Chemistry 8-24-17 Derived Units & Intro to Accuracy & Precision

CHEMISTRY – So you think Goodman Road is getting crowded? How’s this for a “high density” city? Great work with derived units today. Now on to accuracy and precision. Can you apply what you’ve learned? Hmmmmm………

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38 thoughts on “Chemistry 8-24-17 Derived Units & Intro to Accuracy & Precision

  1. I would rate myself a 4/5 this week because we took notes, but I write very slow. A triumph I had this week was accessing the online book successfully.

  2. This week in chemistry was another successful week. I completed all my homework assignments. Most of the week we took notes and I wrote everything that was on the board. Another thing I am getting better at is using the online book to do my homework.

  3. This week was a ok week, early in the week I struggled a little bit. But I’ve set myself up to succeed, I took notes and am staying on top of the homework assignment. I was super happy I understood how to access and use the online textbook!

  4. I would rate myself a 5/5 this week. I thought I did pretty good taking notes and paying attention in class. I also did very well keeping up with my homework.

  5. I rate myself 4/5 this week. I took good notes and I am ready for the quiz/test. I also did well on my homework the last few nights. One thing that I need to work on is my time management, I like to procrastinate.

  6. I think this week was both a struggle and a triumph. I was very busy this week and I was up late doing homework, so I need to learn to better manage my time. the thing that made this week better is that I am understanding what we learn in class and I am taking good notes so I will be ready for the quiz and test.

  7. This has been a good week in chemistry for me I completed all the homework and took good notes all week I rate myself a 5/5 for the week

  8. I give myself a 4/5 for this week. A little room for improvement and plenty of time to work on memorizing my units of measurement.

  9. i rate myself a 5/5 this week. I turned in all my homework in time and completed which is definitely a triumph. I feel like I took good notes and a lot of stuff is coming back to me. Im looking forward to taking the quiz wednesday!

  10. I would rate myself a 5/5 for this week. I feel that I did excellent this on taking notes and understanding the lesson. Also I finished all my homework this week.

  11. This week I would rate myself a 4/5. I did good on my notes and did my homework. I also finally figured out how to take off the apron.

  12. I would rate myself a 5/5 this week I feel like I did well on taking notes and understanding the lesson throughout the week.I also turned in all of my homework on time.

  13. This week has been a 5/5. I do my homework and take the best notes i take. i try to stay active in the lesson and write down what i need to.

  14. I would rate this week a 4/5 for me. The lab went smoothly, I took all the notes, and I easily accessed the online book to do homework. I took the point off because my time management was not the greatest and I stayed a few minutes after class cleaning up my lad station and putting up supplies.

  15. I feel like I did a pretty good job this week in keeping with notes. I have to say, the oobleck lab was fun if not stressful in watching the time. This was a pretty good week for me. It was easy to access the book and other online materials and not have my computer freak out on me.

  16. This week was a 5/5 rating for me. I’m much better at taking notes, understanding new concepts, and formatting assignments. The online book is useful and I’ve taken as many advantages as I can from it. Though a few days are a flood of stress, I’m getting used to trampling through with all I’ve got. This is gonna be a good year.

  17. This week I would rate myself 5/5. I took notes very well and also did all my homework and did not stay up too late doing it last minute.

  18. I would rate myself a 5/5 for this week because I stayed ahead with my homework and made sure to take good notes.

  19. This week I rate myself a 4/5 because I did good on the homework and knew all the answers to the homework. I also studied for the SI prefixes this week.

  20. This week I would rate myself a 4/5 because I am understanding what we’ve been talking about in class and I’ve done well on my homework. But I need to do my homework before I do anything else or I’ll be trying to finish it during 5th period study hall the next day. :/

  21. Week two in chemistry was another success! I feel like I triumphed at taking notes quickly and completing my homework. I struggled with pulling up the online textbook, but I eventually got it. I am excited to see what the next week in chemistry brings!

  22. I would rate myself a 4/5 this week. I did good in class taking notes and i turned in all my homework assignments. I think I will do good on the quiz this Wednesday.

  23. I would rate myself a 4/5 for this week. I feel i did good on taking notes and paying attention in class this week. I feel very prepared for the quiz this Wednesday. I feel I understood the lesson well this week.

  24. I rate myself 5/5 this week I feel like I really understood the notes. Just need to practice memorizing my sig figs.

  25. This week in chemistry I struggled with a big problem. Instead of getting my homework done as soon as I could, I waited for the last moment. This mistake made me have to stay up until late a few nights. Next week, I will make sure to get my homework done before doing other things.

  26. I would say that I have triumphed this week because I have remembered some things from physical science that we went over this week and I have learned many new things as well.

  27. I would say this week I had the struggle of time management. Especially one night I stayed up past midnight because I got home so late before I could even start the homework. I definitely need to design a new plan for next week!

  28. This week I rate myself a 3/5. I struggled with keeping up with my work but I managed to get it done. I really think I understood the notes in class but, just need to study my sig figs.

  29. I would rate myself a 2/5 this week. I didn’t look at the syllabus closely enough, and as a result ended up missing homework assignments. However, I now know to double-check over my syllabus about 10 times a day now, so that’s the one good thing that came out of it. I took good notes and listened attentively during class, so this week wasn’t completely terrible for me.

  30. I would rate myself a 3/5 because I did the notes. I just couldn’t write them Dow fast enough! I don’t think I had trouble learning the stuff

  31. I would rate myself a 4/5 this week because I didn’t miss one homework assignment and I pretty much understood the notes that we took all week. Although, I still need to look over the notes more to understand it more.

  32. for this week i would rate myself a 4/5. i am understanding most parts of the lessons and my notes are very helpful. i am struggling to find the motivation to do my homework but i am hopeful that that will change next week. all in all a pretty ok week!

  33. I would rate myself a 4/5 for this week. I took good notes and remember most of what we learned. I do however need to try and get ahead on my homework and assignments. I can’t wait for the quiz on wednesday, I’ve already made a quizlet!

  34. i’d rate myself 4/5 this week. i triumphed at taking notes but struggled getting on the online textbook. i do understand what we’re learning and i think i’m ready for the quiz.

  35. This week I feel like I struggled with sig figs a little at first but then later in the class I got more of a hang on it rating myself a 3/5

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