All Chemistry – The Next Step for Graphing Exercise 2

Did you successfully complete Step 1 of Graphing Ex. 2? This means you uploaded three parts to Google Drive – question answers, a scanned hand drawn graph, and an Excel Graph. If so, GOOD JOB!!

Now you are ready for Step 2 – making sure you correctly drew and formatted both of your graphs. To do this, check your last two graph grades on Edline:

  • If you don’t have a 35 for EITHER Graph 1 or 2, then you must correct any that are wrong and RE-SUBMIT the ENTIRE ASSIGNMENT – ALL THREE PARTS – questions and both graphs, to Google Drive only. If you do have a 35 on either (or both) graphs, then you are done with that graph (or both!).
  • TITLE – Add the word UPDATED and the DATE you re-submitted it at the end of the Save As title.
  • Due TUESDAY midnight, Sept. 29 – If you turned in the entire assignment on time, this is the deadline for no deductions.
  • After you re-submit your Graphing Ex. 2, I will check it again and hopefully change your grade. If your graphs are still incorrect, then you must continue to made changes and re-submit the ENTIRE ASSIGNMENT until it is completely correct.
  • Text or email me EVERY time you re-submit the assignment so that I will know to check it for you.
  • IMPORTANT: As we discussed in class, correctly completing both graphs on Graphing Exercise 2 is a requirement for the chemistry course. No grade will be given for the nine-weeks if the assignment is not completed correctly,