Chemistry 1-26-15 Hydrogen Emission Spectrum & Bohr Model

CHEMISTRY: I figured anybody who ditched his honeymoon to finalize his work on atomic theory deserved to have his picture on our website. (And, by the way, great job making like electrons today – way to role play!)

So, do you think he’s right? Here’s a link to a short video clip that begins to connect everything together with the Spectroscopy lab you’ve been doing: The Electromagnetic Spectrum

January26 0958 c2 2014 from Tammy Skinner on Vimeo.

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44 thoughts on “Chemistry 1-26-15 Hydrogen Emission Spectrum & Bohr Model

  1. Thank you so much for the help session. The session really made me realize how much i need to study. I need to work on rearranging the formulas and memorizing them. I also need to memorize the unit, quantity and quantity symbols.

  2. I thought the flame test lab we did this week was really interesting and from that lab I learned that a certain element has a unique line emission spectrum sequence that no other element has.

  3. I never knew that white light was made of all the colors on the spectrem, and that Electrons are like particles but behave like waves

  4. I really enjoyed the Flame Test lab we did this week because it was really neat to see and learn how each element can make a different color.

  5. I would rate myself a 4 out of 5 for because the week I really struggled with the content of this chapter. I started to understand more when we did lab with the spectrometer. It really helped me.

  6. I have learned many Applications of the elements this week! All of the research we’ve done on them has revealed so many uses that I didn’t know they had before. One of my favorite facts that I found was the Mad Hatter Disease among hat makers that was caused by exposure to mercury vapors for too long while they were doing felting work.

  7. This week in class I learned how to use a spectroscope, how metals produce colors when heated, and that no two electrons have the same set of spectral lines in line emission spectra.

  8. This week what I learned how important it is to be prepared for class, especially when labs are taking place. By doing the pre-write up I was more prepared for this lab than the others. For future labs I plan to do rewrites again.

  9. I learned this week that white light is made up of all of the colors on the spectrum and that’s very interesting to me because I always thought all other light was made of white light.

  10. I rate myself a 3 out of 5 stars on the lab this week. I rated myself this way because we had to test the chemicals a few extra times and was not efficient enough. Even though we had a few flaws in this lab we completed the lab correctly and before the time expired.

  11. Doing the Neon Research lab really helped me to understand how neon signs work. I rate myself 4 outa 5. I thought I did great on understanding how different metals can produce different colors.

  12. This week I rate myself 4.5 out of five stars this week. I understood the electron orbitals lesson and I took better notes. I do need to work on memorizing the people and the laws.

  13. i give myself a 4 out of 5 stars this week because i really understood the lesson about oribitals and electrons today and i feel that if i really pay attention i will make a good grade on this upcoming test over this chapter.

  14. This week I learned about light and waves. I was able to apply this in the lab using the spectroscope to view the flame of the Bunsen burner.

  15. This week I struggled with the Element Reverse Scavenger Hunt. For the most part the pictures were easy to understand but on others, researching was a little more difficult. I’m still working on finishing the research but most of the transition metals are holding me back.

  16. This week was fun. The lab Tuesday was fun. I learned this week that safety is number one and that electrons are very fast and that is why its called the electron cloud. I always thought that electrons were not going that fast i thought electron cloud meant that there were a big pile of them.

  17. This week I really enjoyed the lab! It really amazed me how the elements changed the color of the flame by barely sticking the qtip at the outside of the flame.

  18. I liked the idea of the apartment building representing all the quantum numbers and energy levels. It was a lot of information and seemed overwhelming at first. Drawings and little tricks like that always help me grasp the material a lot better! I know that this will be helpful when I’m studying for the test.

  19. This week I really enjoyed learning about light and all of the different ways we can find light and the different metals that use those colors. The lab this week really helped me understand all of this.

  20. This week I learned a lot. I learned that there are different energy levels that have a certain amount of electrons per level and increase father as you move up a wave. I also learned that neon colors can come from certain elements to make a certain light in a neon sign. I feel like I am prepared for the test. I give myself a 4 out of 5 for the week

  21. I really enjoyed the Flame Test lab this week. It was interesting to see how one chemical can change the whole color of the flame.

  22. This week I learned about all the different types of orbitals. Orbital S, P, D, and F. Going over the orbitals today in class really helped me understand what I was doing.

  23. This week I really learned a lot of unique uses and chemical/ physical properties of elements. One of my favorite properties of an element is that potassium prevents leg cramps.

  24. This week I would give myself a 3 out of 5. I’m getting use to understanding the different types of quantums. And I am going to make sure I keep up on my make-up work.

  25. This week I enjoyed being able to actually understand the calculations and know how to work them. With that I would rate myself a 4 out of 5.

  26. Hey I’m thinking I’m a solid 3 of 5 this week. The stuff we are learning is every interesting, but a little hard, like all the orbitals we have to know.

  27. I think I would give myself a 4 out og 5 this week. The flame tests lab was very intriguing as it taught me that different elements emit different types of hues with ignited. This whole week was reasonabley easy although towards the end I was a bit confused. But otherwise this week was ok.

  28. This week was short, but I feel like I learned a lot. The electromagnetic spectrum song and the house example for the quantum numbers has been helpful in remembering everything. Also the flame test lab was probably one of my favorites. I learned how each element has a different line emission sequence and each produce a color when it’s heated up.

  29. I give myself a 4 out of 5 for this week because I feel like I did good on the labs this week but I think that I could have done better.

  30. I rate myself a 3 out of 5 this week. I missed a lot because I was sick so I have a lot to make up and take notes on. do you know when the lab make up day will be?

  31. I rate myself a 3 out of 5 this week as far as the lab goes. It was fairly easy, except for the looking through the spectroscope and finding colors, which caused faults in my lab.

  32. This week I learned how to use a spectroscope and the flame tests lab we did was fun, i learned from the lab which colors go with the different color flame

  33. This week ,I learn that different element make different colors ,and the colors represent the energy of the light it gives off.

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