Lost in the Bull Pass

Welcome to a great adventure! You’ve learned so much this year – not just concepts, but skills, and you’re still learning! I can’t wait to see how you are going to apply it all!

Here’s the place where you can post your questions about the “Lost…”. First answer – the due date is Tuesday, April 15.

A really useful hint? Go back and re-read the project again – this time with a highlighter. It’s amazing how much I miss the first time I read something. So what’s your next question?

Do you need a copy of the project? Check under the Project tab.

DUE Saturday, March 22, 11:59 PM. This first worksheet is due for ALL 23 the items on the list. Submit Google Doc to your Chemistry Shared folder. Make your own copy before you start filling it in: FIRST Lost… Project Research Sheet

Physics 3-5-25 Pascal’s Law

PHYSICS: Did you realize that fluids could produce that much force? Make’s you wonder at the awesome way God designed those beautiful under water sea creatures to withstand so much pressure, doesn’t it? This little creature is a lionfish from the waters of Lembeh, Indonesia.

Here’s the lecture on Pascal’s law and hydraulics and the like.

Physics 2-27-17 Pascal's Law from Tammy Skinner on Vimeo.

flickr photo by CW Ye

Physics 2-26-25 Archimedes’ Principle

PHYSICS: So when you were floating in the pool this summer, did you enjoy your fellowship with buoyant forces? 🙂 From Wednesday – Archimedes’ Principle.

Great topic for investigation! Speaking of which – what did you find? When the kid jumped out of the boat, did the water level rise, fall, or stay the same? Hmmmm…..

flickr photo by marlana

Chemistry 2-24-25 Chapter 9 Test Overview & Practice

CHEMISTRY: I still say stoichiometry is a lot like baking – sometimes you just have to get in there and get your hands dirty! Here’s our overview of the test and then our look at #32 and #35 – the baking powder problem and the gypsum problem. Thinking through these problems is a huge first important step!

Now go forth and practice, practice, practice! Be sure and check out the Ch 9 Stuff to Know sheet. God bless you as you study and prepare!

Photo by Gaelle Marcel on Unsplash

Chemistry 2-20-25 Percent Yield

CHEMISTRY: So are you a cookie dough lover? Not me – I like my cookies crispy!

Here’s the last of the applications of stoichiometry problems – percent yield. Be careful to remember that percent yield is all about product. The masses in the formula will be from products. The masses of the reactants will only be used to find the mass of the product.

HW UPDATE – Be sure and check the updated SNOW syllabus for the new homework for Thursday and Friday.

You realize what we’ve done… we’ve finished the chapter!! Unless you’d like to talk about more applications tomorrow?

Photo by Pam Menegakis on Unsplash

Physics 2-14-25 Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation

PHYSICS: Wait! There’s a fourth law? Yep – Newton’s law of universal gravitation! So when you jump off of something, the Earth moves, huh?

You’ve learned little g, now you know big G! Good job setting up the problems, also make sure you can apply the concepts.

Ready to escape? 🙂

Physics 2-10-16 Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation from Tammy Skinner on Vimeo.

Hon Chemistry 2-13-25 Nuclear Reactors, Fission & Fusion

HON CHEMISTRY: Wow! What do you think about fission and fusion? Can you now begin to understand the destructive force of the hydrogen bomb? It’s a fusion bomb! Just another reason you might not want to plan a trip to the sun!!

We put the final touch on a lot today, and guess what? We’ve wrapped up the chapter! How are you doing on studying for the test? It will cover the beginning part of chapter 3 (through average atomic mass) and chapter 21. Did you find the Stuff to Know Sheet?

Practice everything! And did I mention, PRACTICE!! I’ll be praying for you!

Hon Chemistry 12-7-16 Isotopes, Nuclear Reactors, and Fusion from Tammy Skinner on Vimeo.

Physics 2-12-25 Rotational Dynamics, Pt. 1

PHYSICS – Wow! Could you do this? Here’s the lecture on rotational inertia and angular velocity – rotational dynamics! We’ll pick up angular momentum tomorrow. Fun times!

By the way – I wonder how all this applies to other rotating things…like maybe the Earth? Hmmmmm……

Photo Credit: frozenhaddock via Compfight cc

Hon Chemistry 2-12-25 Applications of Radioactivity, Pt. 2

HON CHEMISTRY: Hey guys! Here’s more applications of radioactive isotopes.

How are you studying? Be careful and don’t take the test for granted! And don’t forget to check out the the Chapter 21 Stuff to Know & sheet (and yes, there actually is one!).

Make sure you keep practicing half-life problems and nuclear equations. Also, make sure you’ve memorize the nuclear symbols for alpha particles, beta particles, positrons, neutrons, and protons. And then there are tons of notes on the conceptual stuff. Properties of radioactivity, people, types of radioactive decay, applications of radioactivity, definitions, definitions, and definitions!

FYI – This is a pic of a test used to check on blood flow through the heart during a stress test. Fun, huh!?

So what’s this about you probably having an radioactive isotope in your house?!? Don’t forget to research how smoke detectors, especially those with Americium, work!

Image source http://www.cedars-sinai.edu