Chemistry 1-9-25 Describing Chemical Reactions

CHEMISTRY: So you learned last semester how to determine if a chemical reaction has taken place. How would you go about describing a chemical reaction to someone? Here’s our discussion from today on writing balanced chemical equations!

First step in writing equations? Make sure you can write chemical formulas! First step to that? Memorization!!

So tell me again – how do you know if a chemical reaction has occurred?

Photo credit: Periodic Videos Blue Flame Thrower Video

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78 thoughts on “Chemistry 1-9-25 Describing Chemical Reactions

  1. This week, I did well on studying and preparing for the quiz. I did this by working out a lot of problems and giving myself plenty of time to study. I also paid closer attention in class.

  2. This week my triumph was my lab. I came prepared for the pre-lab quiz and the lab. Me and my lab partner worked almost seamlessly through the lab and were able to start our post-lab questions early.

  3. I triumphed this week by studying well for the quiz and practicing extra problems! I also focused more on the lab which resulted me in knowing more what we are doing in class!

  4. This week my triumph was my lab and staying ahead. I did really well staying ahead but also very prepared for my lab and knew what I was doing without having to take breaks to see which caused the lab to go by quicker and get everything done.

  5. This week I triumphed in lab. I read the lab thoroughly which allowed me to understand the lab. I was able to complete the pre-lab quiz quickly and start on my lab in a timely manner.

  6. This week i triumphed on staying on task throughout the week. I studied for the quiz and practiced random balanced chemical equation question. I also stayed focused in the lab.

  7. This week I triumphed on staying on top of all of my work for all my classes. I did this by not procrastinating and doing them the day of when they were assigned or as soon as I found out about them. I will try and continue not to procrastinate so I do not fall behind.

  8. My triumph this week is that I did great on the lab this week. I finished on time and I was confident in what I was doing

  9. This week I triumphed in practicing balancing chemical equations. I was balancing chemical equations in class, and I also practiced balancing chemical equations at home to help prepare for the quiz.

  10. My triumph this week was being ready for my lab and make sure I did everything right. I finished on time and we did everything correctly.

  11. This week I triumphed with the Lab. I read the lab in depth and it really helped me complete it. I also did really well on the quiz because i payed attention in class and did well on the Homework.

  12. My triumph this week was my understanding of balancing chemical formulas. i think i did well with them and studied what i didnt know. i practiced them alot.

  13. This week I did well in preparing for my quiz. Using the practice tools I had available and doing the worksheets helped me greatly in succeeding. The extra practice helped a lot with the big mama problems and getting used to using the ‘doubling up’ method when working with the carbon and hydrogen equations.

  14. I triumphed this week by working hard to understand what was on our quiz, even though I have not taken it yet. I am confident that I will make a decent grade because of how well I have done studying for it.

  15. This week my triumph was the lab. I worked in a timely manner and got it done 10 minutes early. My lab partner and I did separate things to help with time.

  16. This week in chemistry, I did really well balancing chemical equations. I tried my best to pay attention in class and ask for help when needed, as well as work problems out with Mrs skinner. Towards the end of the week, I became much better at balancing.

  17. This week I did well preparing for the quiz and am very satisfied with the grade I made. I prepared well by studying just as much as if it were a test in order to give myself the best chance of scoring well on it. I made sure to practice the little stuff, even if I knew it well.

  18. This week. I triumphed in my lab preparation so that it came out much easier when done and studying for my quiz made me feel very prepared

  19. In my opinion I did well on finding my mistakes and correcting them so they wouldn’t happen again. I accomplished this by doing problems that i missed multiple times.

  20. This past week I thought that I did well on the lab. I read the lab before hand and knew what to do, so I was ready when I stepped into class. I did a good job at following the instructions given by the lab procedure as well as Ms. Skinner.

  21. This week in chemistry, me and my lab partner did well by being able to finish the lab quicker than usual. This was accomplished by us staying presentient and spitting up to do different things in the lab.

  22. This week I did good in finishing my work on time and focusing on increasing my grade. This was accomplished by checking the syllabus and making sure complete my work

  23. This week I think my triumph was my lab. I memorized it well so that I was able to get into class and have minimal issues with the my lab. We were able to get everything done in a timely manner and clean up with time leftover!

  24. My triumph this week was definitely my Evidence of Chemical Change lab. I feel like me and my lab partner diligently worked during our class period.

  25. this week I felt I did better reading my syllabus every day and making sure of my homework. this really helped me with my lab reading it and going over it before class. im gonna try to be like this every week

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