Chemistry 10-2-19 A Look at Hand Drawn Graphs (& Due Dates)

CHEMISTRY: Were you happy with your hand drawn graph? Here’s the very short review today of good and some examples of not so good graphs.

HOMEWORK INFO: Monday – Hand drawn graph (J) and Exercise 2 are due.
Tuesday – Excel/Google Sheets graph (K) is due. (We’ll start these graphs in class on Tuesday.)
WEDNESDAY- The whole graphing project is due – all three pages turned in as one PDF.

Speaking of the first graph – be careful with your hand drawn graph! Watch this vodcast for good and bad examples. Carefully review the instructions on how to draw them. Common mistakes – switching independent and dependent variables, the scale on an axis not consistent along the axis, graph too small, line not a best fit, forgetting to label the axis, etc.

And finally – NEATNESS is very important!!

flick photo by Caleb Roenigk

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23 thoughts on “Chemistry 10-2-19 A Look at Hand Drawn Graphs (& Due Dates)

  1. I am super proud of my self this week! While we were completing the graphing activity online on Tuesday, the software was glitching out, or something close to it and kept me from completing the assignment. I’m very proud because I didn’t quit and get upset, and eventually, I got it to work and got my grade for the day.

  2. This week I did better with not procrastinating. I got all of my work done in an appropriate time. I didn’t wait to the last minute to do my work.

  3. I was very successful in the graphs this week. I got very frustrated because I made many little mistakes, but I worked through them. I worked hard to finish the Graphing exercise.

  4. This week I triumphed on my graphing exercise. I was a little confused and made some mistakes but fixed those quickly and I feel good about the work that I did. I also am working on doing my work on time and not procrastinating my work.

  5. I did really well with drawing the graph on Thursday. I was really concerned, at first, but I made it through. It really helped that I looked at other people’s graphs as references.

  6. I am very proud of myself this week. I struggled greatly with my workload this week but I managed to stay on top. I would definitely consider that to be my greatest triumph.

  7. I feel like I did well with the graphing we did this week. I asked my friends questions and referenced correct examples so I was able to understand what we were doing.

  8. This week I struggled with my graphing exercises but then I overcame the problems and finished all of them. Overall I felt I did good on the graphing exercises.

  9. My triumph this week is probably getting done with the hand drawn graph. I felt good about getting it done and good time management

  10. This week I felt like I did better on keeping up on my work. I was little confused when it came to graphing on Wednesday but after reviewing the notes on Thursday it came much easier.

  11. My triumph this week was completing the hand drawn graph. I felt like I did well on it and the other graphing exercises.

  12. My triumph this week had to be learning to things quick. Also, being on track or the same page whenever I get something wrong. With getting something wrong came the habit of learning from it.

  13. My triumph this week was being able to get my graphing exercise done correctly in class, even though I was not there the day we went over how to do it. I’m also proud of myself for getting caught up as soon as I could.

  14. This week I triumphed with the hand drawn graph exercises. I felt good about getting it done and with great time management.

  15. This week I triumphed in learning how to read and plot graphs, on paper and online. I used prior knowledge on this topic to help me.

  16. This week i learned about the different kinds of chemistry. Physical chemistry is the study of matter and its effect it was on something. So if you threw a heavy rock at the floor and the floor and you wanted to know why the floor was cracked you would study physical chemistry.

  17. This week i learned about the different kinds of chemistry. Physical chemistry is the study of matter and its effect it has on something. So if you threw a heavy rock at the floor and the floor and you wanted to know why the floor was cracked you would study physical chemistry.


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