Chemistry 12-6-24 Ch 7 Online Review Worksheet

CHEMISTRY: You’ve finished the chapter, now it’s time to practice what you’ve learned – and there is A LOT! To do that you’ll be doing the Ch 7 Online Review Worksheet on Canvas. (Click on Quizzes and then Practice Quizzes.) There are 44 total questions, but 6 of them are problems to work out. You can have two attempts on the worksheet and your grade will be the average of your two scores. It’s due Saturday by 11:59 PM.

CAUTION: Read the following IMPORTANT instructions before you begin – your answers won’t be accepted if you don’t type them in a certain way. And don’t forget you’ll have to turn in written work for the problems.

IMPORTANT #1: READ BEFORE STARTING. To type in your answers, make sure of the following. If you get an answer wrong because of the way you typed it, I won’t go back and change your grade.

  • Capitalization – don’t capitalize any thing EXCEPT symbol letters that are supposed to be upper case. So don’t capitalize names for elements or compounds.
  • Roman numerals – DO put a space between the element name and the Roman numeral and CAPITALIZE I and V. Like this: titanium (IV) oxide
  • Ion charges & oxidation numbers – You don’t include ion charges when you write formulas, but YOU DO write charges if you are writing the formula or oxidation number for an ion. Don’t put a space between the number and the charge. Like this: +2
  • Units – Put a space between a number and the unit. Write the symbol, not the word for the unit.
  • Double check your spelling!!
  • You can have 2 attempts on this assignment. Your final score will be the average of your two scores

IMPORTANT #2: For the problems section, work the problem correctly and completely on notebook paper and turn in the notebook paper in class. You won’t receive credit for the problems if you don’t turn in your work. FYI – there are 6 problems.

Chemistry 12-5-24 Polymers

CHEMISTRY: This lecture on polymers finishes the chapter! Did you realize molecules could be that large? And so many of them. But don’t you think polymers are cool? Here’s the lecture for Thursday. Interact with the vodcast! Answer out loud, take notes, make a list of any questions you have.

Some items for contemplation: how does the function of something relate to its structure. For example, why are certain plastics recyclable and others not…and what about dishwasher and microwave safe? Hmmmmm…

HW UPDATE: Don’t forget about the update to HW tonight – turn in tomorrow #35, 38, 39

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Chemistry 12-4-23 Molecular Formulas

CHEMISTRY: Hey guys! Awesome job with empirical formulas, and now you’ve conquered writing molecular formulas! Here’s the lecture from Wednesday. It’s just like writing empirical formulas but with a twist at the end!

HW UPDATE: Don’t forget #35, 38, and 39 are now added to Thursday night’s HW.

Have you started preparing for the test? It will be over ALL of chapter – plus the small bit from chapter 3. Be sure and checked out the Stuff to Know sheet for all of chapter 7 under the Test Info tab!

flickr photo by Sebastian Mary

Hon Chemistry 12-4-24 Double Replacement & Combustion Reactions

HON CHEMISTRY: Do you realize what we did? We finished all 17 types of reactions today! We’ll practice them tomorrow since we had to go so fast today.

Careful when you work with any of these! For all single replacement reactions and reactions involving forming or decomposing oxide, be sure and refer to the Activity Series. Yes, you do get to memorize the Activity Series for the test – for the big test, not for the coming up quiz!

Are you working on memorizing all 17 types of reactions?! But don’t just memorize them. Make sure you can apply them as well. When you start to work any equation, first determine what type of reaction it is, then figure out what rule applies and follow it to determine the products. I believe in you! You can do it!! (and yes, I realize I am repeating myself, but I do and you can!)

Chemistry 9-3-24 Density HW Problems Review

CHEMISTRY: How did you do on the density problems? Here’s our look at a few of the problems from this weekend’s homework.

And what about the test? Have you checked out the Chapter 2 Stuff to Know and Chapter 2 Study Suggestions sheets? Look the Test Info tab here on the website.

Photo by Jingming Pan on Unsplash

Hon Chemistry 12-3-24 The Activity Series & Single Replacement Reactions

HON CHEMISTRY: Moving right along with the 17 types of chemical reactions, here are the single replacement reactions – and you also got a head start on the activity series!

This makes 15 reactions so far, and we’ll do the rest tomorrow. Careful though, memorize, but don’t just memorize them. Make sure you can apply them as well. When you start to work any equation, first determine what type of reaction it is, then figure out what rule applies and follow it to determine the products. I believe in you! You can do it!!

flickr photo by bobtravis

Chemistry 12-3-24 Empirical Formulas

CHEMISTRY: Isn’t it awesome that God has given us the ability to understand and use the world around us – even things we can’t see. Great job on applying the laws that we’ll need to use to find empirical formulas.

The hardest part is that it’s not a set formula for you to plug and play, but if you’ll keep in mind that you’re really just looking for subscripts which are just moles, you’ll be able to think it through. Percent to mass, mass to moles, moles to smallest whole number ratio.

HOMEWORK UPDATE: Some classes got all the way to molecular formulas! If you didn’t, or if you don’t understand, you can leave off #35, 38, 39. If you do, they’ll be added to Thursday night’s homework.

Let’s crank it up a notch tomorrow! 🙂

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