PHYSICS: Why don’t things that are moving just keep moving? And then what happens to your applied force when you pull or push something at an angle? Major recording challenges, so here’s the vodcast from last year.
Super important to remember – it’s not forces, but net forces that produce acceleration. So this means there are a couple of different ways to look at Fnet – a whole made up of parts and something that produces accelerations. Good stuff!
Another good reminder – you can find Ff a couple of different ways – it’ll be part of a net force equation and can be found from the coefficient of friction equation. If and ONLY if your object is moving at a constant velocity, Ff will equal Fa. Fn is only sometimes equal to Fw. If your object is pulled at any angle (or pushed), Fn will be a part of Fnet in the vertical direction.
Whew! 🙂
Photo by Antonia Lombardi on Unsplash
Harsh chemicals are used to breakdown/dissolve blue jeans due to the indigo dye used to color jeans. Because of this, tens of thousands of tons of these chemicals are dumped into streams each year. This is awful for the environment and workers. Recently scientists have developed a new dye called indican that is naturally derived from indigo plants and requires no harsh chemicals to breakdown. They also found that natural sunlight will develop this dye and make it darker. This discovery will revolutionize the fashion industry and help save the environment in the future.
Something I struggled with this week was this week was understanding how to write the formulas for the compounds and how to name them. I kept forgetting to swap the charges of the elements. To overcome this, I will practice writing formulas and their names by searching up worksheets on google.
Rats have been trained in Africa to sniff out smuggled goods. This began with the increase of wildlife detriment as poachers were smuggling animal parts leaving the rest to rot. The rats were taught by sniffing a certain odor and rewarded immediately after. Because of this, they were able to distinguish these few odors in comparison to 146 other odors. This has caused them to be bale to detect different kinds of animals hides and furs when people are traveling to new ports.
Scientists have recently performed their first successful treatment of tumors with radioactive beam. They did so by pinpointing tumors in mice and using the beam. This new technique could very likely be used for humans in the future. It allows for precision which is important when the tumor is near vital organs. Radiation is already being used to treat cancer. The problem is that the radiation we currently use often causes damage around the tumor. The radiation is more precise when particles like protons or ions are used. Some areas in the world are already using stable non-radioactive ions for their treatment. In the study with mice, scientists used carbon-11 ions. When positrons are emitted, the scientists are able to see exactly where the beam is aiming.
Border Patrol agents in Africa have recently started to test using rats as border patrol agents to sniff out illegal substances and goods. The rats are seen as a much better alternative to dogs due to their great sense of smell, their agility, cheapness, and the fact that they are relatively easy to care for.
A new study of a galaxy holding one of the furthest quasars has revealed something interesting. Quasars are bright galactic cores due to a large amount of heat that comes from gas circling around a black hole. This specific relationship between this black hole and quasar is a record high ratio for a quasar host galaxy. Past trials to see this host galaxy have all failed because this quasar is the fourth farthest away and is significantly brighter than its galaxy. Another very odd feature of this black hole is its weight, with it being the majority of its galaxy stellar mass. Ultimately the quasar will go out in the future with its gas going off to make stars.
Scientists have found that those who had less sugar the first 1000 days after conception were less likely to develop diabetes or hypertension later in life. To conduct this research, scientists looked at people who were born before July 1984 (World War II), during the time of sugar rationing, and after July 1954.