have done good at this because I haven’t been getting sidetracked while doing homework.

  3. This week I have been working on being more focused on schoolwork. So far, I have made some progress. I still get distracted but not as much. I will continue to stay focused in class and focus on my schoolwork.

  4. This week I have triumphed in staying on top of homework and studying for quizzes and test that I have had through out the week.

  5. Triumph- This week I triumphed over all my tests. It was though because I would have several tests on the same day and would not feel like staying. I knew I had to push through and with God’s help I did.

  6. On November 27, after an almost 40-year nap, Earth’s largest volcano, Mauna Loa, erupted. The volcano shot up lava as high as 50 meters in the air. There weren’t many warning signs of eruption. One of the only warnings was that scientists were seeing signs of unrest since 2015. It is a little early to tell if this will cause a threat to to residents but so far, there is no threat. https://www.sciencenews.org/article/hawaii-mauna-loa-volcano-erupting-what-you-need-to-know

  7. On thing I have learned to apply from chapter 7 is that attention to detail very important. Paying close attention to seemingly unimportant things such as the order that a series of buttons are pressed can prove to be very useful at later times.

  8. This semester I rate myself a 4 because I did well with my test and I did most of my homework and I also stayed focused on class.

  9. I rate this semester a 2/5 because the first term wasn’t bad but after the first 9 weeks it started to get very difficult. I started to get behind on homework and other assignments which made the test harder than they should be. between football and baseball it was hard to find the time to get the multiple assignments we have due every week.

  10. Reflect- Durning the first semester of this school year it took me some time to adapt to the classroom. I had a rocky start and never had a class like Chemistry before. It’s a tough class, but over time I’ve trusted the Lord and aim to improve. I’ve developed new study skills, improved memory, and developed a stronger connection with the Lord. Thank You Ms. Skinner!

  11. Rate- I rate this semester a 2/5. Durning the first semester of this school year it took me some time to adapt to the classroom. I had a rocky start and never had a class like Chemistry before. It’s a tough class, but over time I’ve trusted the Lord and aim to improve. I’ve developed new study skills, improved memory, and developed a stronger connection with the Lord. Thank You Ms. Skinner!

  12. I rate this semester a 2.5/5. During this semester, so many things happen, both good and bad. These past couple of months have been rocky and I hope that next year will be better. There were many school assignments that I didn’t do and it was also hard to focus while in class. Next semester, I will strive to do better in all my classes and in my own personal life.

  13. 2nd Semester goal- I have a lot of goals for this new semester like getting faster(work wise), thinking more outside the box, passingwith a high A. Of all my goals for this new semester, growing closer to the Lord is my ultimate goal. By letting the Lord lead and guide me through this semester.

  14. My goal for this semester is to remember to do homework and web posts. I will try to remember by putting a reminder on my phone and checking the syllabus.

  15. My goal for the second semester is to turn in all my homework on time and study a lot more. I have a tendency to procrastinate a lot and that affects my grades and so I’m going to try and eliminate many distractions at home and do my homework as soon as I get home to make sure I do not forget it. I’m also going to check the syllabus a lot more to me to see what homework I have to do and when tests are so I’ll know when to studying for them

  16. I have triumphed in chemistry this week because I have done well in remembering to do all my homework and do my web post last week.

  17. This week I did very well with the new types of problems we have been going over because I have been working hard and practicing problems. I have also done well with getting makeup work done because I have been setting reminders.

  18. This week, my triumphs were that I did all my Chemistry homework and that I was able to work out the different problems we were given. Hopefully, this continues to happen and if I keep it up, I will be very grateful.

  19. Triumph- This week God helped me triumph over the problems we did this week. At first, I struggled on how to work the problems. He gave me wisdom and knowledge after I prayed to Him for it.

  20. Is it possible to discover how a substance is made by knowing what elements it is made up of? We can know the process that makes any substances, because we know the different reactions that can occur.

  21. Is it possible to discover how a substance is made by knowing what elements it is made up of? We can know the process that makes any substances, because we know the different reactions that can occur.

  22. What is the difference between the law of definite composition and the law of multiple proportions? Law of definite composition contains the same element in the same proportion no matter where it’s found. Law of multiple proportions is when elements combine to make more than one type of compound.

  23. What’s the difference in empirical formulas and molecular formulas? Empirical formulas show the whole number ratio of elements in a compound and Molecular formulas give the type a number of atoms in a compound.

  24. Ask- why is a toy car more likely to melt than a microwave cover?

    Answer- The answer lies in the polymers that make them up. The toy car’s polymers are arranged in a linear form and when heat is applied they begin to move around a lot. This causes them to slide away and collapse. The microwave top’s polymers are arranged in a cross-link form so when heat is applied they don’t slide away like the linear polymers do.

  25. How can you relate structure and function?
    Structure determines the function of a substance and if the structure is changed, the function is also changed

  26. So far in this semester I rate myself a 4/5. I have done all of my homework and web post so far but I was not as prepared as I should have been on our test.

  27. I rate myself 4/5 this semester because I have not forgotten to do a homework assignment but I don’t understand some things that we are doing.

  28. So far, I’m would rate this semester a 3/5. My progress so far isn’t where I would like it to be. I’m trying to take out as many distractions as I can but that will take some time.

  29. I would rate this semester so far, a 2/5. My progress is slow but I’m getting there. I’m now learning to prioritize time equally to each of my courses instead of focusing on just one.

  30. I have been struggling with balancing chemical equations because I am not good at writing chemical equations. I have been practicing writing chemical equations to try and get better.

  31. I have been struggling to memorize things and remember stuff for the tests and quizzes. I am going to start changing my method of studying.

  32. This week I struggled to complete my make up work. I am setting schedule for the weekend so that I will complete my make up work before school Monday.

  33. This week I struggled with mainly balancing equations. I’m not the best at remembering chemical formulas and charges but I will start memorizing them so I can do better on tests and quizzes.

  34. This week I have triumphed in being able to memorize all the rules for chemical formulas and I have gotten better classifying the formulas.

  35. This week I did well with keeping up with all my homework and getting better with Balancing equations. Also with knowing the charges of the elements in the equations.

  36. This week my triumph was studying and memorizing in advance. I started studying Monday instead of just starting tonight.

  37. In 1973 a waste patch of was found floating around Atlantic Ocean. It contained 5 million to 50 million plastic objects floating in the current. Last year it was discovered that the waste patch has grown to 1.8 trillion and two times the size of Texas. I’ve learned that the waste patch will continue to grow much larger unless something is done to stop it.

  38. The James Webb Space Telescope has found six new galaxies that are one-hundred time bigger than standard galaxies. The galaxies hold up to 10 billion times the mass of our sun in stars and one may hold up to 100 billion times the mass of our sun. I have learned that we are constantly coming up with new theories and finding new things and that there is so little we know about the universe.

  39. Physicists recently test the standard model of particle physics to a degree of precision that has never been seen before. The researchers discovered that the measurement of the magnetic moment of an electron agrees with the standard model to 13 parts in a trillion.

  40. As the new HBO Max show “The Last of Us” becomes more and more popular, researches have found that the show shows how certain types of fungi can infect the human brain. One fungi has already started to mutate to infect humans with the help of global warming. As the temperatures get higher, the fungi has to adapt to these temperatures in order to multiply. And even though the body, particularly the immune system, keeps the fungi in control, the fungal infections can cause serious illness or even death.

  41. This week I triumphed in doing my homework for chemistry. I checked the syllabus every night and remembered to do my homework.

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