Your LAST Web Post Comment!!

Can you believe it?!? This is your LAST web post comment!! This is where you put it and here are the three things I want you to talk about:

1) How did chemistry grow you? What did you learn about yourself?
2) What advice do you have for future chemistry students?
3) What could we have done different this year that would have helped you learn chemistry better?

Can’t wait to hear from you!! 🙂

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63 thoughts on “Your LAST Web Post Comment!!

  1. Chemistry has been one of the most challenging classes I have taken at this school. Not only did I learn the material, how to apply it, and why it was so, I learned how to study well for tests. I learned that I can do anything if I put my mind to it and focus on the task before me.

    Future chemistry students!
    Please please please take notes. Make sure they are legible because you will need them for studying!
    The tests are challenging, but some tips on studying for that are: watching the vodcasts and any videos Ms. Skinner showed us in class; doing the review at the end of the chapter (helps soo much); memorizing things when she says to memorize them (I didn’t do this once and it ended very poorly); stay up late studying if you have to, or wake up early (you should also start studying a few days in advance!)
    Do Science in the News and your web posts! Those are easy 100s that boost your grade!
    Make sure not to take too much time when you’re taking your test. Look through it once you get it, do the discussion questions that you know first, and then go through the rest of the test.
    If you have a question, ask it! Chances are someone else in the class was wondering the same thing.
    Talk in class ALL THE TIME. It will help you know what’s going on because Ms. Skinner will make you explain everything to her.
    Don’t just know, know WHY.

    Some things I could have done better was studying more in advance. I had many nights before a test where I would stay up extremely late with a cup of coffee (not healthy, but it somehow worked).

    Thanks for a great year, Ms. Skinner!

  2. This is without question the class I’ve had to work the hardest in. With my busy schedule and taking Honors Chem, I had pretty limited free time. During this class, I’ve learned that when I actually put my mind to the work, I can do well. I learned about my own studying habits (which I’ll explain in a second) and about my personal habits. I learned a lot of Chemistry stuff too along the way.

    Future Chemistry Students:
    Be ready for the work, but don’t prematurely freak out over everything. Going in, people were telling me their Chemistry horror stories about never passing tests and just making bad grades in general, and I went in with a defeatist attitude. And, believe it or not, I actually made it out with an A (unless I just flunk this Exam). Don’t dumb yourself down people, if you do the work, ask questions when you just don’t get it, and keep working hard; You can do this! I’m not saying to go into this not caring at all, you should want yo do well, but don’t make yourself physically sick about it because, believe me, you’ll just be worse off.

    That being said, you’re going to mess things up, probably frequently. If you make a bad grade try to fix your methods because you will see it again later. But you can’t go back in time so you have to just accept the good with the bad. Unless you didn’t study at all; you may want to sit in a corner and think about what you’ve done. Which brings me to my next point…

    STUDY STUDY STUDY. Not in one night either! If you’re like me you probably have studied for your past classes by looking over some notes the night before and winging it. That’s not going to work here. Ask questions, go to help sessions, and study nights in advance. Look over notes, practice problems, quizlets, practice with friends, etc. Just give yourself time. Remember to take breaks while you study or your head will surely explode.

    DO YOUR HOMEWORK!!! Easy (for the most part hahah) grades like homework will bring your grade up if you’re struggling on test taking.

    Always listen. Take quick notes. Study. Chill.

    If I could do this year over again, I would give myself more time to study, and I would try not to stress so much. I didn’t have as strong a finish as I was hoping for, but I am really proud of how hard I worked during the year. I will miss the uplifting environment of this class, but probably not all the work :)).

    C TEETER HC6, signing off

  3. I rate myself a 5/5 for this school year because I actually survived and future chemistry students can too!! Chemistry pushed and stretched my brain in ways I didn’t think were possible. I learned so much about the subject ,and not only that but how to apply it. I also learned a few things about myself. I learned that sometimes studying a little extra longer could really help. And not just reading my notes ,but also applying the notes to problems and working them out.
    Now for just a few helpful tips:
    The biggest thing there is NEVER FORGET A WEBPOST! It can make such a big difference to your grade. I will admit I did forget a few times and my grade did drop. Set a reminded on your phone so you won’t forget. They are sooooo easy to not do ,so make sure you do them. I Promise !
    Also DO EXTRA CREDIT ! Extra credit will take you maybe 15 minutes and can really help you. Do both of them for each 9 weeks. My grade would go up about 3 points just from doing them. I promise, you will regret it if you don’t.
    Always listen in class and take notes. Ms. Skinner will never say something without a reason. THERE IS ALWAYS A REASON WHY!
    If by chance you don’t remember something from a chapter, GO WATCH THE VODCASTS! These are so helpful, especially if you missed a day. They will always be there, USE THEM.
    Don’t just study the night before, start studying a few days before. This will help you, because cramming the night before is not a good idea. Maybe an hour or so 3 nights before will have you ready.
    Also, maybe turn your tv or music off while your studying. It really makes difference. Trust me I know, I always have the tv on (because netflix is life) but you can concentrate so much more. (for chemistry anyway)
    Try not to forget to do your homework. Always try because homework is an easy 100.
    Always check the syllabus before the week starts. Plan ahead so you are not stressing. Knowing whats going on ahead of time makes life easier. Trust me.
    Read lab sheets before labs. Once again its easier to know what you’re doing before you actually do it. Trust me pt 2.
    Ps. Have fun with your labs! They are really cool(if you do them correctly), have your phone ready for pics! And do the lab write ups correctly ,and don’t forget to turn them in to or put them in your shared folder.
    And finally please try to make it to the help sessions. Ms. Skinner does them for YOU, not for herself. She wants to help you know the stuff better. Going to them will help immensely. Its early but so worth it. (coming from the least of a morning person ever)
    A few things I wish I would have done differently:
    I wish I would have studied longer and stayed motivated. At times I would get tired and not want to. Also the way that I studied. I didn’t really have a good way to study until towards the end of the year.
    I feel so much more prepared for the future and so very thankful for this class and Ms. Skinner especially!

  4. My final web post:
    1. My chemistry experience has taught me the lengths I am willing to go to get a good grade. I now know that I will pull all nighters and study for over 8 hours for each test. I can memorize things pretty well and I actually found myself feeling interested of the material. Chemistry didn’t seem like something that I would care about, but I actually found comfort in knowing why certain things happen in my everyday life.
    2. My advice for any upcoming chemistry students is… REMEMBER YOUR WEB POSTS! They can make or save your grade. Do your homework; even if your test grades are less than stellar, you can salvage your average with completed assignments. Make sure that you can gauge the time you will need to complete assignments. Do not start your project too late or rush your exam review into one night. Keep a good attitude! Because yes the class is no cakewalk, but it isn’t impossible by any means. Don’t over exaggerate the class and don’t be a drama queen. it will only make you feel self pity and maybe even give up on certain assignments.
    3. I would go back and make sure to start the project sooner than I did. I would also study for tests sooner than the day before to get more rest and therefore prevent stupid mistakes. I would be more attentive in class, because there are things said that could aid me on tests and also make me not repeat questions. I would also tell myself that I will get through it and come into the class with higher expectations. I would make sure that I knew that I could do this class despite what some people said about how hard it is.

    Well, that’s my final web post. Good luck to all you chem students in your A&P adventures next year! Bye everyone

  5. Chemistry helped me grow by teaching me that I can no longer skate by on good testing, and that to test well I actually need to study well.

    Future Chem students:
    Study well. Don’t just look over your notes. The review work in the back of the chapter is really good work to do, even if it’s not assigned.
    Do your homework. If you don’t, you won’t succeed. You may not fail-fail, but you will not succeed.
    Don’t stress. Plan. Give yourself more time than you think you need, take less time than you have. Stick to your schedule. Procrastination is your enemy.
    Repetition is the key to learning. Repetition is not always the key to knowing, and knowing why. Always know why. ALWAYS.
    Pay attention in class. Take notes quickly. When you go home, rewrite them neatly. Everything Ms. Skinner says is relevant, not all of it needs to go in your notes.
    Do your webposts. Super easy, but the zeroes stack up quickly.
    If you don’t understand, ask questions. The worst thing possible is pretending you understand when you don’t, because you may not ever unless you speak up.

    All of the things I just mentioned are things I should have done to learn chemistry better. I think that regular chem would have been a better option academically, but I’m glad I took honors chem, as it has been a real learning experience, and not just the textbook kind. 😉

    • Also gonna add some things I forgot:
      Always print your syllabus. You may be under the delusion that you will remember to check it. You will not.
      Print your labs and read them ahead of time. Save yourself time and stress for before/during the lab.
      The songs Ms. Skinner provides for radiation and the elements of the periodic table will stay with you forever. By forever I mean radio waves, microwaves, infrared RADIATION VISIBLE LIGHT ultraviolet X rays GAMMA RAAAAYYYYYS

      Above all else:
      Don’t just know. Know why.

  6. This year in chemistry I grew in the amount of effort I put into my work. The years before chemistry I always got by without doing my homework and not really putting effort into the little things I actually did at home. As a result of chemistry, I now put effort into my work and do homework. One thing I learned about myself is that I cannot get through life waiting to the last minute to do all my work.

    My advice for future chemistry students would be for them to always do their homework, pay attention in class, take excellent notes, don’t forget web posts, and not wait to the last minute to start working on assignments.

    One thing we could have done more of to help me learn things better would be more real life examples, like when we went into the lobby and did the activity with the “hot air balloon” things. I feel like the real like demonstrations helped me remember the laws and helped me relate them to normal day life.

  7. My Last Message:

    Chemistry was my greatest learning experience so far, and I learned much more than just chemicals and equations this year. I learned what I was truly made of and the things that I’m capable of when I give it my all. Time management, stress control, and good planning skills are just some of the things I’ve managed to grab a hold of this year. Not to mention, some of the things I’ve learned in class are pretty interesting and labs are always fun too.

    As for future chemistry students-
    TAKE NOTES! In this class, notes are one of the make-it-or-break-it factors that play a role in how well you perform. Missing one thing or one example problem can absolutely wreck you when test studying time rolls around. Write down everything Ms. Skinner points out- you’re going to need it.

    IF YOU DON’T GET SOMETHING- ASK! Do not risk a test grade because you don’t ‘want to sound stupid’ when you don’t quite understand a concept yet. Just ask!

    PRIORITIZE TIME! Whether it be how many days you study ahead of time for a test or how much time you have to actually take the test, you have to keep track of time and make the best of it. There have been many moments when I’ve wasted too much time on a particular section of a test- resulting in an incomplete test and a bad grade. Plan out what you’ll be doing and the most effective way to do it!

    REMEMBER TO REST! It may be tempting to pull an all-night studying binge to prepare for a test, but if you leave yourself with with 1 hour of sleep, you’re going to fry your brain. Leave some room for sleep so that you don’t fill your head with brain-fog the next day. This is where the importance of time comes up again. If you study the night before, you’re going to run into trouble.

    HAVE FUN! Chemistry may seem like a daunting class to be in, but it’s not as bad as people say if you work hard at it. You’ll get a few good laughs throughout the year and getting into a study group with your friends make test preparation less boring. If you don’t do so hot on a test, keep your head high, learn from your mistakes, and double your efforts on the next one.

    If there’s one thing I would have done different this year, it would definitely be time management. Time was a rough spot for me this year, but I’m glad I learned form my mistakes. There are many moments where I would forget about the time I have to do something- resulting in no so good things. Examples include some of the tests and the project.

    Thanks for everything you’ve done for me, Ms. Skinner. The skills I’ve learned in here are the same skills I’ll be taking with me to college and applying in everyday life. Take care!

  8. I learned a lot about myself this year in chemistry: I’m a lot smart than I think and I stress myself out a lot more than necessary.
    Dear Future chemistry students,
    This is NOT a class you can blow off, You will have to learn things ( because when she says you will use this all year, YOU WILL). Also those of you that are overachievers you will get bad grades and you will have to be okay with it.Because grades aren’t everything and you can pass this class but it’s gonna take A LOT of work but YOU GOT THIS.But it was best said by Winnie the Pooh “You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.”And when you yet overwhelmed JUST STOP AND BREATHE.
    Love ,
    former Chemistry student

    I don’t like there was anything Ms.Skinner could have done to help me more than she did.

  9. This year has been a tough one. There’s a lot of mental gymnastics involved in balancing a job, and school work (especially chemistry.) This year chemistry really taught me some amazing time management skills. From remembering to do web posts on time to studying for tests, chemistry has gotten me to pre-portion my time for those kinds of things. My advice to 2018-2019 chemistry students is simple yet constantly overlooked. DO NOT FORGET YOUR WEB POSTS! It might seam like not a big deal, but those zeros can rack up on you quick. Don’t panic if you miss one. The last thing you want is guilt from missing a web post making your Saturday a gloom. Trust me. I have been there. The thing I wish I had done differently this year is keep an agenda book. That could have saved me from a lot of 2 a.m. homework sessions (and missing homework I might add). This class taught me a lot, even more than just chemistry. I have no doubt I will look back on this year being happy I did it, even the project. Bye Miss Skinner!

  10. This year in chemistry has been very challenging. I did not have a lot of free time this school year because of chemistry and all my other classes. I struggled with the class material but I felt that this class helped me learn time management more than anything. I learned that if you wait till the last minute to do things you become very stressed. My advice to 2018-2019 is to always pay attention in class, always take good notes and do not forget your web posts. Do not be afraid to ask questions and always try to work problems with Mrs. Skinner. I wish I could have studied more for my test because I felt like I gave half effort to that section.
    I definitely will not miss the test or the lab write ups or the Friday homework that I would start Sunday night at 10:30, but I will miss all the fun times in class and Mrs Skinner’s positive attitude about everything.

  11. chemistry this year has taught me lot this year like how to manage my time and study better in not just chemistry but every class but most importantly it showed me that I can always get something done if I put my mind to it by putting in the work. my advice for next years chemistry students is to work hard and don’t get down on yourself when you do bad because you are gonna make a terrible grade in something throughout the year but you have to let it go and study harder for the next assignment. the things that could of been done better is probably nothing Ms. skinners teaching abilities are pretty dang good and she should keep them that way if I would of studied more than I did I probably could of done way better this year and I wished I would of but altogether it has been a pretty good year

  12. Chemistry has grown me in many ways, but I think the biggest way it grew me was it made me an independent learner. Instead of relying on the teacher to teach me everything like most other classes, there were some things I had to do in this class to learn on my own. I also learned that I love to procrastinate, and I am an extremely lazy person. I feel like I learned how to get to work even if I don’t feel like doing it. To future chemistry students, I suggest that if you know how to study successfully, study the same way, but make sure that you do not get stressed out. Stress only leads to more stress. However, if you have never studied before, you need to figure out how to study during the first few chapters or you will not do so well. You also need to listen to Ms. Skinner’s lectures. If you want to, you can daze off in class and try to figure it out in the book later, but the way that Ms. Skinner explains the material is often easier to understand than the book. If I had a chance to restart, I would really memorize everything I had to memorize. Everything that Ms. Skinner tells you to memorize will come back later, so don’t just memorize it for one test, memorize it better than that.

  13. Chemistry has taught me so much more than just the subject. It has taught me life skills. Iv’e learned that it’s good for me to be more independent in my learning and try to not rely solely on just memorizing facts stated in class (don’t just know, know why). It has also taught me not to give up and when things get tough (the project), work even harder because you will feel so good when you overcome your trials. I learned that I stress out very easily, but if I just calm down and work hard, I can do whatever I set my mind to. Chemistry also taught me that sometimes things will get hectic, but if you plan accordingly, you will make it out alive. 😉

    TO FUTURE CHEM STUDENTS: First of all, this class is hard; however, it is doable. You will have to step out of you comfort zone. Don’t be afraid to ask questions or talk in class (I wish I would have done that sooner). Also, the tests won’t be easy so make sure you prepare. It will take a while to figure out the best study technique for you, so test out a few and eventually it will get some better. That was probably where I struggled the most, but for me I learned to start annotating the chapter and re-read notes as soon as you know about the test. Studying in advanced is so much better than cramming (plus you can get some sleep the night before). Also vod-casts are amazing for studying. DON’T FORGET TO USE THEM! Another way to make tests better is go to help sessions. They help SO much. You can ask her anything about the chapter and she will help you understand. Always do you web post; they are an easy grade. Always check the syllabus, it will help you prepare and plan out your week. If it starts to feel hard, think about how far you’ve come and how much stronger and smarter you will be at the end. Y’all got this kiddos!

    What I would have done different is talk more in class. I know I would have understood better in the long run. I would have also tried to go more in depth into learning why instead of just knowing because I struggled with the not just memorizing things. All in all, I really enjoyed chemistry and though some days were struggles, I wouldn’t want to change anything about the class itself. I had so much fun learning about chemistry, which is so cool how it is all around us in the world, and I absolutely love Ms. Skinner! She makes the class so fun and is so encouraging. Her positive attitude is infectious! This class has been the hardest and most wonderful class and I would’t want to ever trade that experience!

  14. In this class I’ve grown a lot. I’ve learned more about myself and how I learn and I also learned how to take notes I’m a good and organized fashion.

    Future Chemistry students, I would say good luck but luck has nothing to do with this class, everything in this class you’re goong to have to work for, no matter how amazing you think you are. Remember to study and remeber you’re assignments. And even if you don’t to good on a test or lab you still hav two get back up and keep going on with the same vigor so you can succeed. Also one more thing. Talk. In. Class. I talked a good bit, even if it was helpful or correct, but it made me understand so much more. At the beginning I didn’t do much talking because I was nervous but as I got over that I began to understand more and more.

    Honestly everything done to me was absolutely fine. Most of the shortcomings of this year were a direct result of my own shortcomings. Maybe going over the actual format of a lab more would be benefitical because even though we had a sheet of papa we telling us how to do it, I still struggled in figure it out. (I finally got it almost correct like a week ago).
    This class, though hard, was super fun and awesome. Sometimes I catch myself thinking about how in the everyday events I live through I can see chemistry. From a water bottle to the air I breathe.

  15. I am not the same person I was in the beginning of the year. No doubt in my mind. This class has given me more mental breakdowns than I could count, but it has also given me valuable knowledge and a proper sense of what a class should be. The stuff you taught us this year I didn’t just memorize it and move on, I saw it in my everyday life-just ask my mom and dad-I would randomly go on tangents about an epiphany I had about the world that involved a lesson we had learned recently. I’ve always been an inquisitive person, the type to need a solid answer before my brain would let the matter rest and by golly this class has left me with more questions answered than I thought I had. Chemistry helped me bond with my classmates a ton because we would all bind together and try to help one another if we were struggling and if we all had a question, we would figure out who we were gonna make text you with said question so none of us would annoy you with like 50 million questions in the same day. I’m really happy about my last point specifically because, well, this will be my last year at Northpoint and I finally just got to be myself around my peers for the first time in a long, long time.

    To all future students, please appreciate this class. Even if you feel stressed to your wits-end and feel like you’re going to fail, I promise you it will be okay. If you really try in class you will learn something, even when your grade doesn’t reflect it. I considered leaving Northpoint last year, but for some reason I had a gut feeling that I needed to stay; some inexplicable feeling that I might now be able to answer. Among other reasons, I know now that I needed to experience Chemistry at this school. No where else has a teacher as amazing as Ms. Skinner that genuinely wants and DOES teach you to be prepared for your future. I’m not sucking up either, I actually mean it with all my heart. The things she teaches you, you will use. End of discussion. I never though I’d use the chemical reaction types and products that we memorized in my daily life, but here we are. Hands down, this was my most favorite class, ever; not because the subject or anything was my favorite, but because of the way we were challenged and pushed to truly learn the subject through and through, no shortcuts, no pointless memorization. As I move on into the next chapter of my life, I know in my heart that whatever terrible projects or mountains of homework are thrown my way, I will be prepared and I will overcome it. The lessons that I was taught this year are invaluable and I could not be more grateful to have stayed one last year.

    Okay, so I know this section is supposed to be how to improve the class, but I honestly can’t think of any way it should change. I’m sure less homework or whatever would make the class less stressful, but (I know this sounds insane) I see it as necessary. Without the homework, I probably would have a much lower grade; no matter how much I loathed doing it, deep down I knew it was helping me. I cannot convey enough how grateful I am to have participated in the class this year and I can only hope to have classes in these coming years as beneficial and engaging as Chemistry has been for me this year. My only regrets is I won’t be able to take Physics here! Please keep doing what you’re doing Ms. Skinner because it really does work. Much love.

  16. This year I learned the importance of not procrastinating. My advice for future students is to not start studying and preparing the night before. The homework really did help me learn the material but if there was one thing I could change it would be having less homework. 🙂

  17. Chemistry definitely helped me grow in my study habits. It has helped me study longer and find new ways to study like doing review games and extra problems. I’ve also discovered that I have a tendency to procrastinate, and these new study habits will hopefully break that tendency. My advice for chemistry students is to study the amount if time that Ms Skinner tells you to. Even if you think that you can study for thirty minutes and be fine, you can’t. Study the four hours it will be worth it. Also, DON’T FORGET YOUR WEBPOST! I think something that we could have done different was to go slower when teaching lessons. It might just be me because I take a while to write and to process things, but I always felt like the lessons were going too fast. I also felt like we could have done many more review games in class when we review for tests.

  18. Ms.Skinner chemistry has grown me so much in many ways. Chemistry has caused me to better myself. I learned how to give myself plenty of time to finish my objectives. Also, I learned how to make my stuff to know sheet for any tests in any subject. Dear upcoming chemistry students I know you have all heard that chemistry is hard. All you have to do is make sure you do all your web post and homework. If you miss one webpost trust me it will not kill you. When you get the Chemistry Project right away start searching the items because time will come on you in a hurry. The one thing that I think would help me better understand chemistry is if we go outside and do some experiments. You always say, “If God can bring you to something he can bring you through it.” That saying really stuck out to me and helped me complete chemistry. THANKS!
    Don’t just know something know why

  19. This year I learned not to underestimate myself. Since Chemistry was rumored to be difficult, I just assumed I would have trouble and not make an A. However, a couple weeks into the class, I started to understand and apply the material. I found out that, by listening in class; something that I didn’t normally do, I was able to grasp most of the concepts almost immediately.

    My advice to chemistry students in the future is to go in to the class confidently and work hard. Chemistry is a lot of hard work, but if you do your part, it becomes monumentally easier.

    One thing I would change about chemistry would be the review. I didn’t really benefit from the review we did in class as much as I did practicing it by myself on my homework.

  20. In chemistry I have learned so much about myself. I grew in the way I realized I could not procrastinate in my classes anymore. I learned about myself that I have to continue growing in the ways I prepare for test and other projects to fulfill my full potential. To future chemistry students my advice is make sure you do all your homework and set an alarm for your web post. One thing I would change is giving labs on a friday and making the write due monday. I hated doing those so much over the weekend.

  21. 1) Chemistry made me grow in so many ways. Chemistry made me try my hardest and I realized that I could be so much smarter if I actually tried.
    2) I advise future chemistry students to do all their homework, and get the best lab partner you can find and not just choose a best friend because that never works out.
    3) One thing I would change is make web post due Saturday later than 8 so we could have more time to remember.

  22. Chemisty grew me in many ways, the first lesson I learned is you not do well at all if you do not do your homework or listen in class. Do not procrastinate and go to every help session that you have. I learned that without hard work in a hard class you will not get the outcome that you want. I advise future students to ask if you have questions!!! Don’t be scared to ask her questions or you will be confused the whole time and get even more lost as the lessons progresses. Also rewatch the lessons if you do not understand and study 3-4 days in advance before the test. I could have done many different things this year in chemistry, including making it a priority. Do not go into the class thinking you can do nothing and be okay. Even though I had good 9 weeks grades I could have done much better if I would have done good on my test by actually studying for them

  23. 1. In Chemistry, I grew in my science side, and it helped me realized that I should trust in myself. I learned never to underestimate myself and always try my hardest without pushing myself too hard.
    2. For Future Chemistry Students
    I recommend to ALWAYS, AND I MEAN ALWAYS do all your homework and review everything you learn that day. Also, do any extra-credit to science in the news to anything Ms. Skinner give you. You need study in advance DON’T WAIT; it will hurt you and your grade. On each lesson, take outstanding notes about what you learned about and re-watch lesson videos if necessary.
    3. I think that we could have done differently was the test, because I wish we review the day before the test.
    ~SHendricks C3 signing off~
    P.S. thank you, Ms. Skinner, for teaching me and helping this year.

  24. I can’t believe this year is already over. I feel like it was just Christmas break and now we’re already writing our last web post. 🙁

    Throughout this year I have learned so many valuable concepts that are applicable in every class for the future. It taught me that relying on last-minute cramming and natural test taking ability doesn’t take you far in the big leagues, and some classes take longer than 20 minutes to study for a test. I also learned that I have a much stronger work ethic than I thought. Especially when I was working on the project, some days after school I spent my entire rest of the night working nonstop. I had no clue that I could stay that focused and will myself through an assignment like that. That just goes to show that your potential is far greater than you think if you just put in the work and believe in yourself.

    And to all future chemistry students, This is not a class to blow off, but don’t come in being intimidated by it, please. If I have one regret about my year in Chemistry, it’s that so many people told me to be scared of it, and that I wouldn’t have a life if I took honors (Ms. Skinner lies when she says that). You do have a life, you just have to manage it responsibly like an adult, which is how you’re treated in her classrooms.

    SIDE NOTE: Sometimes you have to teach yourself, and you have to learn to not let your stress overwhelm you. That NEVER helps! If you balance your time and do everything in smaller tasks, it is so much easier. If we survived, you can too! lol
    (you’ll get that later)

    Back to what I was saying, what I should’ve done is come in ready to work, but also ready to have fun, because Chemistry really is. Don’t take it for granted and don’t take a fantastic teacher for granted either. She may be one of the best you’ll ever have, so pay attention and when she says to memorize something or practice something, DO IT, because she wouldn’t tell you to do something that wouldn’t benefit you. She loves you, and I promise she doesn’t want to kill you with hours upon hours of studying and working for her class. Chemistry was the hardest class I’ve ever taken by far, but I would go back and take it again if I could every time. There is light at the end of the tunnel!

    As for what could make Chemistry better, I think it would help a lot to have more time to look at our tests. I feel like I got just a few seconds to look at each problem I missed before we got our test taken back up, so it was hard to remember my mistakes. I don’t think we should have to come back in another period just to spend an extra 5 to 10 minutes analyzing our test so that we can improve from them. But, otherwise, this class was amazing.

    Thank you Ms. Skinner for everything you do. I promise you work does not go unnoticed and I don’t take it for granted! Thank you for teaching me to lean on God when we don’t understand or when we face a seemingly impossible task. That is such a valuable lesson. I appreciate everything you do Ms. Skinner! Love you!

  25. Chemistry is by far one of the most frustrating classes. It made me figure out how to study and that was one I had to learn quickly. I had to learn how to rely on previous knowledge and to put informations into long term memory. I learned that I study better when I write things out and color code them and that I’d rather have a printed cope of everything.

    For future chem students, do your homework and do it well. It’s really worth the headache. Read your labs beforehand instead of relying on your partner, because I promise that there will be a time neither one of you will read it. Pick a lab partner who thinks a little differently than you do. It makes problem solving a little easier. Studying the night before in this class will never get you the best results. When she tells you to memorize something, you better do it the first time because it will come back.Learn how to not miss multiple choice questions (I never did). Finally, don’t let the intensity of the class keep you from loving it. It actually isn’t terrible.

    It was better for me when we learned in class and our homework was reviewing what we learned. I struggled a lot more trying to learn from the book to do my homework.

  26. My last webpost. Wow. This semester really went by fast.

    I really had to adjust my normal work ethic this year. I got used to not studying and slacking on homework, so going into Chemistry was a rude awakening. With Chemistry and American History in the same year, I was pushed to my limits. I learned that working on assignments earlier and allowing myself to take breaks worked the best for me, but I didn’t do it as much as I should have. I still grew more efficient at doing homework, though. I also learned that I’m much better at studying than I thought I was. Sitting down and actually concentrating on the material is still hard for me, but when I managed to my results were noticeable.

    To everyone who will be taking this class in the future, my word of advice is to NEVER forget, skip, or take partial credit for ANY assignment (including the web posts). Every grade in Chemistry counts. I did this way too much over the past year, and it’s my biggest regret. ALWAYS check every word on the syllabi. It’s easy to forget about an assignment because you didn’t read the bottom of the sheet. It’s really best that you take your Chemistry binder home every night, because odds are you’ll always have something to work on. Also, definitely take time to study for the tests. Unless you somehow forget everything when you take it, you won’t regret taking the time to study. This goes for the quizzes, too.

    If I could go back and take Chemistry again, the main thing I would try to change is how I used my time. I would have taken more time to do the homework, not procrastinating as much as I did on the lab write-ups, studied for tests longer, and started working seriously on the project much sooner (watch out for that, by the way). Looking back on it, Chemistry is no doubt a hard class, but not allotting enough time for yourself to work on it just makes it much harder than it needs to be.

  27. Chemistry at northpoint has grown me by teaching me great study habits, and that I actually have to study. From the begging of the school year to now I’ve changed so much, this class has been hard but I’ve really enjoyed it. For future chemistry students I say like everyone else study study study. Something different that I tell future students is to live in the moment, do everything one step at a time, try to enjoy what you’re doing a learn in, do not just ease by. The material will help you in college for sure, but life as well. This class will teach you life skills. This year to help us learn better there’s not much I could say to do that, the only thing would be to be able to spend more time on the more difficult chapters in class. For me personally try to apply the material more. I’m sad it’s over, but I know for sure I will remember this class, where take it with me for the rest of my life

  28. Sophomore year has been a step up from 9th grade. I have definitely learned the importance of being responsible in chemistry. I cannot depend on anybody else for anything I need to do. Chemistry has also helped me organize my thoughts in a new way in order to study. The main thing I have taken from this class and this year is my ability to prioritize my life.

    Dear Future Chemistry Students, I advise you not to worry too much. There’s a healthy amount of caring about school where you want good grades and strive to glorify God, but there’s an unhealthy amount of stress you can put on yourself to where your studying becomes in vain. Go outside. Get some sleep. Take care of yourself. Your health is critical in making your studies efficient. Sometimes a little food is what you need in order for you to have energy to keep going… also some prayer!
    Also, prioritize your life. Don’t waste your time with things that won’t make a difference. If you have chosen to put God first, put it into action and stop stressing over eternally meaningless things in life. Use your time wisely. However, occasional episodes of your favorite TV show is necessary for your success too. You need to give yourself a break.
    Anyways, use everything to your advantage and use your experiences as opportunities for growth. For example, chemistry is not as hard as people told me it was going to be. This was mainly because I took advantage of my assignments. Ms. Skinner does not give you busy work. If you truly do them and understand them as you go along, it will indeed benefit you in the long run.

    Additional tips/reminders:
    *make sure you understand the material (this is probably more important than memorizing…but you need to memorize too)
    *whatever Ms. Skinner says to memorize, you can bet it will be on the test
    *not all studying is useful. staring at your notes memorizing things will not help you know how to apply it. be wise
    *try your best, not your hardest
    *pay attention to details
    *pay attention in class. make sure you are with the class and not zoning out
    *figure out the purpose in what you are doing before going in blindly and winging it (specific to studying, labs, and THE project)
    *the project will take a lot of focus, research, time, paper, and ink. goodluck
    *take advantage of your extra credit opportunities
    *balance your life
    *PRAY. God gives out beautiful peace.

    What I would do different about the year is more of a personal thing. Everything we did in class we did for a reason, and I don’t think I would change that. Things I would change about myself would be being more prepared for learning, labs, tests, and even class. I wish I maintained more self-control and did not waste so much time. There were times when I felt like I was doing the most, but, in reality, it wasn’t the most, just more than I had ever done. This class was hard sometimes, but I’ve survived… atleast until my final exam!!!


  29. This year in chemistry was definately a challenge but I loved it! Even if I thought my head was about to explode with an overload of information or a difficult lecture, I learned that I could perservere. I realized that you can’t put off the information before a test and then wait until the night before to study (I eventually found out the hard way). Working on chemistry showed me that I can accomplish more than I thought I ever could. The project forced me to manage time and figure out things on my own! ( The drawings, however, were not so fantastic…sorry :/ ) When I realized I didn’t have to rely on Ms. Skinner to help me through a problem or figure out how to get water in the Don Juan Basin, I had a major confidence boost and I strived to learn!

    Future Students:
    If you’re reading this, read the verse at the front of the chemistry room across the top of the wall when you first enter the room. It’s helps ease the stress! 🙂
    Do not be discouraged! Chemistry is not all that bad unless you make it hard on yourself by not doing your best!
    Please, please, please do not take this class for granted. I promise you will use EVERYTHING you learn.
    Do all of your homework to the best of your ability because it’s a great way to study waaaay in advance for your tests. And remember your web posts. Your web post is your best friend.
    Make stuff to know sheets (Ms. Skinner will explain this to you guys) because it helps you manage your study time.
    Go to all help sessions. I never regretted going to one.
    Engage in class. When Ms. Skinner asks something, answer! It doesn’t matter if you’re wrong because either way, you’re learning the material.
    Take so many notes because, like web posts they’re your best friends!
    Everything Ms. Skinner says is very important unless she says otherwise. Look out for tips on what disscussion questions could possibly be and if you hear one, write down EVERYTHING.
    Read labs BEFORE lab day. You’ll be, as Ms. Skinner says, “in a world of hurt” if you don’t.
    THINK. You have to be able to think on your own. If you don’t, then you are most definately not learning.
    Pay attention to what God is doing as you learn! Every single thing you learn in chemistry is because of Him! It’s SO AMAZING and you may come to love it just like I did!

    Honestly, I wouldn’t change a thing about chemistry except for having more time to work problems as a class. This year has benefitted me in so many ways and I want that for future chemistry students.

    Ms. Skinner, you are amazing and I’m so thankful to have had you as my teacher. Everything you said this year has made a huge impact on my life. Thank you for teaching me and showing me how much God loves us and helps us through every step in life. I LOVE YOU!!!

  30. 1. Chemistry has been my most challenging class this year ,but I think it has grown me the most not just academically but has prepared me for different obstacles in life. Some ways in academics would be my studying habits and test taking skills.When taking test and studying this year it was difficult in the beginning not just knowing but know why something happened.This made me realize that I need to work on my critical thinking skills. In preparing me for different obstacles in life, chemistry has help me to live by this saying “Don’t limit your challenges, challenge your limits.” Even though different chemistry labs,test,and projects were difficult, I had to not limit these challenges but challenge my limits.
    2.My advice that I would give to future chemistry students would be to make sure that you practice chemistry outside of class when you don’t understand something and make sure that you have enough time to study for test. Sometimes when you think you have studied enough study even more just to be sure that you know the material backwards and forward. Do the labs exactly how to manuscript form tells you to and you should make good grades on them.Do your homework and check the syllabus everyday.Don’t forget web posts ,set a reminder on your phone if you have to.
    3. I would say having more fun labs outside of the ones that had to have lab reports.

  31. 1. Not gonna lie, i definitely dreaded this class. I knew 11th grade was going to be very difficult for me and i was not looking forward to it. But now that i look back on it, i am thankful the Lord challenged me so i am able to prepare for the future. I learned that stressing about everything is not going to help anything at ALL. Taking things one step at a time.
    2. For future chemistry students, i challenge you to work hard. I know it’s hard when you really don’t care at all but i promise you it will pay off in the long run if you do. Never underestimate yourself and push yourself to be the best you can be. Ms Skinner really wants you to be great. Even if you seem to not do well everything i promise she won’t give up on you and she works hard to make sure you can succeed. Rewatch the vodcast before tests. Yes it sounds terrible but i promise it helps you SO much especially if you are confused on a section of the chapter.
    3. I think one thing i would change is being able to get a warning of an upcoming test sooner. At the beginning of the year we had a lot of time to plan but it seemed like towards the end of the year i would randomly see Test on the syllabus and freak out.

  32. This year I learned so much! I think the main thing I learned is time management. I stress SO easily, so when thing started to pile up, I would become incredibly overwhelmed. Learning to manage time and prioritize helped me avoid that. Secondly, I learned to study. I realized in the past, I’ve been able to just memorize and haven’t had to try as hard. This year I learned to memorize and apply material. Lastly, I learned to accept failure. I know this sounds bad, but I made some grades this year that I wasn’t so happy with. I learned to accept it. It was something I couldn’t change. I could only use the grade to change the way I study or the material I study to make better next time.

    Future chem students: yes this class is hard, but you can do it!! You will take so much away from this class. Don’t be intimidated. Be ready to be challenged. Always do your homework, read labs ahead of time, never wait until the last minute to study, listen for discussion questions during lectures, and always be ready to apply. Also, take time to read the quotes or verses at the bottom of your syllabus. Often times you will look at your syllabus at the beginning of the week and be overwhelmed immediately. Reading these quotes or verses are comforting and Ms. Skinner puts them there for a reason !!

    I would not change anything about this class. I would change some things personally like studying earlier and being able to apply more, but not anything about the class itself.

    Ms. Skinner, thank you so much for all that you’ve done!! You have taught me so many life lessons that I can take far beyond high school. Most of all, thank you for always taking time to remind us how much God loves us and how He is always there for us (especially at the beginning of a tough week).

  33. This year I have learned a lot!!!! I learned how to study! I learned about time management! I learned to not study the night before and to study two days before! I also learned I cannot just memorize stuff I learned to actually be able to apply different things!
    For the future chemistry students! DO NOT STUDY FOR A TEST THE NIGHT BEFORE!!!! Be able to apply stuff!!! But also enjoy the labs and have fun with them! The year is gonna go by fast!!! Do the web post and do the homework and you’ll be good!!! Go to the help sessions they help a lot! The class isn’t as bad as everyone says it is!
    I would not change a thing about the class! I wish I would have studied a lot more for her tests!
    Thank you Mrs Skinner for being an awesome teacher and thanks for everything!!!! Thank you for brighting up my day when it started out aweful!

  34. Chemistry grew me by forcing me to have to study. I learned that I am not the type of student to learn things the day before. I have to study prior to the test.
    My advice to future students is to get ahead on work in this class. Do not wait until the last minute to do work, because you will get behind. Also, always do you homework and webposts.
    I could have started on all of my assignments earlier, and also payed more attention in class. I could have taken better notes also.

  35. Chemistry has grown me by having to learn how to take a difficult class. I learned how to study better, make my own study guides, and take better notes. And it has been the first class where I started to really care and take responsibility for everything I did. Whenever I didn’t understand or made a bad grade on a test, I was actually disappointed and felt a drive to better myself.

    I would advise future chemistry students to never give up because no matter how confusing it gets, you can understand it if you put in the time and effort. Also, set an weekly web post reminder at 8 p.m. Friday. Always do your homework as it gives you practice for the test. And most of all, Try extremely hard to get over your procrastinator habits.

    If I could have done something different this year… it would be to do everything the same, just starting 2 or 3 days earlier on everything I did. And with all the extra time I would have, I could do more practicing of the stuff that really matters.

  36. This year I have learned that every assignment matters. I learned that missing a few assignments will really get you behind. I also realized that I have to study more than one night to understand all the information. The homework was also very important and helped me understand more. I would tell future students to try to never miss an assignment. Also, study more than just the night before and try not to miss class. If you are not able to be there, watch the Vodcast or else you will get really behind. I wish I would have studied more for the tests and really understood everything more. I would not change anything about this class, and I think that Ms. Skinner prepares us for everything, but it’s up to you to study and pay attention in class.

  37. This year in Chemistry I learned not only lessons to help me through high school or college, but also to help me throughout life. I learned not to rely on talent or study skills, but also learned that some things require work to achieve your goals. Another thing I learned was to be prepared. Whether it is to be prepared for a lab or a test, preparation is the key to success. Finally, I learned to utilize homework as a way to learn.

    For future chemistry students, I recommend making your notes extremely organized and having a system that you will keep for the rest of the year. Make sure to write down diagrams and math problem examples. They were a huge help when studying for tests. Also, if you do not understand a concept go back and watch the vodcasts. They are very helpful. Lastly, this class comes with challenges. You are asked to think deeper, cope with stress, and write- up labs. But the real challenge of Chemistry is taking what you know and the skills you learn and using them to strengthen other areas of your life.

    One thing that I would do differently from this past year is to memorize things not for a single test but for the whole year. I found myself having to re-memorize things for every single test.

    All in all, Chemistry was by far my favorite class of 10th grade. Ms. Skinner makes the class. Chemistry is a hard and interesting class, but Ms. Skinner makes the class fun which makes learning a whole lot easier.

  38. This class….was the best thing to ever happen to me. As someone who has constantly been told about the struggles of this class, I was anxious beyond words, but… I loved it. This class and its amazingly wonderful teacher is one of the leading reasons why I want to pursue a career in a science. I can’t express how much I love this course…

    Dear Future Students:
    I’ll keep this compact and short, but no promises.
    1. Notes are your best friend. This wasn’t much of a problem for me as I’m incredibly picky about my notes, but I have seen and heard the horrors of studying for tests, quizzes, and exams without notes. Always take notes!!!
    2. Print and R E A D labs. It’s so so important you know what you’re doing..
    3. Study the day you start a new lesson. It’s so much more beneficial when you pace yourself.
    4. Don’t underestimate quizzes. They can massacre your grade.
    5. And lastly, cherish Ms. Skinner as a teacher. She’s honestly one of the most positively influential teachers I’ve ever had. I am going to miss her so so much next year, so don’t get caught up in the buzz of all the new application and stop to appreciate her. 🙂

    I have this newfound passion for chemistry that I honestly didn’t know I had. This class has taught me so much, both as a person and a student. I wouldn’t change a thing about it.

  39. I grew by gaining experience from real life situations where I would have to question and solve real life problems without an outline or instructions. For future students I would suggest studying ahead of time and always studying and some patience will make the year easier. I believe that the teachers taught us well during chemistry and think that they should continue doing what their doing in teaching chemistry.

  40. Wowzers what a year. My whole life I’ve always skated by making good grades with minimal effort and really not even trying. That changed… just to pass I had to study and truly pay attention to the material. this class has helped me with so many life skills like not to procrastinate and study skills that’ll stick with me forever.
    To future students make sure you get ahead of the game early and by that I mean do you work early and stay ahead before you dig a hole you can’t get out of. Always make sure you do the extra credit and web post there easy grades that are designed to help you.
    Lastly I don’t think I’d change anything at times I thought chemistry was just miserable because it felt overwhelming but looking back on it, the class itself teaches you so much more than chemistry it molds you into a better student one way or another.
    Thanks for a great year Ms Skinner!!

  41. My last web post:

    1) This class has been quiet difficult and challenging. I have been pushed to work harder. I have realized that I cannot always wait till the last minute and do homework in class. I have also realized that taking notes and paying attention in class is important. I need to try to be more positive and not be so hard on myself.

    2) To future students I would encourage them to take notes and pay attention in class. Also to go into the class with a positive attitude and not like it is the end of the world. Be grateful for the fun labs you get to do because you don’t always get to do fun things in school. Lastly always do your web posts and science in the news :).

    3) I cannot think of anything right now.

  42. 1. I need to prepare better.
    2. study when you first get the notes.
    3. started the year off here so i wouldn’t have been so behind.

  43. This week has been a relief and one huge panic attack. I would’ve never thought I could make it this far.
    1. Chemistry grew me in a way that I didn’t expect. I learned that you may not understand something at first or ever, but you will figure out a way to learn it. What I learned about myself was that I am very quick to put myself down when I don’t understand something. What I have to keep in mind is that I can get it it will just take time.
    2. Advice that I would give to new chem students? Definitely to start studying multiple days ahead of the test or quiz. Find out what studying technique works for you. Don’t be too hard on yourself it’s a hard class and you definitely won’t ace every test because there’s a range of stuff you learn from memorization to math to application. It’ll take time but you can get it.
    3. One thing we could’ve done different would be to check homework differently. Maybe have one day a weeek where we go over homework maybe. I know it was my fault but I felt like since we needed to do a lesson that by asking a lot of questions about homework I would be holding up the rest of the class. Other than that I think most of the error was on my part.

    Ms Skinner
    Thank you for trying to help me when I asked. Thank you for putting in the work on me and challenging me. I’m sorry I didn’t understand your class, but I enjoyed it when I did understand. You did everything you could and I greatly appreciate that.

  44. wow this year is already over and i am about to be a senior. it doesnt feel real! this year was extremely hard. putting kids through chemistry AND american history is killer, but making it out alive has taught me some useful skills for later! time management was a big one. everyone tells you that if you dont pull an all nighterfor the test, or if you dont drop EVERYTHING for chemistry homework; you will fail. that can not be farther from the truth. its all about balancing things, and not just school, im talking extracurriculars, time with yourself, and time with your family. future chemistry students do not, and i repeat, DO NOT miss web posts. it is literally the easiest 100 ever. i missed a ton the first semester and my grade could have been almost 2 points higher. 2 points higher!! another thing, do not spend time studying for things the wrong way, this isnt just for chem! you can put 3 hours into studying for the test, but if you dont make use of that time studying the RIGHT way, it will be a waste. the stuff to know sheets are helpful and reading through the chapter is good also! and finally, know that the things that happen in chemistry do not dictate how the rest of your life is. so what you made a low grade on that test? let it go. dont wallow around feeling bad for yourself when you could be getting better and learning from your mistakes. the WAYS you learn to study and beginning to understand how you learn are crucial. dont overlook that. some people may learn from quizlet, but you may learn best by looking through your notes! use that to your advantage to do better. just because something works for one person, doesnt mean it will work for you. and that is OK! but learn those things about yourself early on and use them to your benefit! a few things i wish i would have done better at are focusing in class and not becoming overwhelmed in lab. focusing in class is crucial. the time you spend in class learning is so important, do not abuse it. and lab. i became so overwhelmed sometimes in lab and its not that i had to much to do, its that i felt so scared i would mess up. dont be scared of that, learn from your mistakes! well thats all ive got, im not proof reading this but i hope its alright. you can do this. dont just survive, thrive. dont just know, know why. thank you Ms. Skinner for everything, have a wonderful summer!

  45. 1) After the first few tests this year, I realized I didn’t really know how to study, which was honestly a bit of a shocker because I did pretty well in biology without trying really at all. I tried to change the way I study, but after about fall break, I honestly lost all motivation I had and I didn’t really study much after that…and my grades showed it. Looking back I really wish I would have put a little more effort into actually trying to succeed this year, because I know it would have payed off.

    2) For future chemistry students…even if you think you will never use chemistry, you will use what you learn in this class (how to study, etc.) just about forever. I would recommend to begin studying at the beginning of the chapter…I didn’t, which resulted in some breakdowns the nights before tests. I wish I would have payed attention better in class and write down the notes without trying to be super neat and just get everything, because I feel like I spent too much time trying to make my notes neat and ended up missing stuff. I wish I would have gone to the website everyday after class, and rewrite/fix my notes, and start studying then – start making flashcards, quizlets, whatever you do to study – AS YOU GO! Then when it gets to the few days right before the test, you don’t have to go back and watch like 8 hours worth of class time, and you can just review what you already prepared. & NEVER FORGET UNITS (I know it seems like something stupid to say, but the points add up, and at some point it could be the difference of a letter grade on a test) Also, I’m sure going to the help sessions is a lot of help, but I never went because I have a slight problem with oversleeping…. & STOP PROCRASTINATING! That was definitely one of my major downfalls. Also… alwaysssssss do the homework! I only missed a few homeworks, but I stopped reading the assigned reading after the first nine-weeks, which I regret. But when I did read…I took notes on the reading that I would revise/add to in class the next day…and that really helped. And when taking notes, always write down examples and diagrams in class as you go because those are big helps; and know how to apply all of it! And never miss a web post!!!! After forgetting like 8 thousand web posts, I finally set an alarm for every Friday night at 8:30 and only missed a few since then. When working on labs, split up the work with your partner (and pick a good partner… sorry Carlton) and make sure you do the lab write ups correctly. & filling out the exam study guide throughout the year probably would have been helpful and I wish I would have done that. Do not be afraid to ask a question if you do not understand something! I promise you will not sound stupid! And someone else is probably thinking the same thing! ALWAYS DO SCIENCE IN THE NEWS EXTRA CREDIT!!!!!!!!!! It is super helpful for your grade and it is also pretty interesting!

    3) What could I have done differently??? well I kinda answered that in the other two but… I would have studied better for sure, read the assigned reading, never miss a web post, check the website everyday, not wait until the last minute for everything, try to stay motivated, and stop procrastinating.

    Chemistry is definitely the hardest and most demanding class I have ever taken. I think a part of the reason I lost all motivation was because I would study my butt off (when I actually did do a pretty good job of studying) and then I get the test back and I have a B! I know that to some people, that seems very good, (and it is!) but I got very discouraged when I didn’t receive the grade I wanted or had hoped for, after I studied like crazy and was so confident. That is also something I wish I would have done differently…I let a B get to me…it was a good grade, but I didn’t realize it until I gave up on the next one and made something around a 63. Also, I recommend to the students in reach, take chemistry even though you don’t have to. You may regret it while you are taking the class, but I promise you will be thankful in the long run.

    Thank you, Ms. Skinner, for all you have taught me: chemistry, Christ, life lessons, and all other kinds of things you taught me. Not gonna lie…I thought you were crazy at the beginning of the year…. Even though I got a little bitter after a few tests, I love you and I will miss having you as a teacher and seeing you in the halls next year.
    So long C4…..

  46. This year I learned how to stay focused and get my work done. I learned how to push through when there’s a lot and you seem overwhelmed and like you can’t take anymore work. I learned to always try your best and work as hard as you can. I learned to shake it off when you do bad because you can do better next time and learn from your mistakes. I learned to stay on top of your work and try to get ahead if possible. Most of all I learned to always go to God, in the good and the bad because he has the answers to everything and he wants to help you succeed. I also learned how to apply what you learned in class to things in life. I’ve never had a class that I could do that with and I actually think that’s pretty cool. I’ll be out doing stuff and I’ll see the chemistry in stuff and start to think of what you taught us and how it works. I like that you told us more than just the rule and that you told us what that does in our lives. This was by far my favorite class this year and probably over all. I’ve learned so much this year.
    To future chemistry students: pay attention in class and take part in he conversations about it during the lesson. Ms. Skinner has said all year to do that and I didn’t start until about December and I still never did it all the time but whenever I did I really benefited from it. You should always do your homework and stay on top of things as well. Homework can help you study and seriously save your grade. Make the best out of every situation. Some days may seem really hard and like you can’t do it anymore but I promise you that you can. Just stay focused and keep up. You got this.
    I wouldn’t change anything about the clsss it was amazing!!
    Thank you so much for everything Ms. Skinner!!! I’ve learned so much from you!! And not just abot chemistry either. You’ve taught me to always believe in myself and to push through the hard times. I’ve learned to always go to God about everything I do in life because he is there for us and loves us. Thank you so much for all the quotes in the syllabus and the sweet pep talks and prayers in class. I’ve learned a lot this year and I really am going to miss coming to chemistry everyday:(

  47. This past year in chemistry has been a tough one. I learned many great skills Ms Skinner has taught us since August. The hardest part about this past year in chemistry had been all the homework, test, quizzes, labs, and the project. This year in chemistry has taught me many great study skills that I will in the future classes to come.

    My advice to nexts years chemistry students is to start studying for the test a week before you take it. And take good notes, and write down everything that ms Skinner says.

    I would also like to think ms Skinner for making me a better student this year

  48. It is so hard to believe that this is my last webpost.. wow time really does fly..
    Chemistry has grown me in many ways. I have learned to study many days in advance not just one or two in advance. Also, to be proactive while studying and during class. I also learned to prepare better and do my homework better and more throughly.
    My advice to future chemistry students would be this: study 2 weeks in advance, be PROACTIVE, whether it be studying, or taking notes or even in class. Speaking of class, TALK all the time in class, it helps you learn your material better and understand it. Also, MEMORIZE everything your supposed to, and do so in advance and not the night before because you will need it later in the year. Also, if you fail a test or two it is NOT the end of the world. Just do your webpost, homework, labs, and extra credit and you will be fine!!
    Lastly, I don’t think we should’ve done anything differently. Ms. Skinner has done an amazing job of molding us into better students and helping us learn the material and getting invovled in the lives of her students and also helping us when we are struggling in her class.
    I am so thankful for the many great weeks i spent in chemistry. I know at the time i was stressed and probably thought it was the end of the world, but now i know it was only a temporary thing and this was actually an amazing class. Thank you classmates for helping me when i was struggling/stressing, Thank you 3rd Period for dealing with Me (that in its self is a challenge haha), and finally Thank you Ms. Skinner for pushing me, helping me and teaching me chemistry. Have a great summer and a great school year next year!!

  49. Chemistry has grown me to become more of a independent student. It has also helped me to improve my study habits and to not procrastinate. I learned that when I feel like everything is falling apart that’s really me learning valuable lessons and me informing myself that I need to change something about my prospective.
    I would inform the future students to not procrastinate about anything not even about a web post because before you know it it’s 5pm Saturday evening and you’re just now remembering you had to do your web post. You need to take all of your work serious and do it carefully because even homework has to written a certain way or you’ll lose major points. Also no matter how hard the work may get do not give up and trust that God’s going to fix it.
    We could have had more help sessions like two help sessions before a test or quiz instead of one. We also could have had a format of how you write your stuff to know sheets, like how you do a format for how to write lab reports.

  50. This year in chemistry i learned that i have NO time management and dont know the right way to study. To upcoming students, STUDY. You will regret not studying once you make bad grades and your average is low, save yourself the struggle. Also, do your webposts. zero’s add up quick. There isnt much i would change about the class. i personally should have done things differently to make my time in chemistry a little easier. Thank you for always being so encouraging and showing Christ through everything you do!!!

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