Physics 8-25-16 Motion and Displacement

PHYSICS – What “moving” lessons yesterday and today! Get it? “Moving”? Okay, okay, I’ll stop.

You did a great job with your own “intro to motion” yesterday – great job and great beginning to kinematics today! I gave you the wrong word in class – did you notice!? I said them opposite! Kinematics, not dynamics is the study of motion without consideration of its cause.

Let’s crank it up on the problems tomorrow!

Physics 8-27-15 Motion and Displacement from Tammy Skinner on Vimeo.

flickr photo by Pörrö

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6 thoughts on “Physics 8-25-16 Motion and Displacement

  1. I rate myself a 4 out of 5 for this week. I was having a lot of trouble with dimensional analysis and order of magnitude; however, the help session really helped me with that! I also believe that Karen and I did pretty well with the Tumble Buggy! Finally, though the velocity problems were very different, I believe I am understanding most of them very well! Now if I can just be sure to show enough work! Thank you for the help!

  2. This week I’d give myself a solid 4 out of 5. I believe that I’ve been a really proactive learner this week, unlike last week. This week I have been active in taking notes & doing my part at home as well as focusing in class and trying to participate. I, as Blake, think that he and I did rather well on the Tumble Buggy Mini Lab, though we did have a minor hiccup with the fake batteries. (haha) Lastly, I am confident in my ability to now work simple velocity problems and know that today’s lecture will help me this weekend as I do the booger-bear velocity problems that we have for homework.

  3. Some of the things I struggled with this week were the order of magnitude and dimensional analysis problems. But, after our help session, I realized that I was simply thinking much too hard about them! I understood them so much better after we talked through them, so thank you so much! These new velocity problems are definitely a challenge this week as well, but I know that I will just need to thoroughly practice all types of problems in order to truly learn how to do them. Like you said in class today, practicing problems is really the best way for me to understand why we solve them the way that we do instead of just trying to memorize a series of steps.

  4. I give myself 4 stars for this week. I understood the activities that we did in class very well, but I struggled on homework. A lot of the the velocity problems we had I had no clue how to work. Rereading the chapter didn’t help me, but I did figure it out once we got in class; however I still need some more practice. The help session also really helped me with problems form last week.

  5. This week, I rate myself a 3 out of 5. I really struggled with the velocity problems on the last two days this week. I have rewatched the vodcast from Thursday (and Friday when it comes up!) and today in class really helped me. One the other hand, I felt like I really excelled at the labs at the beginning of this week.

  6. This week I struggled with the homework. I’m still getting back into thinking through problems so they were difficult. I give myself a 4 out of 5 for this week because I perservered through the problems and in the end got them right even though it took a while.

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