PHYSICS: Great work today thinking through these problems! How you look at problems from the beginning can make a huge difference – huh?
A couple of things that work for me when doing equilibrium, etc., problems – first, draw them. Then go back through and separate resultants into components. If an object is in equilibrium, then there are no net forces – all the forces in the x direction balance – everything left equals everything right, and all the forces up equal all the forces down.
Head up – answers for tomorrow night’s Equilibrants II worksheet are below:
- Fn = 3430 N upward against feet
- Fn1 = Fn2 = 1890 N upward on each foot
- F forward = 4.59 N
- T1 = T2 = 1760 N
- T1 = 1360 N and T2 = 680. N
flickr photo by Nomadic Lass