PHYSICS 11-9-21 Vertical Fish Forces & Forces with Pulleys and Friction

PHYSICS: Not sure if you’d ever find a fish on an elevator, but you sure could treat the problem like it was! Here a look at the fish on a line problem, and then, a different take on forces – an application of horizontal forces, vertical forces, friction, all at once!

Wow! Amazing job solving these problems – can you now go see if you can solve them by yourself?

flickr photo by Elisa Dudnikova

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11 thoughts on “PHYSICS 11-9-21 Vertical Fish Forces & Forces with Pulleys and Friction

  1. This week I would definitely say a struggle that I had was the coefficient of wood on wood lab. Hadley and I had trouble getting consistent data because our setup of the lab kept moving whenever we would run our trials which skewed our data results. To fix this problem, we will come back later and attempt to make a more secure base so that our data will be more consistent and that will allow us to find an accurate coefficient of friction.

  2. T – Triumph

    One triumph I had this week was the coefficient of wood on wood lab. Josh and I were able to quickly determine the best setup and procedure for the lab and had minimal issues with SPARKvue (PTL)! We obtained good data and do not plan on repeating anything. I have done most of the calculations, and all of our measurements so far are extremely consistent. Despite this triumph, I am still struggling with the conceptual stuff, so hopefully I can figure that out before the test.

  3. T-Triumph
    My triumph this week was realizing the correct formula for the coefficient of friction. Last week I could not figure out even the simplest of problems that we worked but after I figured out the correct formula this week, I was able to do all of the problems on the forces review worksheet.

  4. I would 100% say I struggled this week. Keeping up with class and the conceptual review flew right over my head, and I have to study hard this weekend for this test.

  5. This week I struggled a lot with the coefficient of wood on wood lab. To be honest, every lab has been very rough for me recently because it seems like I just can’t get a grasp of what I need to do. So, to fix this, I am just going to try to keep revisiting concepts and redoing anything I can until it clicks. Another thing I struggled with was the conceptual things for this chapter. I keep thinking I understand something until we look at it again and it feels like Im completely thrown off. To fix this, I am going to really review the concepts and just focus on situations that I could apply to real life as a way to understand them better. I have noticed that when I can understand things in my own terms, I learn it much better. So, that is what I will be aiming to do to prepare for the upcoming test.

  6. A triumph this week was continuing to understand the force problems. For once I’m not totally under water, and I hope that I can avoid silly mistakes on the test and make a better grade than both of the first two.

  7. S – Struggle
    This week I would say my struggle was between the coefficient of friction of wood on wood lab and the conceptual ideas for the test on Tuesday. We had to keep changing and updating our lab setup and ultimately did not come in as prepared as we should have because we did not think it through all the way. The other struggle could be considered the conceptual review for our test in Tuesday, I did ok on it, but considering we have a test over it Tuesday I really need to step it up. I will spend this weekend preparing for our test and will have to come back to re do our lab

  8. Struggle:
    This week was definitely a struggle. My partner and I struggled on the labs, and the data we were collecting was very inconsistent and confusing. However, I was proud of us because we re-evaluated our experiment and the way we were doing things and made adjustments accordingly, just like real scientists. We are planning on coming back and trying to record data using our adjusted experiment. Also, today I struggled with a lot of conceptual things, so I’m planning on looking over that this weekend a lot with the Hewitt questions.

  9. T – Triumph
    Although I did struggle with a couple of things this week, I feel like my triumphs had a greater effect on it. First, I really began to understand what I was doing for homework problems and why I take the steps that I take. Second, in the labs, though they were difficult at first, my partner and I had success in gathering the data we needed in a timely manner. Additionally, I felt like I really understood the conceptual stuff that we reviews today in class, and I really enjoyed thinking about physics in a different way.

  10. This week I struggled a lot with the friction problems. I was unable to get a solid grasp on the homework problems for some reason and was pretty lost on the labs. I did do good on the vertical forces problems though. This weekend I’ll work hard to try and get a better understanding of the key concepts and processes and also refresh myself on equilibrant forces for the test.

  11. Triumph- This week did very well in our design challenge. Cooper and I used a more conventional approach, even if it wasn’t fast, it was very consistent. As well as studying for the test, I took my time and gave it all my effort.

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