Chemistry 3-23-16 Multiple Covalent Bonds

CHEMISTRY: Great job working with multiple bonds with Lewis structures today! Here’s our discussion from today on double and triple covalent bonds. We didn’t get to resonance today, but we will start with it tomorrow!

Be careful about getting too happy with double bonding – count electrons and don’t forget CONS. And what else? Oh yes, PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE! We’ll put one more twist on Lewis structures tomorrow!

Chemistry 3-23-16 Multiple Covalent Bonds from Tammy Skinner on Vimeo.

Hon Chemistry 3-23-16 The Activity Series

HON CHEMISTRY: What!?! You mean there aren’t little blue people on lonely country roads? 😉

Great job applying the activity series! A couple of things – make sure you’ve memorized the activity series, but just as importantly, make sure you know how to use it. Now go forth and practice what you’ve learned!

March23 1202 hc4 2016 from Tammy Skinner on Vimeo.