Chemistry 5-8-18 Activity Series

CHEMISTRY: What!?! You mean there aren’t little blue people on lonely country roads? 😉

Wow! We finished the chapter!! Now you get to go and practice what you’ve learned. And practicing them will help you memorize them for tomorrow’s quiz. Need help? Help session tomorrow morning, 7:20ish A.M.

Practice, practice, practice! Don’t forget, you have to memorize the 17 types of chemical reactions, but you also have to apply them – and apply what you’ve learned about the activity series! You need to know it so well, that it becomes second nature to you. I’m be praying for you as you study for the test!!

March23 1202 hc4 2016 from Tammy Skinner on Vimeo.

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49 thoughts on “Chemistry 5-8-18 Activity Series

  1. I’d rate my self a 3/5 for this week. I finished the worksheet but I could of done better on the test.

  2. This week is a 5/5 for me. I did great on the homework assignments involving balancing equations and it helped my greatly on the test. Speaking of the test, I’ve got high hopes for it. It was easier than expected and memorizing the 17 chemical reactions was worth it.

  3. I would rate myself a 1/5 this week because I struggled with confusing the 17 chemical reactions and should have done better on the test.

  4. I would rate myself a 4/5 this week because even though it was a lot of stress and information to learn this week, I made it through it all. I’m still praying about my test hoping I did well, but i know i did my best. Some concepts I still need to look over, but I’ve got this.

  5. I’d rate myself a 3/5 for the week I’m pretty sure i did terrible on the quiz but I studied really hard for the test and hopefully made a good grade

  6. I would rate myself a 4/5 this week. The worksheets were challenging, but at least the memorization of the chemical reactions wasn’t that hard. The test was not too bad either! I felt like I made a pretty decent grade on it for once! Hope I’m not wrong.

  7. This week was very streassful with the retake,quizz, and test. I found myself struggling on the test even though I studied a long time on it. I hope I did well on the chemistry project so it will boost my grade up

  8. This week was so much better than last week in chem!I got all of the homework done and I also put in extra practice for the test. I’m excited for another week in chemistry!

  9. This week in chemistry I felt like I understood most of the information we went over and I felt like I did well on the test. I completed all my homework.

  10. This week in Chem I would rate myself a 2.5/5. I did nkt do very good on my test at all and I did not finish my balancing equations worksheet monday. Hopefully i can do good on the take home lab this weekend and help my grade some.

  11. This week I rate myself a 4/5. I did much better on the re-quiz and on the worksheets, and I feel very good about my performance on the test.

  12. I would rate myself a 5/5 this week because I completed all my homework and I think I performed well on the test.

  13. I would rate myself a 3/5 this week. I feel like I prepared myself well for test, but I could have worked harder on the homework.

  14. This week I would rate myself a 3/5. I feel like did alright on test but I could have practice more equations. I don’t think I did good on quiz because when I was taking I forgot all the rules. Hopefully I can do good on thlab this weekend.

  15. I rate myself a 4/5 this week. I provided myself a good amount of time to study for my test. I just have to finish strong.

  16. I rate myself a 3/5 this week. That is because I don’t think I did good on the quiz earlier this week but I do think I did decent on the test. Also, I took good notes and did all my homework which is always a good thing

  17. I would rate myself a 3/5 this week because I didn’t do well on the quiz. I think I did ok on the test and I hope to do well on the thlab this weekend.

  18. This week I rate myself a 2/5. The worksheets were a challenge for me, and the test was very difficult.

  19. I would rate myself 3/5. I didn’t do good on the quiz but i think did god on the test and I’m really going to study hard for this exam

  20. This week l give myself a 3/5. The test was easier than l thought and l really liked this chapter. l feel like this week was very laid back and l like the gas laws we are learning about! Overall, it was a pretty chill week in chemistry!

  21. This week I rate myself 3/5. I think I did okay on my test, I could have prepared more. I also should have done better on my quizzes this week. I hope I can raise my grade a little before the exam.

  22. This week I rate myself a 3/5 I did not do so well on the quiz but I do feel like I know the material well

  23. This week I rate myself a 3/5 because I do not think I did well on the quiz but I feel confident that I know the material

  24. I rate myself a 2/5 because I got a higher grade on quiz retake, but I dont know how well I did on my test.

  25. This week was a solid 4/5 I feel like I did really well on the test and I kept up with my work. My backpack however decided to have a minor explosion which disorganized everything including and especially my notes. Other than that minor setback this week was great.

  26. This week I rae myself a 3/5. This week was honestly hard because of the quiz, the retake, and the test. I honestly think I struggled with the test but I’m glad it’s over with now.

  27. I would rate myself a 2/5 this week bc i should have prepared myself better this week. I feel like I did okay on the test. I hope I do well on the exam.

  28. I would rate myself this week on the test and other assignments 4/5 because I haven’t forgotten to turn work in this week and I felt that I did really well on the test this week and I will to be my best in all my classes.

  29. This week I rate myself a 2/5. I finished all of my assignments but did not prepare properly for my test and quizzes. Hopefully I will learn from my mistakes.

  30. I rate myself a 3/5 for this week. I was super stressed the whole week and felt unprepared. I feel good about the test but i’m not sure. I’m just glad it was the last one! Hopefully next week will be better.

  31. I would rate myself a 4/5 this week because I got a good grade one of my quizzes. I studied really hard for the test and I think I did a good job on it.

  32. This week has been incredibly productive for me and a 4/5. Starting with doing incredibly well on my test and feeling good about my work, then performing well on my retake of the quiz, and doing well on my worksheets. However, I still feel unstatisfied with myself, and I want to be better.

  33. This week in chemistry i did pretty well. Learning about pressure today with a balloon on a bed of nails was pretty interesting. I am so excited to end this school year!

  34. This week was a solid 5/5 for me. The reason for this is that I believe I did excellent on both tests and the homework was no trouble at all. With all tests but the exam through, maybe I can get some sleep. All I have to do now is the take-home lab, which shouldn’t be a problem. I am having a little trouble following the current lesson but I should catch on soon enough.

  35. This week is a 2/5. i️ did not do as well as I️ hoped on the quiz but feel really good about the test! Hopefully I’ll persevere until the end of the semester.

  36. This week in chemistry I rate myself a 3/5. I still haven’t taken the quizzes because I have had so many doctors appointments, but I think that I am prepared. I have started to make my self a final exam stuff to know sheet, so that is good.

  37. i would give myself a 3/5 this week. I should have studied more for my test & quizzes, but the stuff we learned about to day was cool.

  38. this week I give myself 4/5. I did really well on the retake quiz and I feel like I did well on the test. other than that I don’t remember anything that happened this week so….

  39. In this week of chemistry, I would rate ⅗. I didn’t do so well on the quizzes and balancing equation worksheets. I need to work on memorization and study a lot harder for the exam. I thought today’s lesson on pressure was very interesting. I found it very interesting about how divers have to come up.

  40. I feel pretty good about this week, the test had material that I knew (and didn’t have a discussion question) and I feel that I was successful in balancing the equations. Overall this week I would rate myself a 4/5 based on my good honest efforts and results.

  41. I would rate myself a 4/5 this week because I studied hard for every test and quiz and was able to make pretty good grades. I also was able to get all of my homework done and mostly correct.

  42. This week l give myself a 4/5. The test was easier than l thought and l really liked this chapter. l feel like this week was very relaxing and l like the gas laws we are learning about! Overall, it was a pretty easy week in chemistry

  43. I rate myself a 3/5 for this week. I did good on the retake quiz and felt more confident about chemical formulas going into the test. I think I did pretty good on the test as well.

  44. This week has probably been one of the hardest weeks in chemistry!! The quiz and test was terrible, so hopefully I can do something to bring that up. Looking forward to our last week in chem!!!!

  45. This week in chemistry, I rate myself a 3/5. I did so much better on the retake quiz and even though the 17 chemical reactions might’ve tripped me up a little but, I still think I did okay or even possibly good on the test. Looking forward to a great last week together in chemistry!!

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