Chemistry 11-13-15 Homework #52 & vLAB Instructions

CHEMISTRY: Happy Friday! Here’s the work we did today on #52 – finding an empirical formula from lab results. Love that problem – practice it again if you didn’t get it right the first time.

Also on the vodcast are instructions for the vLAB that we started today in class. You’ll finish the vLAB in class on Monday. If you were absent today, be sure and watch the vodcast!

Chemistry 11-13-15 #52 & vLAB Instructions from Tammy Skinner on Vimeo.

Physics 11-13-15 Work Energy Theorem

PHYSICS: Great job today on making connections between work and energy! I think you’ll like using the work-energy theorem, it’ll save you some time and a couple of steps. Don’t forget about friction!

Physics 11-13 Work Energy Theorem from Tammy Skinner on Vimeo.

flickr photo by raysto