For more detailed information, click here for our class Honor Code Policy
- All assignments, homework, class work, lab reports, projects, and tests, are to be done on an individual basis. There are times when working with others and using outside resources is beneficial and other times when it is prohibited. When in doubt, ASK.
- Copying or obtaining answers or information from any source (i.e., another current or previous student, any published work, the Internet, etc.) and representing it as your own is considered cheating and will not be tolerated. Aiding a student in such a deception is also considered cheating. Discussing information about a quiz or test with students who have not completed it is considered cheating.
- You are not allowed to use any artificial intelligence (AI) tools to complete any part of your assignments unless specifically pre-approved for that assignment by me.
- The use of cell phones, graphing calculators, and other electronic devices to copy and/or remove class information for your own use or to share with others is also considered cheating and will not be tolerated.