Chemistry 10-28-14 Chemical Formula Worksheet 1

CHEMISTRY: Did today help? I think it did!!

Here’s the work we did going on the formulas and name of compounds on Chemical Formula Worksheet 1. Keep working on it! The knots are all going to come unraveled and you are going to master this!!

Help session this Thursday morning, 7:15ish A.M.

CHEMISTRY 10-28-14 Chemical Formula Worksheet 1 from Tammy Skinner on Vimeo.

flickr photo by Elizabeth The Queen Of All Things

Hon Chemistry 10-28-14 Percent Composition & Empirical Formulas

HON CHEMISTRY: Awesome job today!! You conquered percent composition and then turned it around to find empirical formulas.e

Be sure and practice – especially empirical formulas! If you don’t it’ll get all turned around and you’ll end up leaving off an important step. The hardest part is that it’s not a set formula for you to plug and play, but if you’ll keep in mind that you’re really just looking for subscripts which are just moles, you’ll be able to think it through. Percent to mass, mass to moles, moles to smallest whole number ratio. Easy peasy!

I wonder what the percent composition of bubble gum is?

HON CHEMISTRY 10-28-14 Percent Composition & Empirical Formulas from Tammy Skinner on Vimeo.

flickr photo by Τϊζζ¥