Hon Chem 5-9-17 Ideal Gas Law

HON CHEMISTRY: Major day today, huh?!? But pretty cool!!! Good job with the applications of the ideal gas law! Who knew you could go around the world to find density??

Here are some answers below – FYI. Now, go play – and don’t forget to memorize R!!

42 c) 0.0429 g SO2
43 c) 0.0112 L H2S
44 c) 93.8 L O2
45 c) 15.9 g Cu
46) 29.0 L CO2, 58.0 L H2O vapor
49 c) 1.06 atm
50 c) 3.81 L O2
51 c) 0.0377 mol
52 c) 0.299 g SO2

flickr photo by jessie orrico