Chemistry 1-9-19 Structure of the Atom, Pt. 1

CHEMISTRY – Chocolate chip cookie dough model of the atom? That’s what Thompson thought the atom must look like! Here’s the beginning of our discussion of how scientists began to determine the structure of the atom and the existence of subatomic particles. For each, make sure you know the name of the scientists, the name of their experiments, be able to draw a diagram of their experiment, and describe how they interpreted the experimental results that led to their discoveries. Wow, that’s a mouthful!

As we continue the explore the discovery of the structure of the atom, here are some video clips that I want everyone to watch that will help make things a bit clearer. Click here for the video on the Cathode Ray Tube Experiment that Thompson did, and also for the video clips that I want you to watch on The Discovery of the Electron and The Discovery of the Nucleus. All of these will be great tools in studying for the test!

flickr photo by pixxiestails

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38 thoughts on “Chemistry 1-9-19 Structure of the Atom, Pt. 1

  1. I would rate myself at 3/5 this week. I am still trying to get back into the swing of things with all my school work. I am doing pretty good so far. I hope to be able to understand the lesson a little bit better because I don’t really understand telling the difference in between the laws, but I know if I go back through my notes and the video I will understand it.

  2. I would rate myself a 3/5 this week. I think this chapter is going to be a little bit easier than the last chapter. I’m doing pretty good with the laws right now but i need to start really focusing in class and writing more notes. The brain games video was really interesting to me because i never knew that much about my brain.

  3. I would rate myself a 3/5 this week. I forgot my web post last week and did it late, so my grade dropped. I pulled it up a little but hopefully it can get higher soon. I understand the notes we’ve taken for this chapter and feel like I can do good on the upcoming homeworks and test.

  4. I would rate myself a 3/5 this week I forgot to do my web post in time and i need to make sure I print a syllabus off every week.

  5. I would rate myself a 4/5 this week i completed my homework and for the most part i understood everything and i think i did pretty well with the notes and lab for this week

  6. This week, I would rate myself a 4/5. It was a good first week back. The only thing that didn’t go as planned was the first HW assignment. I am going to make sure I won’t miss another HW assignment again.

  7. I’d rate myself 4/5 this week. I actively listened and did all of my assignments. I worked hard and did my best in class. I even worked ahead.

  8. A Poff C2

    This week i really think i did well and i kept up with all my work. the LAB this week i enjoyed because we had to mimic scientists and go in blind. i rate myself a 4/5 this week because of this

  9. This week so far I rate myself a 4/5. I really liked learning about how our brain works and how we may think we can do multiple things at once, but in reality we cannot. I think it is interesting learning about the founders and the theories and how Marie Ann painted all of the experiments. It is cool to see the history side of Chemistry!

  10. I would rate myself a 4/5 this week. I understand all the information we learned this week. Also did all of the homework so that helped too. And I remembered to do this web post so that’s great.

  11. This week I would rate myself a 4/5. I have been following my plan for this nine weeks extremely well, but there are still some things that I’m working like procrastinating on work that can be sooner. Besides that this past week has been extremely good.

  12. This week I would rate myself a 4/5. I have introduced new ways to keep track of all the work I have to do and it’s working well.

  13. This week I rate myself a 4/5. I understood the notes and the homework. One thing I am having trouble with is memorizing the electromagnetic spectrum. The formulas and symbols were one strength for me because I could easily remember what formula went with what symbol after working problems with them. To improve my understandings, I could continue to work more problems. As well, I had a fun time creating our own chain reaction (with the help of my lab partner Brenna) and being able to see the visible light colors surrounding different light bulbs. Overall, the week was pretty good since the notes made sense to me and was exciting during the labs.

  14. So far I would rate myself a 3/5 for this week. I think I am still trying to get back to my normal routine. For some reason I can’t really remember any specific person or what they did for some reason. I think I did well on the lab though it was calm yet fun. Hope for a great rest of the week.

  15. This week i rate myself a 4/5 because i think i did pretty well. I did my web post over the weekend, and i think i did well on the homework and the labs. I really enjoyed the brain games video, i learned a lot about multitasking, some things i never would have known.

  16. I would rate myself a 4/5 this week because I remembered to do all of my assignments this week. I also understood the model of the atom lab really well. I also think I did well with recognizing what I need help with and what I need to pay attention to with the help of the brain games video.

  17. This week, I would rate myself a 4/5 because I did all of my homework and I focused well during class. I am trying a lot harder to stay organised and ensure that I am completing and keeping up with all of my assignments.

  18. This week, I think I’d have to rate myself a 2/5. I’ve been struggling to find motivation, and my sleep schedule is completely off. I haven’t yet done my science in the news, and even though I don’t have a printer at home I feel incredibly apathetic. I know that not doing it will effect my grade, so I’ll do it at some point, but it’s incredibly difficult to stop procrastinating. I’m even having trouble finding the motivation to type out this web post; what’s the point? The one thing I do somehow still have motivation for, though, is learning math, so instead of working on a paper due Monday or doing any homework, I’ve been reading a math textbook on real analysis for a class I’m not even taking. And I am perfectly content right now, completely stress-free with no explanation as to why. Thus, not only do I not have motivation for anything, to be honest I don’t care. Anyways, back to wasting my time with useless math.

  19. I would rate myself a 3/5 for this week. I have been keeping up my grades but I’ve had trouble managing my time and then I have to do my homework in the morning. The lab this week was also laid back but really fun.

  20. I would rate myself a 7/10 this week. I have gotten better at managing my time and remembering to do the daily work. However, I did slip up on the Atomic Theory worksheet and got 0 on it. The Atom lab that we did this week was not only fun but also easy and interesting.

  21. I would rate myself 4/5 this week. I did not complete my homework all of the way due to my misunderstanding “don’t worry about it” and taking it a different way. Additionally, I had a great week and enjoyed the lab model of an atom.

  22. I would rate myself a 4/5 this week. I liked watching Brain games and learning how multitasking is a lot harder than we think. I also enjoyed the lab we did this week.

  23. I would rate myself a 4/5 this week. I think I did relatively well on time management, but still needs work (homework). The lab this week was fun and full of surprises.

  24. This week I rate myself a 4/5. Missing two days was definitely rough on trying to get all my work done but I eventually completed it all. I’m starting to keep tabs on my grade in this class and make sure I complete everything so I don’t get a zero. I am definitely putting more effort into this class this semester than I did last semester.

  25. This week I would rate myself a 4/5. I took good notes this week and have been on top of getting my homework done and science in the news done early. I’ve also been on top of and getting in the habit of checking my grades everyday and making sure I’m managing my time better.

  26. i rate myself a 4/5 this week. i did pretty well on the lab we had but i think i could’ve managed my time a little better with homework.

  27. This week I rate myself a 4/5. Even though we just gt back off of the break, I stayed on top of my work and listened in class. I can already see slight improvements in my work ethic so far this year. I need to continue to work harder and stay on top of my work.

  28. this week I rate myself a 4/5, I did every assignment we had and turned everything in on time so my grades are good right now. I have been taking very good notes and understand everything we have learned so far really well, now I just need to continue doing what im doing and stay on top of everything

  29. This week I would rate myslef a 4/5. I have been really on top of all my homework and assignments. I missed Thursday which was hard to make up because we did a lab. But, I have been listening very well to Ms. Skinner as she teaches and I have taken very good notes.

  30. I would rate myself a 4/5 this week. I have remembered to do all my homework and I feel that I am off to a good start. I learned a lot from my Science in the news and have been able to start conversations on the matter. I have enjoyed our lesson and the lab. I’m ready for chemistry this next semester.

  31. I would rate myself a 4/5 this week. I was able to do the lab without to much trouble and i am actually remembering to do this web post.

  32. I would rate myself a 4/5 this week. I got everything done this week on time. I thought the science and the news would be hard, but it didn’t take me long at all.

  33. I would rate myself a 5/10 because i did all my homework but didn’t take notes. I’m going to try harder at focusing in class by taking notes.

  34. this week i rate myself a 3/5. i give myself this rating because i understood the lesson and watched the podcast for the day i missed. i still need to finish my lab, but i feel i will make a good grade on it because i will work very hard!

  35. this week I rate myself a 4/5. I was pretty successful in our lab and figuring out what was in my sock. I got all my homework done and learned a lot in class on the history of chemist.

  36. this week I rate myself a 4/5. I successfully completed my lab and found out what was in my sock. I also turned in all my homework and learned a lot about the history of chemist.

  37. This week i would rate myself a 4/5. I focused well in class and took detailed notes and completed my homework. i had one mishap with a printer which caused me to get a 0 but next time that happens i will take a different route and complete my assignment

  38. This week I would rate myself a 2/5 because I missed two days and didn’t finish a homework, I need to start finishing the homework ahead of time and stop rushing to do it last second, I think I did well with the sock project though

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